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Occupational Therapists Board

Continuing Professional Development

Continuing Professional Development

Mandatory Continuing Professional Development (“CPD”) Scheme

Generally modelled on the voluntary scheme, the mandatory CPD scheme has been implemented with the commencement of the first 3-year cycle on 1 July 2023.  All registered occupational therapists, regardless of which parts of the Register their names are in and whether they are residing in Hong Kong, are subject to the mandatory CPD scheme.  An attainment of 45 CPD points in each 3-year cycle is required.  At the time when a cycle is about to end, registered occupational therapists are required to declare their CPD attainment.

Manuals and Forms of Mandatory CPD Scheme

Past Consultation

Letter dated 31 May 2019 to all Registrants on Mandatory Continuing Professional Development Scheme

  • Details of Consultation Forum
    Date: 14 June 2019 (Friday)
    Time: 7:00 p.m.
    Venue: TU201, the Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Accredited CPD Programme Providers

(a)   The Hospital Authority
(b)   The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
(c)   The Hong Kong Occupational Therapy Association
(d)   SAHK
(e)   Tung Wah College
(f)   Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association (accreditation effective from 8 April 2024)
(g)   Heep Hong Society (accreditation effective from 8 April 2024)

Annual Plan of Accredited CPD Programme Providers

(a)   The Hospital Authority
(b) The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
(c) The Hong Kong Occupational Therapy Association
(d) SAHK

Accredited CPD Programmes

2023/24 cycle
OT Relevant
Programme Code Programme Date Organizer Maximum CPD
Credit Points


Advance Course by Dr. Abbie

25 and 26 August 2023

MB Medical Equipments Limited

12 CPD credit points


Foot, Knee and Hip Mobilization Training

27 August 2023

MB Medical Equipments Limited

3.5 CPD credit points


HKSSH Certificate Courses in Hand & Upper Limb Surgery (Module 2): Microsurgery and Microvascular Reconstruction

16 September 2023

The Hong Kong Society for Surgery of the Hand

2 CPD credit points



25th Annual Certificate Course on Respiratory Medicine

12 December 2023

Division of Respiratory Medicine, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points



Symposium on Advanced Continence Care

25 July 2023

Hong Kong Association of Gerontology

1.5 CPD credit points



Oral-motor and feeding intervention for pre-schoolers – From assessment to intervention

13 January 2024

Heep Hong Society

3.5 CPD credit points



Certified Cognitive Stimulation Therapy Practitioner Course

15 and 22 August 2023

The University of Hong Kong, International CST Centre UCL, Christian Family Service Centre Mind Delight Centre

6 CPD credit points



Training Course on Understanding Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and Dementia of Elders (Part I) (Class A)

11 August 2023

Housing Society Elderly Resources Centre & Social Welfare Department

3 CPD credit points



Training Course on Understanding Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and Dementia of Elders (Part II) (Class A)

11 August 2023

Housing Society Elderly Resources Centre & Social Welfare Department

3.5 CPD credit points



Certificate in Ayres Sensory Integration® (CASI) - Module 3

5 to 8 September 2023

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

18 CPD credit points



Certificate in Ayres Sensory Integration® (CASI) - Module 6

17 to 20 April 2024

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

18 CPD credit points



2023.06-07 Hi-FIVE® 寫前及書寫技巧證書課程

(第一階段:理論與簡單篩檢及訓練活動設計) 第九期

1 June 2023 to 27 July 2023 (Every Thursday except 22 June 2023)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

16 CPD credit points



2023.07 光敏感/艾蘭篩檢執行師認證課程

Irien® Screener Certification Training

19 and 20 July 2023

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

11 CPD credit points








2023.10–11 感覺餐牌TM之理論及實踐:感覺策略於家居及學校的應用

12 October to 26 November 2023 (Every Thursday)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

12 CPD credit points



2023.10 Beckman Oral Motor Assessment and Intervention® Course

11 and 12 October 2023

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

12 CPD credit points



ISBT-Bowen Therapy – Foundation Course and Advanced Courses

Foundation Course: 1 July 2023 to 10 March 2024


Advanced Course 1: 23 and 24 December 2023


Advanced Course 2: 2 and 3 March 2024

Innate Harmony Limited

18 CPD credit points



Kinesio Taping Foundations Course

4, 5 November and 2, 3 December 2023

Kinesio Taping Association International

12 CPD credit points



Workshop: Application of Orthotic Therapy and Practicum (Basic Level)

23 September 2023

Bodycare Company Ltd

6 CPD credit points



Workshop: Application of Orthotic Therapy and Practicum (Level 2)

24 September 2023

Bodycare Company Ltd

6 CPD credit points



MSc in Clinical Gerontology and End-of-Life Care Programme

2 September 2023 to 6 April 2024

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

18 CPD credit points



ICF based Clinical Reasoning and Goal Setting


26 September 2023

Yang Memorial Methodist Social Service

3 CPD credit points


優質教育基金「並肩同行」– 建立情緒支援系統發布會


23 September and 7 October 2023

Hong Chi Winifred Mary Cheung Morninghope School

6 CPD credit points



Ocular Motor Function and Handwriting-Form Assessment to Intervention

13 November 2023

Heep Hong Society

3 CPD credit points


Understanding Babies with Prematurity: From Hospital to Community

16 March 2024

Heep Hong Society

4.5 CPD credit points


30th Annual Congress of Gerontology

18 November 2023

Hong Kong Association of Gerontology

6 CPD credit points


Training Course on Studying Understanding Common Sleeping Problems Encountered by Help Seekers and the Management

31 August 2023

Staff Development and Training Section, Social Welfare Department

3.5 CPD credit points


Provision of Optimal Protection and Maximum Freedom in Wheelchair

31 October 2023

Yang Memorial Methodist Social Service

2 CPD credit points


Annual Scientific Meeting 2023

14 October 2023

Chinese Dementia Research Association Ltd.

3 CPD credit points


Hong Kong Neurological Society Annual Scientific Meeting 2023

28 to 30 October 2023

The Hong Kong Neurological Society

15.5 CPD credit points


The Third Professor Char-Nie Chen Distinguished Lecture and Symposium: The Road Less Travelled – a 40-year-journey of Psychiatric Epidemiology Across Lifespan in Hong Kong

25 November 2023

Department of Psychiatry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points



生命晚期家人關係的糾結與親情 –「以引入生命自覺的沙維雅家庭治療模式」爲指導、特爲助人者而設的專業證書課程


18, 25 November, 8, 16, 22 December 2023

6, 12, 19, 27 January, 2 February 2024


Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU



Workshop on Mobility & Seating for Adult

7 November 2023

1) Yang Memorial Methodist Social Service

2) The Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council

4 CPD credit points


Certificate Course on Myofascial Release & RET RF Diathermy

12 January 2024

Bodycare Company Ltd

3 CPD credit points




1 December 2023,

5 January, 2 February, 1 March, 5 April, 3 May, 7 June, 5 July, 2 August, 6 September, 4 October and 1 November 2024


Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU



Workshop: Application of Orthotic Therapy and Practicum (basic level)

9 December 2023

Bodycare Company Ltd

6 CPD credit points


Workshop: Application of Orthotic Thereapy and Practicum( level 2)

10 December 2023

Bodycare Company Ltd

6 CPD credit points


The 17th Rehabilitation Symposium: Rehabilitation of Major Lower Limb Amputations

7 October 2023

The Hong Kong College of Orthopaedic Surgeons

6 CPD credit points


Workshop: Application of Orthothic Therapy and Practicum (basic level)

8 December 2023

Bodycare Company Ltd

6 CPD credit points


Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association – Academic Sharing Seminar

16 November 2023

Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association

1 CPD credit point


JCECC Community Psychosocial End-of-life – Basic Module (Online)


Jockey Club End-Of Life Community Care Project

7 CPD credit points


From Meltdowns To An Occupation-Centered Approach For Self-Regulation and Management

13 September 2023

2 CPD credit points


2-day Research Design Course in Epidemiology and Bio-statistics

26 and 27 September 2023

The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care, CUHK

12 CPD credit points


Certificate Course on End of Life Care in Long Term Care

30 June 2023 – 8 September 2023

Hong Kong Association of Gerontology

18 CPD credit points


量子共振 (又稱量子觸療) 初階國際證書課程

5 and 12 July 2023

Centre on Behavioral Health ,The University of Hong Kong

12 CPD credit points


Integrated Oncology Course for Nurses and Allied Health

10 May – 19 July 2023

Every Wednesday 7 – 9 pm Lecture

The Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society

18 CPD credit points


Work Rehabilitation Course – Core Team

30 June – 31 December 2023

Online pre- recorded video training

Orthopaedic Learning Centre, Department of Orthopaedic & Traumatology,

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

18 CPD credit points


The Alert Program for Self-Regulation Online Course


Online learning mode

Therapy Works Inc.

18 CPD credit points




Group A: 28 August 2023

Group B: 29 August 2023


Heep Hong Society

3 CPD credit points


Powered wheelchair Selection with Basic Maintenance and Repair Advice


4 August 2023

Eastern/Central &Western District, Tung Wah Group of Hospitals


3 CPD credit points


VHT Training Session

(Online Training)

3 August 2023

Department of Health, Elderly Health Service


2 CPD credit points


Pediatric Splint Making Workshop II (Half-day)


24 July 2023

Heep Hong Society

3.5 CPD credit points


HKSSH Certificate Courses in Hand & Upper Limb Surgery (Module I ):Neoplasia, Congenital and Developmental Problems, Infection


17 June 2023

Online Training by Zoom

The Hong Kong Society for Surgery of the Hands

2 CPD credit points



14 July 2023


3.5 CPD credit points


2nd International Conference On Fragility Fracture (ICFF)

2 and 3 September 2023

Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, CUHK

6 CPD credit points / Day


Certificate Course: Dementia Care Mapping for Realising Person Centred Care (Basic User Status)

17, 18, 24, 25 August 2023

The Hong Kong Society for the Aged

18 CPD credit points


Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization (DNS) Course B

29 – 31 July 2023

Movefix (Kava Medical Products and Services Limited)

18 CPD credit points


Cranio-cervical Course (Level I)

28 and 29 July 2023

Cervico-Cranio-Mandibular Academy (CCMA) and MoveFix (Kava Medical Products and Services Limited)

12 CPD credit points


社區安寧全人照顧課程 – 基礎單元

Online self-learning course, without specific time/date

Jockey club End-of-life Community Care Project


6 CPD credit points


Upper Limb Sports Injuries, Educational Seminar 2023


23 September 2023

Hong Kong Society for Hand Therapy Limited

4 CPD credit points


MSC in Clinical Gerontology and End-of-Life Care Programme

2 September 2023 – 6 April 2024

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

18 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 24th series Online Video Lecture & Onsite Practical Lesson

September 2023 – April 2024

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institution of Alzheimer’s Education

18 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 24th series Online Video Lecture & Onsite Practical Lesson – Module I: Essential for Understanding Dementia

September 2023 – April 2024

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institution of Alzheimer’s Education

18 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 24th series Online Video Lecture & Onsite Practical Lesson – Module II: Assessments for Dementia

September 2023 – April 2024

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institution of Alzheimer’s Education

18 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 24th series Online Video Lecture & Onsite Practical Lesson – Module III: Advanced Understanding in Common Non -Pharmacological Interventions

September 2023 – April 2024

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institution of Alzheimer’s Education

18 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 24th series Online Video Lecture & Onsite Practical Lesson – Module IV: Interventions for Dementia Informal Caregivers and Advance Care Planning

September 2023 – April 2024

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institution of Alzheimer’s Education

18 CPD credit points


Workshop on Mobility & Seating for Pediatric

7 November 2023

1. The Neighbourhood Advice-Action Council

2. Hong Kong Christian Service

4 CPD credit points


Gerontech and Innovation Expo cum Summit 2023: Online Workshop 2: Smarter Home for better care

19 October 2023


The Hong Kong Council of Social Service


1.5 CPD credit points


Certificate Course On Spinal Mobilization Techniques (Level I)

1 – 3 December 2023

Bodycare Company Limited

4 CPD credit points


AEIOU- An Integrated Approach to Paediatric Feeding

Online Course

9. 16.and 23 October 2023

Food Smart Kids, LLC

18 CPD credit points


Certificate Course on Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Mobilization (IASTM) (Level I)

1 or 2 December 2023

Bodycare Company Limited

6 CPD credit points


Gerontech and Innovation Expo cum Summit 2023


19 – 20 October 2023

The Hong Kong Council of Social Service

12 CPD credit points


2023 Hong Kong Wrist Arthroscopy Workshop and Seminar

2 December 2023


Ortopaedic Learning Centre, Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points

2023/24 cycle
Broad Professional Relevant
Programme Code Programme Date Organizer Maximum CPD
Credit Points



20 December 2023

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

1.5 CPD credit points



22 September 2023

Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU

3 CPD credit points



29 September, 6, 13 and 20 October 2023

Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU

9 CPD credit points



10, 17 and 24 November 2023,

8, 15, 22 and 29 December 2023,

12, 19 and 26 January 2024

Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU

9 CPD credit points


Three-Half-Day Introductory Workshop on Motivational Interviewing

2, 9 and 23 September 2023

Emotional Health & Counselling Service

6 CPD credit points


Three-Half-Day Introductory Workshop on Motivational Interviewing

4, 11 and 18 November 2023

Emotional Health & Counselling Service

6 CPD credit points


Healthcare Professionals Training Workshop 2023 – "Breaking the Barriers - Ending the AIDS epidemic by 2030"

23 August 2023

Special Preventive Programme, Centre of Health Protection, Department of Health

2 CPD credit points


Certificate in Positive Behavior Support for Children with Emotional & Behavioural Problems (Class 2)

3 August 2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Inner Child Reconnecting and Healing (Class 7)

8 and 15 August 2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Work Injury Management (Class 9)

14 August 2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Thanatology for Caring Professionals (Class 6)

5 and 20 September, 10 and 24 October,

7 and 21 November, 12 December 2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate in Bereavement Counselling for Caring Professionals (Class 9)

5 and 20 September 2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Life and Death Education for Caring Professionals (Class 8)

5 September and 10 October 2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in End-of-Life Care for Caring Professionals (Class 7)

5 September and 24 October 2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Adaptive Leadership Skills in Social Services Setting (Class 4)

7 September 2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Understanding Sex Therapy for Caring Professionals (Class 6)

8 and 15 September 2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Practical Skills of Community Outreaching & Psychiatric Emergency (Class 8)

14 September 2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of "Licensed Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic ProgrammingTM" for Caring Professionals (Class 33)

16 and 23 September, 14 and 21 October, 4 and 11 November, 2 and 16 December 2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate in Family-Of-Origin Trauma and Body-Mind Healing (Class 4)

19 and 26 September 2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Using Dance & Movement Therapy for Caring Professionals (Class 6)

21 and 22 September 2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Pastel Nagomi Art® Associate Instructor Certification Course (Class 11)

30 September, 1 and 2 October 2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Pastel Nagomi Art® Instructor Certification Course (Class 11)

3 October 2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certified Training in Hypnotherapy (Class 7)

29 July, 5, 19 and 26 August, 2 and 9 September, 7 and 22 October, 5 November 2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate in Crisis Intervention and Mediation Technique (Class 8)

20 July 2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


25th East Meets West Symposium 2023

23 and 24 September 2023

Hong Kong Institute of Diabetes and Obesity, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

5.5 CPD credit points


Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP®)


5 and 6 October 2023

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

6 CPD credit points


Family Therapy with Psychiatric Patients (Fall 2023)

14, 21 and 31 October, 7, 11, 14, 21, 25 and 28 November, 5, 9, 12, 19 and 23 December 2023

Asian Academy of Family Therapy

9 CPD credit points


Asia Pacific International Mental Wellness Conference 2023

7 to 9 December 2023

Richmond Fellowship of Hong Kong

7.5 CPD credit points


In House Training for DSH Audit and Inspection in the Health Care Setting

28 September 2023

Occupational Safety & Health Committee, Hong Kong East Cluster, Hospital Authority

3 CPD credit points


23rd Regional Osteoporosis Conference (ROC 2023) – Preconference Course

15 and 16 September 2023

The Osteoporosis Society of Hong Kong

5 CPD credit points


23rd Regional Osteoporosis Conference (ROC 2023) – Main Conference

17 September 2023


The Osteoporosis Society of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


Sharing on Inclusive Employment and Career Development Services offered by NGOs

9 October 2023

Student Special Support Office, Vocational Training Council

2 CPD credit points


Training for Occupational Safety and Health Link Officer in The Health Care Setting

14 and 21 September 2023

Occupational Safety &Health Committee, Hong Kong East Cluster, Hospital Authority

6 CPD credit points


Heep Hong Society-60th Anniversary Conference

12 January 2024

Heep Hong Society

3 CPD credit points



4 and 5 July 2023

Heep Hong Society

6 CPD credit points


Sensory Processing and Sensory Integration (SPSI) – a Systematic Approach in OT intervention for Children with Sensory Issues



Heep Hong Society



Professional Certificate in Promoting Well-being in Informal Caregivers of Dementia

6 July – 22 December 2023

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

9 CPD credit points


Post Conference Workshop: Adolescents’ Suicide Attempts: Reaching them on the Border Between Life and Death

29 October 2023

Asian Academy of Family Therapy

2 CPD credit points


A One –Year Advanced Certificate Course in Family Therapy (2023 – 2024)

9 September 2023 – 6 April 2024

Asian Academy of Family Therapy

9 CPD credit points


Intermediate Course in Family Therapy (Fall 2023)


26 September 2023 – 9 January 2024


Asian Academy of Family Therapy


9 CPD credit points


Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAPR®) 身心健康行動計劃基礎證書課程


3 and 4 August 2023


Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation


6 CPD credit points



14 September 2023

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation


3 CPD credit points



18 October 2023

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation


3 CPD credit points


内在家庭系統 (Internal Family Systems Therapy, IFS) 基礎證書課程

13 and 14  November 2023

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation


6 CPD credit points


接納與承諾治療 (ACT) 基礎證書課程

26 and 27 October 2023 and November 2023

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation


9 CPD credit points


Engaging Patients and Family Surrogates in Advance Care Planning

12 July 2023


CUHK Jockey Club Institute of aging


1 CPD credit points


Cranial Sacral Therapy I (CS 1)

2 – 5 September 2023

The Upledger Institute, Inc. / Elite Resource and Consultation Services

9 CPD credit points


Cranial Sacral Therapy II (CS 2)

28 September – 1 October 2023

The Upledger Institute, Inc. / Elite Resource and Consultation Services

9 CPD credit points


Somato Emotional Release 1 (SER 1)

28 – 31 October 2023

The Upledger Institute, Inc. / Elite Resource and Consultation Services

9 CPD credit points


Foundation Certificate in Life Coaching for Youth (Class 2)

6 September 2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Professional Counseling on Problems, Cause, Solution Interviewing Model (Class 7)

4 and 11 October  2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Effective Performance Coaching Skills in Social Service Setting

5 October 2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Experiential Learning Workshop of Parent-child Interaction Therapy

6 October 2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Positive Handling System for Child Service with NEPS Breakaway & Restraint Techniques (Age 2-6)

12 October 2023


Hong Kong Society of Professional Training


3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Group work Techniques for Social Services (Class 2)

13 October 2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Therapeutic Technique of Gestalt Therapy (Class4)

18 and 25 October 2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Sensory Integration Training for Caring Professionals (Class 31)

20 and 23 October 2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Sensory Integration Training for Caring Professionals

20 October 2023 (Zoom) and 22 October 2023 (Practical)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points / Day


Certificate in Emotion Management and Gamification of EQ Application (Class3)

27 October 2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Applying Fundamental Music Therapy for Caring Professionals (Class 7)

30 and 31 October 2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


二人三囑 – 生死教育一天工作坊

23 June 2023

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


Visceral Manipulation: Abdomen 1 (VM 1)

24 – 27 February 2024

Elite Resource and Consultation Services

9 CPD credit points


Visceral Manipulation: Abdomen 2 (VM 2)

29 February – 3 March 2024

Elite Resource and Consultation Services

9 CPD credit points


2023 Asia Child Life Symposium


12 August 2023


Children's Cancer Foundation

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course on Palliative Medicine for Health Care Workers 2023 (C397)

Online Video

1, 8, 15, 22, 29 August and 5 September 2023

The Federation of Medical Societies of HK jointly organised with Hong Kong Society of Palliative Medicine

4.5 CPD credit points


知情解意:SCERTS 綜合教育模式講座


12 July 2023


Fu Hong Society (Training Department)

1.5 CPD credit points


一起走過哀傷 – 如何應用善別輔導小組支援喪親家屬

21 July 2023

Centre on Behavioral Health ,The University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points



7, 14, 21, 28 July 2023 and 4, 11, 18, 25 August 2023

Centre on Behavioral Health ,The University of Hong Kong

9 CPD credit points


Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP®) 身心健康行動計劃基礎證書課程

15 and 16 June 2023

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

5.5 CPD credit points


Associate Certified Meta – Coach Coaching Mastery Training 2023大成教練 – 認證教練證書課程(ACMC)

15 – 22 July 2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate in Sex Education for Residential Workers

4 July 2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Introductory Course on Motivational Interviewing ( Class 9)

19 and 26 July 2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Advanced Course on Motivational Interviewing (Class 5)

9 and 16 August 2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


2-Day Trauma – Sensitive Yoga TCTSY Foundation Training Workshop

18 June 2023 (Online)

29 and 30 June 2023 (In Person)

Kristen Pingle – Senior Occupational Therapist and A Licensed Trainer of TCTSY

9 CPD credit points


NGO 同工處理投訴及查詢技巧

24 October 2023

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

1.5 CPD credit points


The 12th Hong Kong Allergy Convention

7 and 8 October 2023

Hong Kong Institute of Allergy

6 CPD credit points


Initiating End-of-life Conversation with Therapeutic Communication Techniques

2 August 2023

CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing

1 CPD credit points


General Bereavement Course: Theories and Models on Grief and their implications in Chinese Context

14 November 2023


Department of Social Work and Social Administration, The University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


Strategies to Support the Learning Needs of Students with ADHA and ASD

26 October 2023

Student special Support Office, Vocational Training Council

1.5 CPD credit points


Certificate in Positive Psychotherapeutic Group Work for Caring Professional

1 and 8 November 2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Foundation Certificate in Design Thinking for Social Innovation (Class 5)

2 and 9 November 2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Design Thinking Facilitator for Social Innovation

16 November 2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certified Training in Six Bricks (Level 1 & 2) Class 4

15 November 2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Workshop on Practical Skills in Nonviolent Communication (Class 5)

22 November 2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Using Instrumental Cards in Counselling (2 days) (Class 8)

23 and 26 November 2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Foundation Certificate on Online Counseling and E-therapy

29 November 2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Using Applied Behaviour Analysis (ABA) for Children with SENs (Class3)

30 November 2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


接納與承諾治療 (ACT) 精神健康應用證書課程

5 and 6 March 2024

The Serenity Training

3 CPD credit points / Day


Certificate in Enneagram for Counseling Advanced (Class 10)

18 and 19 November 2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Foundation Certificate in Enneagam for Counseling (Class 18)

28 and 29 October 2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Disc Flow Certificate Trainer Certification (Class 5)

25 November 2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Effective Crisis Intervention and Working with Suicide Crsies for Caring Professionalss (Class 3)

1 December 2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certified Dream Analyst for Counseling Course (Class 10)

3 and 17 December 2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Effective Performance Appraisal for Social Services (Class 8)

5 December 2023

Hng Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Psychology of Trauma and Body-mind Healing (Class 6)

6 and 13 December 2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Risk & Crisis Management for Social Service Organization (Class 5)

7 and 14 December 2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Accredited Enneagram Trainer Training Program (Class 7)

8 – 10 December 2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Attention Autism Training Foundation Level Workshop – engagement, attention and communication skills for autistic children in young people in early years, special and primary school settings

9 and 10 January 2024

Heep Hong Society

6 CPD credit points


Attention Autism Training Foundation Level Workshop – engagement, attention and communication skills for autistic children in young people in early years, special and primary school settings

15 and 16 January 2024

Heep Hong Society

6 CPD credit points

The Occupational Therapists Board has launched the voluntary CPD Scheme since 2006. Registrants who have attained 15 CPD points in a year would be awarded with a Certificate of Achievement when they renew the practising certificates.

CPD Manuals & Forms

(a)   CPD Scheme for Registered Occupational Therapists
Form: CPD Record for Registered Occupational Therapists
(b)   Manual for Accreditation of CPD Programme Provider
Appendix I - Application for Appointment as an Accredited Programme Provider of CPD
Appendix III - Annual Report Summary Sheet of CPD Programmes/ Activities - OT Board Accredited Program Provider
(c)   Manual for Accreditation of CPD Programme
Form: Appendix 1 - Application for Accreditation of CPD Programme

Frequently Asked Questions

Accredited CPD Programmes*

2014/15 cycle
OT Relevant
Programme Code Programme Organizer Maximum CPD
Credit Points


Update on Osteoporosis Management
(28 September 2014)

Osteoporosis Centre, Department of Medicine, Queen Mary Hospital and the Centre of Heart, Brain, Hormone and Healthy Aging, The University of Hong Kong

5 CPD credit points


International Symposium on Work Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation 2014
(Workshop A:
12 November 2014 (a.m.)

Workshop B:
12 November 2014 (p.m.)

Workshop C:
13 November 2014 (a.m.)

14 to 16 November 2014)

Hong Kong Workers’ Health Centre

18 CPD credit points
(Workshop A to C:
3 CPD credit points per workshop;

14 November 2014:
6 CPD credit points;

15 November 2014:
6 CPD credit points;

16 November 2014:
3 CPD credit points)


Certified Dementia Care Planner Course
(7 May 2014 to 9 August 2014)
(Every Wednesday and Saturday)

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

18 CPD credit points


Certified DIRFloortime® Basic Practitioner Programme
(Face to Face Training:
18 to 22 July 2014

Overseas Online Supervision:
August to December 2014)

Pathfinder Body & Mind Consultants (HK) Ltd.

18 CPD credit points


Academic Sharing Seminar
(11 July 2014)

Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association

1.5 CPD credit points


Spirituality and Medicine Symposium
(11 and 12 September 2014)

Association of Hospital Christian Chaplaincy Ministry and Nethersole Institute of Continuing Holistic Health Education

8.5 CPD credit points
(11 September 2014:
5.5 CPD credit points;

12 September 2014:
3 CPD credit points)


VHT Training Session
(24 July 2014)

Elderly Health Services, Department of Health

3 CPD credit points


Application of Developmental Therapy in the Assessment and Treatment of Infants and Young Children with Developmental Disabilities
(6 to 8 December 2014)

Frontier Teaching and Therapy Consultancy Limited and Kidpower Therapy and Training Consultancy Limited

18 CPD credit points
(6 CPD credit points per day)


Occupational Therapy for Children with Developmental Perceptual Dysfunctions
(12 to 14 December 2014)

Frontier Teaching and Therapy Consultancy Limited and Kidpower Therapy and Training Consultancy Limited

18 CPD credit points


Hong Kong Pain Society Pain Education Series: Practical Management of Oro-facial Pain
(12 July 2014)

Hong Kong Pain Society

3 CPD credit points


18th Annual Certificate Course on Respiratory Medicine
(18 July 2014)

Division of Respiratory Medicine, Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and The Nethersole School of Nursing, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


27th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Hong Kong Neurological; Society
(1 to 2 November 2014)

The Hong Kong Neurological Society

12 CPD credit points


2014 Annual Scientific Meeting: Updating on the Management of Parkinson’s Disease
(6 September 2014)

Hong Kong Occupational Therapy Association and Hong Kong Parkinson’s Disease Foundation

3 CPD credit points


1st Annual International Capacity Conference
(20 September 2014)

Capacity Australia and Hong Kong Psychogeriatric Association

6 CPD credit points


11th Hong Kong Palliative Care Symposium
(11 October 2014)

The Society for the Promotion of Hospice Care

6 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner Course
(10 September to 13 December 2014)

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

18 CPD credit points


ICB Lower Limb Biomechanics Workshop
(22 and 23 November 2014)

International College of Biomechanics (ICB)

12 CPD credit points
(6 CPD credit points per day)


5th AGM cum Scientific Symposium of the Chinese Dementia Research Association Ltd
(27 September 2014)

The Chinese Dementia Research Association Ltd

5 CPD credit points


The Hong Kong College of Orthopaedic Surgeons – The 10th Rehabilitation Symposium cum the 3rd Sir Harry Fang Oration
(4 and 5 October 2014)

The Hong Kong College of Orthopaedic Surgeons

8.5 CPD credit points
(4 October 2014:
5 CPD credit points;

5 October 2014:
3.5 CPD credit points)


Seminar on Application of Mentalization-based Techniques in Management of Patients with Personality Difficulties in the Clinical Setting
(6 September 2014)

Department of Psychiatry, Tai Po Hospital

2.5 CPD credit points



5th Asia Pacific Congenital & Structural Heart Intervention Symposium (APCASH 2014)
(10 to 12 October 2014)

Hong Kong Society of Congenital & Structural Heart Disease

18 CPD credit points
(6 CPD credit points per day)


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2015
(11 January 2015)

Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2015
(8 February 2015)

Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2015
(8 March 2015)

Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2015
(12 April 2015)

Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2015
(3 May 2015)

Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2015
(7 June 2015)

Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


VHT Training Session
(25 September 2014)

Elderly Health Service, Department of Health

3 CPD credit points


Decoding the Autistic Brain – From Understanding Inside Neurobiology to Choosing Intervention Strategies
(19, 20, 22 and 23 December 2014)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

18 CPD credit points


Foundation Course on Sensory Integration
8, 15, 22, 29 October, 5, 12, 19 and 26 November 2014

1 November and 6 December 2014)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

18 CPD credit points


HKSAH AGM cum Seminar – Youth with Specific Learning Disabilities: Challenges and Opportunities
(4 October 2014)

Hong Kong Society for Adolescent Health

3 CPD credit points


International Scientific Meeting in Anaesthesiology 2014
(22 and 23 November 2014)

Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists & Society of Anaesthetists of Hong Kong

11 CPD credit points
(22 November 2014:
6 CPD credit points;

23 November 2014:
5 CPD credit points)


Journal Club
(23 September 2014)

Hong Kong Spasticity Management Society

1.5 CPD credit points


Hong Kong Association of Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting 2014 – Workshop 1 – Triaged Occupational Therapy Intervention in Stroke Rehabilitation
(1 November 2014)

Hong Kong Association of Rehabilitation Medicine and Department of Rehabilitation and Central Nursing Division of Kowloon Hospital

1.5 CPD credit point


34th Annual Congress of the Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association
(15 and 16 November 2014)

The Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association

11 CPD credit points
(15 November 2014:
5 CPD credit points;

16 November 2014:
6 CPD credit points)


21st Hong Kong International Cancer Congress
(21 November 2014)

Centre for Cancer Research, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


20th International Bone Densitometry Workshop –Advanced Musculoskeletal Biomedical Imaging Workshop: from Technology to Application
(13 to 17 October 2014)

Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

18 CPD credit point
(13 October 2014:
6 CPD credit points;

14 October 2014:
6 CPD credit points;

15 October 2014:
3.5 CPD credit points;

16 October 2014:
6 CPD credit points;

17 October 2014:
2.5 CPD credit points)


85th Anniversary Paediatric Neurology / Rehabilitation Training Programme
(5 to 7 November 2014)

Department of Paediatrics, Kwong Wah Hospital

15 CPD credit points
(5 November 2014:
6 CPD credit points;

6 November 2014:
6 CPD Credit points;

7 November 2014:
3 CPD credit points)


Sensory Integration Certification Programme: Course 1 – The Sensory Integration (SI) Perspective
(14 to 18 May 2015)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

18 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner Course
(29 December 2014 to 8 April 2015)

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer's Education

18 CPD credit points


6th Cross-Strait Paediatric Respirology Congress, 2nd Asian Paediatric Respirology Forum, 17th HKSPR Annual Scientific Meeting, Annual Scientific Meeting (ASM)
(18 and 19 October 2014)

Hong Kong Society of Paediatric Respirology

Max. 12 CPD credit points
(6 CPD credit points per day)


Autumn Respiratory Seminar 2014
(23 November 2014)

Hong Kong Thoracic Society

6 CPD credit points


Biennial Meeting of World Federation of Neurology Research Group on Aphasia, Dementia and Cognitive Disorders
(27 November 2014)

Programme Office, Master of Science Programme in Stroke and Clinical Neurosciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


Biennial Meeting of World Federation of Neurology Research Group on Aphasia, Dementia and Cognitive Disorders
(28 November 2014)

Programme Office, Master of Science Programme in Stroke and Clinical Neurosciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


Biennial Meeting of World Federation of Neurology Research Group on Aphasia, Dementia and Cognitive Disorders
(29 November 2014)

Programme Office, Master of Science Programme in Stroke and Clinical Neurosciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


Biennial Meeting of World Federation of Neurology Research Group on Aphasia, Dementia and Cognitive Disorders
(30 November 2014)

Programme Office, Master of Science Programme in Stroke and Clinical Neurosciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


2014 HKPGA 16th Annual Scientific Symposium cum Annual General Meeting
(6 December 2014)

Hong Kong Psychogeriatric Association

2.5 CPD credit points


Lower Limb Pain and Management
(6 December 2014)

Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


2014 Hong Kong Wrist Arthroscopy Workshop and Seminar
(8 November 2014)

Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


Optimising PCI Outcomes – Live Case Demonstration from Prince of Wales Hospital
(17 January 2015)

The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Society of Transcatheter Endo-cardiovascular Therapeutics

3 CPD credit points


A developmental relational play therapy approach for the special needs child including Autism Spectrum Disorder and Sensory Processing Challenges
(22 to 24 January 2015)

Little Tree Play Therapy House

18 CPD credit points


Combined Orthopaedic inter-hospital meeting and multi-disciplinary symposium
(17 January 2015)

Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, The University of Hong Kong

4 CPD credit points


VHT Training Session
(20 November 2014)

Elderly Health Services, Department of Health

3 CPD credit points


One-day Scientific Workshop on “Children & Adolescent Mental Disorders”
(15 December 2014)

Department of Psychiatry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

5 CPD credit points


Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association – Academic Sharing Seminar
(5 December 2014)

Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association

1.5 CPD credit points


Major Neurocognitive Disorder
(19 June 2015)

Stewards Limited

6 CPD credit points


1st International Conference for Magnetocardiography (MCG 2015)
(24 and 25 January 2015)

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

9 CPD credit points
(24 January 2015:
3 CPD credit points;

25 January 2015:
6 CPD credit points)


Multidisciplinary Symposium about Fast Track Arthroplasty
(15 January 2015)

The Society of Anaesthetists of Hong Kong & Association of Private Orthopaedic Surgeons

2.5 CPD credit points


Assessment and Treatment of Sensory Modulation Disorders in Children with Different Developmental Disorders
(25 to 27 April 2015)

Frontier Teaching and Therapy Consultancy Limited (Hong Kong)

17.5 CPD credit points
(25 April 2015:
6 CPD credit points;

26 April 2015:
6 CPD credit points;

27 April 2015:
5.5 CPD credit points)


Brain 2015: The 12th Asia Pacific Multidisciplinary Meeting for Nervous System Diseases
(6 February 2015)

Programme Office, Master of Science Programme in Stroke and Clinical Neurosciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


Brain 2015: The 12th Asia Pacific Multidisciplinary Meeting for Nervous System Diseases
(7 February 2015)

Programme Office, Master of Science Programme in Stroke and Clinical Neurosciences, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

4 CPD credit points


Work Disability Prevention in Occupational Low Back Pain
(31 January 2015)

Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


Seminar cum Launching of the Action Plan to Strengthen Prevention of Unintentional Injuries in Hong Kong
(9 February 2015)

Non-communicable Disease Division, Surveillance and Epidemiology Branch, Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health

2 CPD credit points


Certificate Course in Occupational Medicine for Doctors – Musculoskeletal Problems
(28 February and 7 March 2015)

Hong Kong Occupational & Environmental Health Academy (HOEHA)

6 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


HKSSH 28th Annual Congress: Advances in Elbow Surgery
(21 to 22 March 2015)

Hong Kong Society for Surgery of the Hand

7.5 CPD credit points
(21 March 2015:
4.5 CPD credit points;

22 March 2015:
3 CPD credit points)


ICB Medical Lower Lim Biomechanics Workshop
(30 and 31 May 2015)

ICB Medical Globe Distributions Ltd.

12 CPD credit points


Annual Scientific Meeting 2015
(22 March 2015)

Hong Kong Thoracic Society and American College of Chest Physician

5.5 CPD credit points


2015 International Occupational Therapy Conference
(20 to 22 March 2015)

Hong Kong Institute of Occupational Therapy

18 CPD credit points
(6 CPD credit points per day)


Occupational Therapy for Children with Handwriting Difficulties
(1 to 3 May 2015)

Frontier Teaching and Therapy Consultancy Limited

18 CPD credit points
(6 CPD credit points per day)


VHT Training Session
(5 February 2015)

Elderly Health Services, Department of Health

3 CPD credit points


Somatodyspraxia in Autism: Implications for Social Participation
(13 May 2015)

SPOT Centre Limited

6 CPD credit points


Advanced Training for SI Certified Therapists: Clinical Reasoning Using Ayres Sensory Integration ®
(11 to 12 May 2015)

SPOT Centre Limited

12 CPD credit points


7th Annual Therapist Symposium: Rehabilitation of the Elbow: from Science to Evidence Based Practice
(20 March 2015)

The Hong Kong Society for Hand Therapy

6 CPD credit points


HKSTENT – Cardiovascular Intervention Complication Forum 2015
(14 and 15 March 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Transcatheter Endo-cardiovascular Therapeutics

12 CPD credit points
(6 CPD credit points per day)


2-Day Intensive Introductory Workshop on Motivation Interviewing (MI) in Vocational Counseling & Rehabilitation
(28 March and 11 April 2015)

Hong Kong Occupational & Environmental Health Academy (HOEHA)

12 CPD credit points
(6 CPD credit points per day)


Cognitive Behavior Therapy with Older People
(12 May 2015)

Department of Health and Physical Education, Hong Kong Institute of Education

6 CPD credit points


Supportive Environment for elderly with dementia
(20 May 2015)

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association and Association for Universal Accessibility Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


NTEC Replantation and Microsurgery Meeting
(29 April 2015)

Division of Hand and Microsurgery, Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Prince of Wales Hospital

2 CPD credit points


International Alzheimer's Disease Conference 2015
(26 and 27 June 2015)

The Alzheimer's Disease Research Network, Research Centre of Heart, Brain, Hormone and Healthy Aging, Strategic Research Theme Aging, and Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong

11 CPD credit points
(26 June 2015:
6 CPD credit points;

27 June 2015:
5 CPD credit points)


Saturday Interhospital Meeting cum International Wrist Symposium: Current Advances in Asia Pacific
(11 April 2015)

Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

4 CPD credit points


Workshop: Application of Orthotic Therapy and Practicum (Basic Level)
(2 April 2015/ 16 May 2015/ 17 May 2015/ 26 June 2015/ 27 June 2015/ 28 June 2015)

Bodycare Co. Ltd

6 CPD credit points


VHT Training Session
(14 May 2015)

Elderly Health Service, Department of Health

3 CPD credit points


A Professional Seminar on Attention-Deficit / Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
(5 and 6 June 2015)

Child and Family Chapter, Professional Development and Learning Resource Centre, Kwai Chung Hospital

8.5 CPD credit points
(5 June 2015:
5.5 CPD credit points;

6 June 2015:
3 CPD credit points)


香 港 工 人 健 康 中 心 三 十 週 年 復 能 復 職 管 理 研 討 會
(13 June 2015)

Hong Kong Workers’ Health Centre

3 CPD credit points


Workshop on Disability Management & Return to Work
(13 June 2015)

Hong Kong Occupational & Environmental Health Academy

3 CPD credit points


Animal-Assisted Therapy (AAT) Conference cum Workshop – “Animal Assisted Interventions in Hong Kong – Where are we now?” 2015
(4 and 5 June 2015)

Department of Social Work and Social Administration

6 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


HKPGA Mid-year Scientific Meeting 2015
(12 June 2015)

Hong Kong Psychogeriatric Association

2.5 CPD credit points


Intrathecal Baclofen for Spasticity
(23 May 2015)

Hong Kong Spasticity Management Society

4 CPD credit points


Advances in Medicine 2015
(20 and 21 June 2015)

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

9.5 CPD credit points
(20 June 2015:
4.5 CPD credit points;

21 June 2015:
5 CPD credit points)


Symposium on Advances in Management of Incontinence Care
(25 June 2015)

Hong Kong Association of Gerontology

1.5 CPD credit points


Certificate Courses in Hand and Upper Limb Surgery
(27 June 2015)

The Hong Kong Society for Surgery of the Hand

3 CPD credit points

2015/16 cycle
OT Relevant
Programme Code Programme Organizer Maximum CPD
Credit Points


Sensory Integration Certification Programme: Course 2 – The Specialized Techniques for Measuring Sensory Integration
(4 to 8 November 2015)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

18 CPD credit points


Sensory Integration Certification Programme: Course 3 – From Interpretation to Intervention
(14 to 18 May 2016)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

18 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner Course – 4th & 5th series
(4 May to 27 July 2015 (4th series) and 12 August to 31 October 2015 (5th series))

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer's Education

18 CPD credit points


Academic Sharing Seminar
(27 March 2015)

Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association

1.5 CPD credit points


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2015
(5 July 2015)

Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2015
(2 August 2015)

Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2015
(6 September 2015)

Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2015
(4 October 2015)

Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2015
(1 November 2015)

Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2015
(6 December 2015)

Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


Workshop: Application of Orthotic Therapy and Practicum (Basic Level)
(11 July 2015/ 12 July 2015)

Bodycare Co. Ltd

6 CPD credit points


Foundation Course on Sensory Integration
8, 15, 22, 29 July, 12, 19, 26 August and 2 September 2015

25 July 2015 and 5 September 2015)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

18 CPD credit points


Postural Care Awareness Level 2 – Working to raise awareness of protection of body shape for people of all ages with movement difficulties
(10 and 24 October 2015)

Frontier Teaching and Therapy Consultancy Limited

12 CPD credit points


19th Annual Certificate Course on Respiratory Medicine
(24 July 2015)

Division of Respiratory Medicine, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


Lecture on Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation
(2 August 2015)

Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head of Neck Surgery and Institute of Human Communicative Research, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


Academic Sharing Seminar
(10 July 2015)

Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association

1.5 CPD credit points


Holistic Care Conference
The Practice of Holistic Care: Towards a full-fledged approach
(26 September 2015)

Nethersole Institute of Continuing Holistic Health Education , Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital, the Nethersole School of Nursing, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

3.5 CPD credit points


Conference on “Creating Age Friendly Communities”
(8 October 2015)

CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing

4.5 CPD credit points


HKOA 35th Annual Congress
(6 to 8 November 2015)

The Hong Kong Orthopaedic Association

16.5 CPD credit points
(6 November 2015:
4.5 CPD credit points;

7 November 2015:
6 CPD credit points;

8 November 2015:
6 CPD credit points)


4th Hong Kong Neurological Congress cum 28th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Hong Kong Neurological Society
(14 and 15 November 2015)

The Hong Kong Neurological Society

12 CPD credit points
(6 CPD credit points per day)


Lower Limb Biomechanics Workshop
(21 and 22 May 2016)

MB Medical Equipments Limited

12 CPD credit points


Workshop: Application of Orthotic Therapy and Practicum (Basic Level)
(12 or 13 September 2015)

Bodycare Company Ltd.

6 CPD credit points


6th Annual General Meeting cum Scientific Symposium
(12 September 2015)

The Chinese Dementia Research Association Ltd.

2.5 CPD credit points


VHT Training Session
(13 August 2015)

Elderly Health Services, Department of Health

3 CPD credit points


The Hong Kong College of Orthopaedic Surgeons – The 11th Rehabilitation Symposium cum 4th Sir Harry Fang Oration
(10 and 11 October 2015)

The Hong Kong College of Orthopaedic Surgeons

9 CPD credit points
(10 October 2015:
6 CPD credit points;

11 October 2015:
3 CPD credit points)


Update in Management of Parkinson's Disease
(12 September 2015)

Hong Kong Parkinson's Disease Foundation

3 CPD credit points


10th Echo Hong Kong
(19 to 22 November 2015)

Ruttonjee and Tang Shiu Kin Hospitals

17.5 CPD credit points
(19 November 2015:
3 CPD credit points;

20 November 2015:
3.5 CPD credit points;

21 November 2015:
5 CPD credit points;

22 November 2015:
6 CPD credit points)


Autumn Respiratory Seminar 2015
(14 and 15 November 2015)

Hong Kong Thoracic Society and American College of Chest Physicians

10 CPD credit points
(14 November 2015:
4 CPD credit points;

15 November 2015:
6 CPD credit points)


2015 Hong Kong Wrist Arthroscopy Workshop and Seminar cum 1st Congress of Asia Pacific Wrist Association
(31 October 2015)

Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


Symposium on Cancer Control in the Western Pacific cum Launching of The Cancer Atlas 2nd Edition (Chinese Version)
(12 December 2015)

The Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society

3.5 CPD credit points


Integrated Oncology Course for Nurses & Allied Health
(1, 8, 11, 15, 22 & 29 September, 6, 13, 17, 20, 27 & 29 October and 3 & 10 November 2015)

The Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society

18 CPD credit points


12th Hong Kong Palliative Care Symposium
(24 October 2015)

The Society for the Promotion of Hospice Care

6 CPD credit points


2015 Conjoint Annual Scientific Meeting
(20 to 21 November 2015)

The Hong Kong Neurosurgical Society, The Hong Kong Stroke Society, The Hong Kong Society of Interventional & Therapeutic Neuroradiology and The Hong Kong Radiological Technologists Association

10 CPD credit points
(20 November 2015:
5 CPD credit points;

21 November 2015:
5 CPD credit points)


Pain Education Series – Practical Management of Neuropathic Pain
(5 September 2015)

Hong Kong Pain Society

4 CPD credit points


Diagnostic tools and evidence based treatment for Back Pain with Neuropathic Pain components
(24 September 2015)

The Society of Anaesthetists of Hong Kong and The Hong Kong Neurological Society

1 CPD credit point


The 1st Asia Paediatric Pulmonology Society Annual Scientific Congress cum 18th Hong Kong Society of Paediatric Respirology and Allergy Annual Scientific Meeting
(3 to 4 October 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Paediatric Respirology & Allergy and Asia Paediatric Pulmonology Society

10.5 CPD credit points
(3 October 2015:
4.5 CPD credit points;

4 October 2015:
6 CPD credit points)


The 1st Asia Paediatric Pulmonology Society Annual Scientific Congress cum 18th Hong Kong Society of Paediatric Respirology and Allergy Annual Scientific Meeting
Master Course I: Sleep, Breathing and the Brain
(3 October 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Paediatric Respirology & Allergy and Asia Paediatric Pulmonology Society

5 CPD credit points


The 1st Asia Paediatric Pulmonology Society Annual Scientific Congress cum 18th Hong Kong Society of Paediatric Respirology and Allergy Annual Scientific Meeting
Master Course II: Allergy and Pulmonology
(3 October 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Paediatric Respirology & Allergy and Asia Paediatric Pulmonology Society

5 CPD credit points


The 1st Asia Paediatric Pulmonology Society Annual Scientific Congress cum 18th Hong Kong Society of Paediatric Respirology and Allergy Annual Scientific Meeting
Macao Satellite Symposium: Asthma and Wheezing in Children
(5 October 2015)

Asia Paediatric Pulmonology Society and Macau Paediatric Society

2 CPD credit points


ADHD and Sensory Processing Disorder: How to tell the difference?
(5 May 2016)

Frontier Teaching & Therapy Consultancy Limited (HK)

2 CPD credit points


Assessment and Treatment of Fine Motor Difficulties in Children with Different Developmental Problems
(1 to 3 May 2016)

Frontier Teaching & Therapy Consultancy Limited (HK)

18 CPD credit points
(1 May 2016:
6 CPD credit points;

2 May 2016:
6 CPD credit points;

3 May 2016:
6 CPD credit points)


Understanding and Managing Children with Cerebral Palsy and Related Conditions
(6 to 8 May 2016)

Frontier Teaching & Therapy Consultancy Limited (HK)

18 CPD credit points
(6 May 2016:
6 CPD credit points;

7 May 2016:
6 CPD credit points;

8 May 2016:
6 CPD credit points)


11th IEATA Conference
(6 to 10 October 2015)

International Expressive Arts Therapy Association (IEATA) and Art in Hospital

18 CPD credit points
(6 October 2015:
6 CPD credit points;

7 October 2015:
6 CPD credit points;

8 October 2015;
4.5 CPD credit points;

9 October 2015;
4.5 CPD credit points;

10 October 2015;
4.5 CPD credit points)


Annual Scientific Meeting, The Hong Kong Pain Society

(17 and 18 October 2015)

The Hong Kong Pain Society

10.5 CPD credit points

17 October 2015
5.5 CPD credit points

18 October 2015
5 CPD credit points


HKPGA Capacity Conference cum Annual General Meeting 2015: Pre-conference Workshop on Mental Capacities

(4 December 2015)

Hong Kong Psychogeriatric Association

6 CPD credit points


2015 APWA Wrist Surgery Instructional Course

(30 October 2015)

Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

4 CPD credit points


Educational Workshop on Sarcopenia and its Related Orthopaedic Problems

(11 November 2015)

Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

2.5 CPD credit point


Seminar on Employees' Compensation – 2015
Work Disability Management – What we can do next

(27 October 2015)

Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

3.5 CPD credit points



Seminar on Fall Prevention for Aged people with LD

(22 September 2015)

Psychiatric Unit of Learning Disabilities, Kwai Chung Hospital

3 CPD credit points


Disability Management Seminar – From Research to practice

(14 December 2015)

Hong Kong Occupational & Environmental Health Academy (HOEHA)

6 CPD credit points


Annual Scientific Meeting 2015 on Paediatric Movement Disorders

(30 & 31 October and 1 & 2 November 2015)

Asia Paediatric Pulmonology Society and Macau Paediatric Society

9.5 CPD credit points

30 October 2015
1 CPD credit point

31 October 2015
2.5 CPD credit points

1 November 2015
5 CPD credit points

2 November 2015
1 CPD credit point


Workshop on: Application of Orthotic Therapy and Practicum (Basic Level)

(7 or 8 November or 5 or 6 December 2015)

Bodycare Company Limited

6 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner Course – 6th & 7th Series

[6th Series: 9 November 2015 to 3 February 2016 (Every Monday and Wednesday)
7th Series: 29 February to 6 June 2016 (Every Monday and Wednesday)]

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer's Education

18 CPD credit points



22nd Annual Congress of Gerontology

(21 November 2015)

Hong Kong Association of Gerontology

5.5 CPD credit points


VHT Training Session

(19 November 2015)

Elderly Health Services, Department of Health

3 CPD credit points


Therapeutic Listening: Listening with the Whole Body

(14 and 15 February 2016)

Wisdom Bridge Child Development Limited

12 CPD credit points

14 February 2016
6 CPD credit points

15 February 2016
6 CPD credit points


HKPGA Capacity Conference cum Annual General Meeting 2015

(5 December 2015)

Hong Kong Psychogeriatric Association Limited

4.5 CPD credit points



Handwriting Without Tears: Pencils to Keyboards

(7 October 2015)

SPOT Centre, Hong Kong

4 CPD credit points


Handwriting Without Tears: Pre-K Readiness & Writing

(7 October 2015)

SPOT Centre, Hong Kong

2.5 CPD credit points


Handwriting Without Tears: K-5th Grade Writing

(8 October 2015)

SPOT Centre, Hong Kong

5.5 CPD credit points


Handwriting Without Tears: Handwriting Assessment

(9 October 2015)

SPOT Centre, Hong Kong

5.5 CPD credit points


Counseling Skills for Therapists – An Introductory Course

(4, 11 & 18 December 2015, 22 January, 5 February and 25 May 2016)

Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

18 CPD credit points


Sharpening Focus: Fine Tuning Therapeutic Listening Progressions to address Attention, Learning and Praxis Difficulties

(17 to 18 February 2016)

Wisdom Bridge Child Development Limited

12 CPD credit points
(6 CPD credit points per day)


Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association – Academic Sharing Seminar

(10 December 2015)

Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association

1.5 CPD credit points


Moving Ahead: Early Intervention in Mental Health

(28 November 2015)

The University of Hong Kong

5 CPD credit points


Coaching for Lifestyle Redesign in Psychiatric Rehabilitation

(27 November 2015)

The University of Hong Kong and Early Psychosis Foundation (EPISO)

5 CPD credit points


Certificate in Electrodiagnosis

(15 & 29 January, 19 & 26 February, 4, 11 & 18 March, 1 April and 6 & 20 May 2016)

Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

18 CPD credit points



Hi-Five©寫前及書寫技巧訓練課程 (第一階段: 理論與簡單篩檢及訓練活動設計)

[7 January to 3 March 2016 (every Thursday except 11 February 2016)]

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

15 CPD credit points


Beckham Oral Motor Assessment & Intervention

(4 to 5 January 2016)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

12 CPD credit points

4 January 2016
6 CPD credit points

5 January 2016
6 CPD credit points


Beckham Oral Motor Assessment & Intervention

(9 to 10 March 2016)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

12 CPD credit points

9 March 2016
6 CPD credit points

10 March 2016
6 CPD credit points


Ayres Sensory Integration: Promoting Participation for Children with Autism

(19 to 20 May 2016)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

12 CPD credit points

19 May 2016
6 CPD credit points

20 May 2016
6 CPD credit points


Understanding and Using: The Ayres Sensory Integration Fidelity Measure in Practice, Education and Research

(21 to 22 May 2016)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

10.5 CPD credit points

21 May 2016
6 CPD credit points

22 May 2016
4.5 CPD credit points



(19 to 20 March 2016)


12 CPD credit points

19 March 2016
6 CPD credit points

20 March 2016
6 CPD credit points


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2016

(24 January 2016)

Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

5.5 CPD credit points



Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2016

(28 February 2016)

Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

5.5 CPD credit points


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2016

(20 March 2016)

Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

5.5 CPD credit points


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2016

(24 April 2016)

Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

5.5 CPD credit points


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2016

(8 May 2016)

Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

5.5 CPD credit points



Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2016

(5 June 2016)

Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

5.5 CPD credit points


International Symposium on Work Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation 2016

(8 to 10 April 2016)

Hong Kong Workers' Health Centre

15 CPD credit points

8 April 2016
6 CPD credit points

9 April 2016
6 CPD credit points

10 April 2016
3 CPD credit points


Shoulder Pain & Management

(9 January 2016)

Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


Master Lecture Series – A Decade of Development

(21 January 2016)

CNS Master Programme, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

1.5 CPD credit points


CUHK Revision Seminar for Asian Epilepsy Academy (ASEPA) Electroencephalography (EEG) Examination

(23 January 2016)

Division of Neurology, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


The Neuropsychological Challenges of the Special Needs Child

(20 to 22 January 2016)

Little Tree Play Therapy House Limited

18 CPD credit points


Inaugural Conference – Translating Evidence into Impact: Creating a Road Map in Caring for the Frail

(27 May 2016)

Centre for Gerontological Nursing (CGN), School of Nursing, The Hong Kong polytechnic University

6 CPD credit points



VHT Training Session

(18 February 2016)

Department of Health, Elderly Health Services

3 CPD credit points


HKSTENT – Cardiovascular Intervention Complication Forum 2016

(27 and 28 February 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Transcatheter Endo-cardiovascular Therapeutics

12 CPD credit points


Annual Scientific Meeting 2016

(20 March 2016)

Hong Kong Thoracic Society and CHEST Delegation Hong Kong and Macau

6 CPD credit points


Multi-Disciplinary Symposium: Comprehensive Management of Knee Osteoarthritis & Workshop on Neuromuscular Exercise in Practice

(25 April 2016)

Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, Queen Mary Hospital & MacLehose Medical Rehabilitation Centre

5.5 CPD credit points



29th HKSSH Annual Congress – Upper Limb Tumour & Infection (Clearance, Reconstruction & Rehabilitation)

(19 and 20 March 2016)

Hong Kong Society for Surgery of the Hand

10.5 CPD credit points


Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association – Academic Sharing Seminar

(11 March 2016)

Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association

1.5 CPD credit points


Hong Kong Society for Hand Therapy – 8th Annual Therapist Symposium

(18 March 2016)

Hong Kong Society for Hand Therapy

6 CPD credit points


MoCA Workshop

(19 April 2016)

CNS Master Programme, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

2 CPD credit points



2nd Educational Workshop on Sarcopenia and its Related Orthopaedic Problems

(14 April 2016)

Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

3.5 CPD credit points


Dementia-friendly environmental design at domestic home and residential home (Half Day Workshop)

(28 April 2016)

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association

3.5 CPD credit points


Dementia Care Mapping for Realising Person-centred Care

(4 to 7 May 2016)

SAGE Chan Dang Centre for Active Ageing

18 CPD credit points


Pain Education Meeting

(5 May 2016)

Department of Anaesthesiology & OTS, Queen Elizabeth Hospital

1 CPD credit point


MoCA Workshop

(4 May 2016)

CNS Master Programme, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

2.5 CPD credit points


1st Asian TMS-Days Intensive Clinical TMS and Neuronavigation Certification Training

(18 and 19 June 2016)

Healthlink Holdings Limited/MAG & More GmBH

11 CPD credit points


Application of Orthotic Therapy and Practicum (Basic Level)

(7, 8, 11 or 12 June 2016)

Bodycare Company Limtied

6 CPD credit points


Intracranial aneurysms & subarachnoid haemorrhage

(30 April 2016)

Hong Kong Stroke Society

2 CPD credit points


Prevention on musculoskeletal injuries and pain and sports rehabilitation in runners with cases sharing

(7 April 2016)

Hong Kong Pain Society

2 CPD credit points


Certificate Course in Hand and Upper limb Surgery (Module 3): tendon, nerve and vascular disorders

(28 May 2016)

The Hong Kong Society for Surgery of the Hand

2.5 CPD credit points


International Alzheimer’s Disease Conference 2016

(17 and 18 June 2016)

The Alzheimer’s Disease Research Network, Research Centre of Heart, Brain, Hormone and Healthy Aging, Strategic Research Theme Aging and Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong
(Co-organised with
i) Faculty of Architecture, Faculty of Social Sciences, Sau Po Centre on Ageing & SRT Science of Learning, The University of Hong Kong, ii) Department of Rehabilitation Sciences, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, iii) Shenzhen University (College of Life Sciences), iv) Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation and v) The Hong Kong Society of Aging Research)

8.5 CPD credit points


21st Hong Kong Medical Forum

(7 and 8 May 2016)

Department of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong and Queen Mary Hospital

10 CPD credit points


CDRA Workshop 2016 – HK-MoCA Administration and its Application on Assessment of Mental Capacity

(5 June 2016)

The Chinese Dementia Research Association Ltd

3 CPD credit points


HKPGA Mid-year Scientific Meeting 2016

(24 June 2016)

Hong Kong Psychogeriatric Association Ltd

3 CPD credit points


Attachment & Attention: How Relationship Impact Learning

(15 to 17 June 2016)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

18 CPD credit points


SYNCroSI for Children with Special Needs

(20 to 24 June 2016)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

18 CPD credit points


Conceptualization, theory and practice for working with ASD

(30 April to 17 June 2016)

St. James' Settlement

18 CPD credit points


VHT Training Session

(12 May 2016)

Department of Health, Elderly Health Services

3 CPD credit points


Youth Suicide Prevention Programme – Strategies and Methods

(10 May 2016)

Hong Kong Society for the Adolescent Health (HKSAH)

1 CPD credit point


Hong Kong Geriatrics Society Annual Scientific Meeting 2016

(11 June 2016)

The Hong Kong Geriatrics Society

6 CPD credit points


Advances in Medicine 2016

(28 and 29 May 2016)

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

10.5 CPD credit points


Younger Onset Dementia (YOD) Seminar

(29 June 2016)

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association

3.5 CPD credit points


[World Continence Week 2016] Symposium on Advanced Continence Care

(22 June 2016)

Hong Kong Association of Gerontology

1.5 CPD credit points

2016/17 cycle
OT Relevant
Programme Code Programme Organizer Maximum CPD
Credit Points


Sensory Integration Certification Programme: Course 4 – Sensory Integration Intervention
(4 to 8 November 2016)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

18 CPD credit points


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2016

(3 July 2016)

Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

5.5 CPD credit points



Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2016

(7 August 2016)

Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

5.5 CPD credit points



Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2016

(11 September 2016)

Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

5.5 CPD credit points



Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2016

(16 October 2016)

Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

5.5 CPD credit points



Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2016

(6 November 2016)

Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

5.5 CPD credit points



Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2016

(4 December 2016)

Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

5.5 CPD credit points


Certificate Course – Introductory Ergonomics

(23 & 30 April, 7, 21 & 28 May, 4, 11, 18 & 25 June and 2 July 2016)

Hong Kong Occupational & Environmental Health Academy (HOEHA)

18 CPD credit points


20th Annual Certificate Course on Respiratory Medicine

(8 July 2016)

Division of Respiratory Medicine, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner Course (CDCP) – 8th series

(14 July to 13 October 2016)

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer's Education

18 CPD credit points


2016 感 覺 統 合 基 礎 課 程

(30 June to 27 August 2016)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

18 CPD credit points


2016 感 艾 蘭 綜 合 症 (Irlen Syndrome) 篩 檢 測 驗 (Pre-Assessment for Scotopic Sensitivity, PASS) 認 證 工 作 坊 ( 半 日 課 程 )

(1 July 2016)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

3 CPD credit points


2016 感 艾 蘭 綜 合 症 (Irlen Syndrome) 篩 檢 測 驗 (Pre-Assessment for Scotopic Sensitivity, PASS) 認 證 工 作 坊 ( 全 日 課 程 )

(1 July 2016)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

6 CPD credit points


Beckman Oral Motor Assessment & Intervention

(21 to 22 July 2016)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

12 CPD credit points


Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association – Academic Sharing Seminar

(8 July 2016)

Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association

1.5 CPD credit points


BGCA 80th Anniversary Scientific Conference

(7 and 8 October 2016)

The Boys’ & Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong

10 CPD credit points


Integrated Oncology Course for Nurses & Allied Health

(6 September to 15 November 2016)

The Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society

18 CPD credit points


Hong Kong ASD Conference: Supporting Learning & Development

(8 July 2016)

Faculty of Social Sciences, The University of Hong Kong

5 CPD credit points


Hong Kong ASD Conference: Supporting Learning & Development – Post-Conference Workshop I

(9 July 2016)

Faculty of Social Sciences, The University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


Hong Kong ASD Conference: Supporting Learning & Development – Post-Conference Workshop II

(9 July 2016)

Faculty of Social Sciences, The University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


「 六 藝 ®」 全 人 多 元 智 能 活 動 模 式 分 享 會 暨 工 作 坊

(22 July 2016)

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association

6 CPD credit points


Myofascial Release (MFR) and Other Manual Techniques in Dysphagia Management (adults & paediatrics)

(14 to 15, 16 to 17 or 18 to 19 September 2016)

ENT Laser Hearing &Speech Therapy Centre Limited

12 CPD credit points


Designing Powerful and Precise Sensory Diets

(3 September 2016)

Wisdom Bridge Child Development Child

6 CPD credit points


Trauma Informed Approach to Sensory Processing Disorder and Arousal Regulation

(4 to 5 September 2016)

Wisdom Bridge Child Development Child

12 CPD credit points


Application of Orthotic Therapy and Practicum (Basic Level)

(24 or 25 September 2016)

Bodycare Company Limited

6 CPD credit points


Mental Capacity Workshop 2017 – From Consent to Certification

(17 February 2017)

Department of Psychiatry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


Sensory Strategies for Challenging Behaviours in People with ASD and other Developmental Disabilities

(13 to 14 December 2016)

Occupational Therapy Department, Heep Hong Society

12 CPD credit points


VHT Training Session

(11 August 2016)

Elderly Health Services, Department of Health

3 CPD credit points


Hypnosis for Chronic Pain Management: New Evidence for an Old Treatment

(2 September 2016)

The Hong Kong Pain Society

1.5 CPD credit points


Hypnosis and Self-hypnosis Training for Pain Management

(3 September 2016)

The Hong Kong Pain Society

6 CPD credit points


Neonatal Behavioral Observation (NBO) Training Hong Kong 2016

(9 to 10 September 2016)

Hong Kong Association for Infant Mental Health Limited

8 CPD credit points


Circle of Security® ParentingTM DVD Training Hong Kong

(9 to 12 November 2016)

Hong Kong Association for Infant Mental Health Limited

18 CPD credit points


13th Hong Kong Palliative Care Symposium

(22 October 2016)

The Society for the Promotion of Hospice Care

6 CPD credit points


Lower Limb Biomechanics Workshop

(26 to 27 November 2016)

MB Medical Equipments Limited

12 CPD credit points


Advanced Lower Limb Biomechanics Workshop

(7 to 8 January 2017)

MB Medical Equipments Limited

12 CPD credit points


Interventional Pain Workshop – Physics of Radiofrequency Seminar

(24 September 2016)

Department of Anaesthesiology & OTS, Queen Elizabeth Hospital and The Hong Kong Pain Society

3.5 CPD credit points


International Conference on Parenting in the 21st Century
(20 & 22 October and 25 November 2016)

The University of Hong Kong (Department of Social Work and Social Administration) and Tung Wah Group of Hospitals

12.5 CPD credit points

(20 October 2016:
5 CPD credit points;

22 October 2016:
3.5 CPD credit points;

25 November 2016:
4 CPD credit points)


7th Asia Pacific Congenital & Structural Heart Intervention Symposium (APCASH 2016)

(23 to 25 September 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Congenital & Structural heart Disease

15 CPD credit points


7th Annual General Meeting cum Scientific Symposium

(3 September 2016)

The Chinese Dementia Research Association Ltd.

2.5 CPD credit points


Autumn Respiratory Seminar 2016 cum Interventional Pulmonology Hands-on Workshop

(27 November 2016)

Hong Kong Thoracic Society and CHET Delegation HK and Macau

6 CPD credit points


Symposium on Health and Education Sectors Together for Children's Health Today and Tomorrow: An International Dialogue

(12 November 2016)

Centre for Health Education and Health Promotion, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

5.5 CPD credit points


School bullying: what you should know

(22 October 2016)

Hong Kong Society for the Adolescent Health (HKSAH)

2.5 CPD credit points


Beckman Oral Motor Assessment & Intervention (Nov, 2016)

(24 and 25 November 2016)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

12 CPD credit points


NeuroDevelopmental Treatment for Children with Developmental Disabilities

(16 to 18 January 2017)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

18 CPD credit points


NeuroDevelopmental Treatment for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

(19 and 20 January 2017)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

12 CPD credit points


Supporting Infant & Child Development through Ayres Sensory Integration®

(3 and 4 February 2017)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

12 CPD credit points


Ayres Sensory Integration® (ASI) Certification Programme – Theory Module

(6 to 9 February 2017)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

18 CPD credit points


Ayres Sensory Integration® (ASI) Certification Programme – Assessment Module

(9 to 12 May 2017)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

18 CPD credit points


The 12th Rehabilitation Symposium cum the 5th Sir Harry Fang Oration

(22 and 23 October 2016)

The Hong Kong College of Orthopaedic Surgeons

9.5 CPD credit points


3rd Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Paediatric Respirology Forum cum 19th HKSPRA Annual Scientific Meeting – Main Meeting

(19 and 20 November 2016)

1) Hong Kong Society of Paediatric Respirology and Allergy; 2) Macao Padiatric Society; 3) Guang Dong Medical Association; and 4) 深 圳 市 醫 學 會

11 CPD credit points


3rd Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Paediatric Respirology Forum cum 19th HKSPRA Annual Scientific Meeting – Master Course I: Allergy and Nutrition During Infancy

(19 November 2016)

1) Hong Kong Society of Paediatric Respirology and Allergy; 2) Macao Padiatric Society; 3) Guang Dong Medical Association; and 4) 深 圳 市 醫 學 會

3.5 CPD credit points


3rd Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao Paediatric Respirology Forum cum 19th HKSPRA Annual Scientific Meeting – Master Course II: Therapeutic Procedures in PRM

(19 November 2016)

1) Hong Kong Society of Paediatric Respirology and Allergy; 2) Macao Padiatric Society; 3) Guang Dong Medical Association; and 4) 深 圳 市 醫 學 會

3.5 CPD credit points


USG Guided Botulinium Toxin Injection for Spasticity Management 2016

(9 September 2016)

Hong Kong Geriatrics Society

2 CPD credit points


29th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Hong Kong Neurological Society

(5 and 6 November 2016)

The Hong Kong Neurological Society

12 CPD credit points


Hong Kong Speech and Hearing Symposium 2016 Pre-Symposium Seminar – Innovations in Theory of Mind Assessment & Intervention for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder

(20 and 21 October 2016)

Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

12 CPD credit points


Hong Kong Speech and Hearing Symposium 2016

(22 and 23 October 2016)

Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

12 CPD credit points


Cumulative Trauma Disorder

(26 November 2016)

Hong Kong Society for Hand Therapy

3.5 CPD credit points


「『 結 構 化 教 學 法 』 應 用 於 自 閉 症 人 士 之 研 究 計 劃 」 成 效 發 佈 會

(7 and 8 October 2016)

匡 智 會

6 CPD credit points


Post-stroke Management: Integrative Medicine 結 合 醫 學 之 中 風 後 治 理

(13 November 2016)

Hong Kong Association for Integration of Chinese-Western Medicine

3 CPD credit points


HKSSH 30th Anniversary Symposium cum Interhospital Meeting

(12 November 2016)

Hong Kong Society for Surgery of the Hand

4 CPD credit points


The 2nd Guardianship Conference of Hong Kong

(18 February 2017)

Guardianship Board

4.5 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner Course (CDCP) – 9th series

(21 November 2016 to 1 March 2017)

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

18 CPD credit points


Workshop on: Application of Orthotic Therapy and Practicum (Basic Level)

(3 and 4 December 2016)

Bodycare Company Limited

12 CPD credit points


Certificate Course in Occupational health Practice

(22 & 29 October, 12, 19 & 26 November and 3 & 17 December 2016)

JC School of Public Health and Primary Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

18 CPD credit points


Annual Scientific Meeting 2016

(5 and 6 November 2016)

The Hong Kong Society of Child Neurology and Developmental Paediatrics

7.5 CPD credit points


A Professional Seminar on Anxiety Disorders
(25 and 26 November 2016)

Child and Family Chapter, Professional Development and Learning Resource Centre, Kwai Chung Hospital

9 CPD credit points
(25 November 2016:
6 CPD credit points;

26 November 2016:
3 CPD credit points)


18th Annual Scientific Symposium cum Annual General Meeting 2016
(19 November 2016)

Hong Kong Psychogeriatric Association Limited

3.5 CPD credit points


VHT Training Session
(10 November 2016)

Elderly Health Service, Department of Health

3 CPD credit points


2016「Hi-FIVE© 寫 前 及 書 寫 技 巧 訓 練 課 程 」( 第 一 階 段 ) 第 二 期
(1 December 2016 to 26 January 2017)
(Every Thursday except 19 January 2017)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

16 CPD credit points


23rd Annual Congress of Gerontology
(13 November 2016)

Hong Kong Association of Gerontology

6 CPD credit points


Enhanced Recovery After Surgery
(7 December 2016)

The Society of Anaesthetists of Hong Kong

1 CPD credit point


BCIA Neurofeedback Certification Programme 2017
(20 to 23 January 2017)

Applied Psychophysiology Education

18 CPD credit points


2016 Hong Kong Wrist Arthroscopy Workshop and Seminar
(10 December 2016)

Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


Dysphagia Management by Advanced Technology and Multi-disciplinary Collaboration
(17 December 2016)

Healthlink Holdings Limited / Silverfit

6 CPD credit points


Hong Kong ASD Conference 2017: Family Support & Development
(9 January 2017)

Faculty of Social Sciences, The University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


Advanced Course on Sleep and Breathing
(3 to 5 March 2017)

Hong Kong Thoracic Society and CHEST Delegation Hong Kong and Macau

17.5 CPD credit points
(3 March 2017:
6 CPD credit points;

4 March 2017:
6 CPD credit points;

5 March 2017:
5.5 CPD credit points)


認 知 障 礙 症 照 顧 圖 譜 基 礎 使 用 者 證 書 課 程
(11 to 14 January 2017)

SAGE Chan Dang Centre for Active Ageing

18 CPD credit points


Disability Management Seminar 2017 – International Disability Management Tele-conference Skype Meeting with Dr Pransky
(13 January 2017)

Hong Kong Disability Management Practitioners Association and Hong Kong Workers’ Health Centre

5.5 CPD credit points


Workshop on: Application of Orthotic Therapy and Practicum (Basic Level)
(11 February 2017/ 20 May 2017)

BodyCare Company Ltd

6 CPD credit points


Dementia Care Mapping in Supported Living
(17 January 2017)

SAGE Chan Dang Centre for Active Ageing

6 CPD credit points


Dementia Care Mapping for Advanced Users
(19 to 21 January 2017)

SAGE Chan Dang Centre for Active Ageing

17 CPD credit points
(19 January 2017:
5.5 CPD credit points;

20 January 2017:
6 CPD credit points;

21 January 2017:
5.5 CPD credit points)


3-day MITI Coding Workshop
(23 to 25 March 2017)

The Chinese Association of Motivational Interviewing (CAMI)

18 CPD credit points
(6 CPD credit points per day)


2nd Asian TMS-Days – Intensive Clinical TMS and Neuronavigation Certification Training
(25 and 26 March 2017)

Healthlink Holdings Limited

11 CPD credit points
(25 March 2017:
5 CPD credit points;

26 March 2017:
6 CPD credit points)


Master of Science Programme in Stroke and Clinical Neurosciences Course MCNS5401 Health Services Management
(25 January, 16 February, 1 and 22 March 2017)

Division of Neurology, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

10 CPD credit points


Care for Dementia Caregivers CDC Programme – Recent advances in cognitive rehabilitation and management of caregiver stress in dementia: a multidisciplinary approach
(19 January 2017)

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

3.5 CPD credit points


SYNCroSI for Children with Special Needs
(12 to 16 June 2017)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

18 CPD credit points


Workshop: Application of orthotic Therapy and practicum (Level 2)
(12 February or 21 May 2017)

Bodycare Company Limited

6 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner Course (CDCP) – 10th series
(22 March to 23 June 2017)

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer's Education

18 CPD credit points


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2017
(8 January 2017)

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

5.5 CPD credit points


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2017
(12 February 2017)

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

5.5 CPD credit points


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2017
(5 March 2017)

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

5.5 CPD credit points


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2017
(9 April 2017)

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

5.5 CPD credit points


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2017
(7 May 2017)

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

5.5 CPD credit points


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2017
(11 June 2017)

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

5.5 CPD credit points


Annual Scientific Meeting 2017
(19 March 2017)

Hong Kong Thoracic Society and CHEST Delegation Hong Kong and Macau

6 CPD credit points


2017 光 敏 感 / 艾 蘭 綜 合 症 篩 測 驗 認 證 工 作 坊 ( 第 一 部 分 )
(16 and 23 March 2017)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

4 CPD credit points


2017 光 敏 感 / 艾 蘭 綜 合 症 篩 測 驗 認 證 工 作 坊 ( 第 二 部 分 )
(30 March and 6 April 2017)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

4 CPD credit points


園 藝 治 療 中 級 證 書 課 程
(11, 12, 25 and 26 February 2017)

聖 雅 各 福 群 會 延 續 教 育 中 心

18 CPD credit points


園 藝 治 療 高 級 證 書 課 程
(4, 5, 25 and 26 March 2017)

聖 雅 各 福 群 會 延 續 教 育 中 心

18 CPD credit points


Lower Limb Biomechanics Workshop
(3 and 4 June 2017)

MB Medical Equipments Limited

12 CPD credit points
(6 CPD credit points per day)


VHT Training Session – Training on Presentation Skills
(16 February 2017)

Elderly Health Services, Department of Health

3.5 CPD credit points


VHT Training Session – Training on Creativity and Innovation
(22 March 2017)

Elderly Health Services, Department of Health

3.5 CPD credit points


Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association – Academic Sharing Seminar
(24 March 2017)

Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association

1.5 CPD credit points


9th Annual Therapist Symposium: Rehabilitation of the Stiff Upper Limb: From Theory to Evidence Based Practice
(24 March 2017)

The Hong Kong Society for Hand Therapy

6 CPD credit points


Workshop: Application of Orthotic Therapy and Practicum (Basic Level)
(24 June 2017)

Bodycare Company Limited

6 CPD credit points


Workshop: Application of Orthotic Therapy and Practicum (Level 2)
(25 June 2017)

Bodycare Company Limited

6 CPD credit points


(17 & 24 February and 3, 10, 17 & 24 March 2017)

Hong Kong Association of Gerontology

12 CPD credit points


(4, 11, 18 and 25 March 2017)

Hong Kong Association of Gerontology

12 CPD credit points


Quarterly Scientific Meeting of The Hong Kong Stroke Society
(20 May 2017)

The Hong Kong Stroke Society

2 CPD credit points


Update Series on Child Health 2017
(29 April, 20 May, 24 June, 22 July, 26 August and 16 September 2017)

Hong Kong Paediatric Foundation, The Hong Kong College of Paediatrician and The Hong Kong Paediatric Nurses Association

15 CPD credit points


Best Practice in Pediatric Occupational Therapy Evaluation: from Recommendations to Reality
(26 to 28 May 2017)

SPOT Centre

17.5 CPD credit points
(26 May 2017:
5.5 CPD credit points;

27 May 2017:
6 CPD credit points;

28 May 2017:
6 CPD credit points)


International Alzheimer's Disease Conference 2017
(26 and 27 May 2017)

The University of Hong Kong (Alzheimer's Disease Research Network, Strategic Research Theme Ageing and Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine), City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist University, Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation, Lingnan University, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The Education University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

10 CPD credit points
(26 May 2017:
6 CPD credit points;

27 May 2017:
4 CPD credit points)


18th Regional Osteoporosis Conference
(6 to 7 May 2017)

The Osteoporosis Society of Hong Kong

9 CPD credit points
(6 May 2017:
4 CPD credit points;

7 May 2017:
5 CPD credit points)


2017 感 覺 統 合 基 礎 課 程
(Theory Sessions: Every Thursday from 18 May to 20 July 2017 (except 8 and 15 June 2017)
Practical Sessions: 3 June and 22 July 2017)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

18 CPD credit points


Gordon Research Conference (GRC): Cognitive Dysfunction in Brain Diseases – Mechanisms and Therapeutic Targets for Cognitive Deficits in Neurologic and Psychiatric Diseases
(11 to 15 June 2017)

Department of Psychiatry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

18 CPD credit points


Certificate Course in Hand and Upper Limb Surgery (Module 4) – Arthritis of Hand and Upper Extremity
(27 May 2017)

The Hong Kong Society for Surgery of the Hand

2.5 CPD credit points


Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Workshop on Upper Extremity
(27 May 2017)

The Hong Kong Society for Surgery of the Hand

3 CPD credit points


Multidisciplinary Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Congress on Pain Management 2017
(19 to 21 May 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Musculoskeletal Pain

18 CPD credit points


Decoding Autism – From Understanding Neurobiology to Choosing Intervention Strategies
(12 and 13 June 2017)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

12 CPD credit points
(6 CPD points per day)


Becoming A Behavioural Detective
(14 June 2017)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

6 CPD credit points


Connection & Communication
(15 and 16 June 2017)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

12 CPD credit points
(6 CPD points per day)


及 早 準 備 : 認 知 障 礙 症 預 前 照 顧 研 討 會
(26 May 2017)

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association

3 CPD credit points


HKDSA 30th Anniversary Symposium “Innovation, Insights, and Intervention”
(24 June 2017)

The Hong Kong Down Syndrome Association

2.5 CPD credit points


[World Continence Week 2017] Symposium on Advanced Continence Care
(21 June 2017)

Hong Kong Association of Gerontology

1.5 CPD credit points


Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association – Academic Sharing Seminar
(1 June 2017)

Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association

1.5 CPD credit points


HKSTENT – Cardiovascular Intervention Complication Forum 2017
(13 and 14 May 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Transcatheter Endo-cardiovascular Therapeutics

12 CPD credit points
(6 CPD points per day)


Advances in Medicine 2017
(27 and 28 May 2017)

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

10.5 CPD credit points
(27 May 2017:
4.5 CPD credit points;

28 May 2017:
6 CPD credit points)


The Hong Kong Society for Surgery of the Hand 30th Annual Congress
(25 and 26 March 2017)

The Hong Kong Society for Surgery of the Hand

10 CPD credit points


園 藝 治 療 與 精 神 健 康

(18 March 2017)

新 生 精 神 康 復 學 院

6 CPD credit points


VHT Training Session

(18 May 2017)

Elderly Health Services, Department of Health

3 CPD credit points


The Hong Kong Geriatrics Society Annual Scientific Meeting 2017

(10 June 2017)

The Hong Kong Geriatrics Society

6 CPD credit points


Is It Sensory-based or Is It Sensory Integration?

(18 May 2017)

Frontier Teaching and Therapy Consultancy Limited (HK)

2 CPD credit points


HKPGA Mid-year Scientific Meeting 2017

(9 June 2017)

Hong Kong Psychogeriatric Association Limited

3 CPD credit points


Limb Replantation: The Way Forward: 15-year Establishment of NTEC Replantation Service

(3 June 2017)

Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Prince of Wales Hospital, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Kwong Wah Hospital and Princess Margaret Hospital

4 CPD credit points


Children’s Palliative Care Symposium

(16 June 2017)

The Hong Kong Society of Children’s Palliative Care

1.5 CPD credit points


ISBT – Bowen Therapy Foundation Course Module 1 – 5

(20 & 21 February, 2 & 3 April, 28 & 29 May, 27 & 28 August and 17 & 18 December 2016)

International School of Bowen Therapy

18 CPD credit points

2017/18 cycle
OT Relevant
Programme Code Programme Organizer Maximum CPD
Credit Points


Ayres Sensory Integration® (ASI) Certification Programme – Clinical Reasoning Module

(6 to 9 November 2017)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

18 CPD credit points


Ayres Sensory Integration® (ASI) Certification Programme – Intervention Module

(6 to 9 February 2018)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

18 CPD credit points


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2017
(9 July 2017)

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

5.5 CPD credit points


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2017
(13 August 2017)

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

5.5 CPD credit points


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2017
(17 September 2017)

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

5.5 CPD credit points


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2017
(15 October 2017)

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

5.5 CPD credit points


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2017
(12 November 2017)

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

5.5 CPD credit points


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2017
(3 December 2017)

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

5.5 CPD credit points


21st Annual Certificate Course on Respiratory Medicine
(14 July 2017)

Division of Respiratory Medicine, Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


Integrated Oncology Course for Nurses & Allied Health
(5 September to 14 November 2017)

The Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society (HKACS)

18 CPD credit points


Beckman Oral Motor Assessment & Intervention (July 2017)
(27 and 28 July 2017)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

12 CPD credit points
(6 CPD points per day)


Certificate Course in Occupational Health Practice 2017

(19 & 26 August and 2, 9 & 16 September 2017)

The Jockey Club of Public Health and Primary Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

18 CPD credit points


Autumn Respiratory Seminar 2017

(19 November 2017)

Hong Kong Thoracic Society and CHEST Delegation Hong Kong and Macau

6 CPD credit points


Holistic Health Conference – Heritage of Compassionate Care: To Love and Be Loved

(7 October 2017)

Nethersole Institute of Continuing Holistic Health Education (NICHE)

2.5 CPD credit points


Two-day Training Workshop on Recovery Language Skills and Citizen Programme

(4 and 5 August 2017)

The Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists

10 CPD credit points


2017 自 閉 症 基 礎 課 程 ( 第 二 期 )

(12 October to 7 December 2017 (every Thursday except 9 November 2017))

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

16 CPD credit points


Joyful TIME© 觸 · 動 · 情 © 依 附 聯 繫 基 礎 課 程 ( 第 二 期 )

(5 September to 3 October 2017 (every Tuesday))

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

10 CPD credit points


IDEAL – Innovative Design for Engaged Attention & Learning©

(11 November 2017)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

6 CPD credit points


11th Echo Hong Kong

(23 to 26 November 2017)

Echocardiography (Hong Kong)

18 CPD credit points


VHT Training Session

(17 August 2017)

Elderly Health Services, Department of Health

3 CPD credit points


The 13th Rehabilitation Symposium cum the 5th Sir Harry Fang Oration

(21 and 22 October 2017)

The Hong Kong College of Orthopaedic Surgeons

9.5 CPD credit points


CDRA 8th Annual Meeting and Scientific Symposium 2017

(2 September 2017)

The Chinese Dementia Research Association Ltd.

2.5 CPD credit points


Certificate in Sensory Integration Training for Caring Professionals (Class 6)

(27 and 28 October 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training and 扶 康 會 牽 蝶 中 心

12 CPD credit points


Lower Limb Biomechanics Workshop

(25 and 26 November 2017)

MB Medical Equipments Limited

12 CPD credit points


HK-MoCA Workshop 2017

(18 October 2017)

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


Hong Kong Preschool Fine Motor Screening Test (HK-PFMST) Research Seminar

(19 October 2017)

Occupational Therapy Department, Heep Hong Society

2 CPD credit points


14th Hong Kong Palliative Care Symposium

(7 October 2017)

The Society for the Promotion of Hospice Care

6 CPD credit points


8th Asia Pacific Congenital & Structural Heart Intervention Symposium (APCASH 2017)

(7 and 8 October 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Congenital & Structural Heart Disease

12 CPD credit points


Write Dance – A Multi-Sensory Way of Teaching Handwriting

(30 September and 1 October 2017)

Frontier Teaching and Therapy Consultancy Limited (HK)

12 CPD credit points


共 建 認 知 友 善 社 區 : 香 港 的 發 展 及 成 效 研 討 會

(21 September 2017)

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association

3 CPD credit points


The 6th Cross-Border Elderly Care Seminar – The Opportunities of Cross-border Medical Services under Cross-border Elderly Care

(8 December 2017)

Hong Kong Association of Gerontology

2.5 CPD credit points


Pain Management for Older Adults: Multi-disciplinary Approach

(14 September 2017 to 26 October 2017)
(every Thursday except 19 October 2017)

Hong Kong Association of Gerontology

12 CPD credit points


Workshop: Application of Orthotic Therapy and Practicum (Basic Level)

(9 December 2017)

Bodycare Company Limited

6 CPD credit points


Workshop: Application of Orthotic Therapy and Practicum (Level 2)

(10 December 2017)

Bodycare Company Limited

6 CPD credit points


Regional Autism Conference: The Varying Perspective on Autism Treatments

(4 and 5 November 2017)

Autism Partnership

12 CPD credit points


24th Annual Congress of Gerontology

(18 November 2017)

Hong Kong Association of Gerontology

5.5 CPD credit points


兒 童 健 康 論 壇 – 如 何 栽 培 五 星 級 的 孩 子 ?

(14 October 2017)

Hong Kong Paediatric Foundation and Hong Kong Paediatric Society

2 CPD credit points


共 建 認 知 友 善 社 區 : 香 港 的 發 展 及 成 效 研 討 會

(21 September 2017)

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association

3 CPD credit points


Asia Primary Angioplasty Congress 2017

(18 and 19 November 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Transcatheter Endo-cardiovascular Therapeutics

12 CPD credit points


19th Annual Scientific Meeting cum Annual General Meeting 2017

(2 December 2017)

The Hong Kong Psychogeriatric Association

3.5 CPD credit points


Pre-Meeting Workshop on Testamentary Capacity

(1 December 2017)

The Hong Kong Psychogeriatric Association

3.5 CPD credit points


Beckman Oral Motor Assessment & Intervention (Oct, 2017)

(30 and 31 October 2017)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

12 CPD credit points


CDRA Workshop 2017 – Beyond Dementia

(21 October 2017)

The Chinese Dementia Research Association Ltd.

2.5 CPD credit points


STAR Process: 2-Day Workshop on the STAR Treatment Model

(9 and 10 December 2017)

SPOT Centre Ltd.

10.5 CPD credit points


Comprehensive Introduction Course to Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy

(17 to 20 October 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Paediatric Respirology and Allergy, Academy of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy and Asian Paediatric Pulmonology

18 CPD credit points


20th HKSPRA Annual Scientific Meeting cum 9th Cross-Strait Paediatric Respirology Congress

(21 and 22 October 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Paediatric Respirology and Allergy, Academy of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy and Asian Paediatric Pulmonology

11 CPD credit points


20th HKSPRA Annual Scientific Meeting cum 9th Cross-Strait Paediatric Respirology Congress – Workshop I: Skin and Allergy

(21 October 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Paediatric Respirology and Allergy, Academy of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy and Asian Paediatric Pulmonology

4 CPD credit points


20th HKSPRA Annual Scientific Meeting cum 9th Cross-Strait Paediatric Respirology Congress – Workshop II: Interventional Pulmonology in Paediatrics: A Beginner Class

(21 October 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Paediatric Respirology and Allergy, Academy of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy and Asian Paediatric Pulmonology

4 CPD credit points


20th HKSPRA Annual Scientific Meeting cum 9th Cross-Strait Paediatric Respirology Congress – Workshop III: Accredited Training of Heated Humidified High Flow in Infants and Children

(21 October 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Paediatric Respirology and Allergy, Academy of Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy and Asian Paediatric Pulmonology

4 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 11th series

(25 October 2017 to 19 January 2018)

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer's Education

18 CPD credit points


Workshop: Application of Orthotic Therapy and practicum (Level 2)

(10 December 2017)

Bodycare Company Limited

6 CPD credit points


5th Hong Kong Neurological Congress cum 30th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Hong Kong Neurological Society

(11 and 12 November 2017)

The Hong Kong Neurological Society

12 CPD credit points


1. Pre-conference Practice-oriented master Classes 1 and 2
2. International Conference on Recovery-oriented Services and Policy Planning in Mental Health

(10 to 12 January 2018)

Faculty of Social Sciences, The University of Hong Kong (Mental Health and Social Policy Research Group); Department of Social Work and Social Administration, The University of Hong Kong and Department of Psychiatry, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong

17.5 CPD credit points


2017 Hong Kong Wrist Arthroscopy Workshop and Seminar
(9 December 2017)

Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association – Academic Sharing Seminar
(3 November 2017)

Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association

1.5 CPD credit points


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2018
(14 January 2018)

Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

5.5 CPD credit points


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2018
(11 February 2018)

Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

5.5 CPD credit points


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2018
(11 March 2018)

Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

5.5 CPD credit points


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2018
(8 April 2018)

Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

5.5 CPD credit points


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2018
(6 May 2018)

Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

5.5 CPD credit points


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2018
(17 June 2018)

Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

5.5 CPD credit points


BRAIN 2018 (The 15th Asia Pacific Multidisciplinary Meeting for Nervous System Diseases)
(19 January 2018)

Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


BRAIN 2018 (The 15th Asia Pacific Multidisciplinary Meeting for Nervous System Diseases)
(20 January 2018)

Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

5 CPD credit points


Pre-conference 1-Day Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) Training Course
(30 November 2017)

Sau Po Centre on Ageing; Department of Social Work and Social Administration, The University of Hong Kong and University College London

6 CPD credit points


2nd International Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST) Conference
(1 and 2 December 2017)

Sau Po Centre on Ageing; Department of Social Work and Social Administration, The University of Hong Kong and University College London

8.5 CPD credit points
(1 December 2017:
6 CPD credit points;

2 December 2017:
2.5 CPD credit points)


Advances in Communication Assessment and Theory of Mind Intervention for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
(3 and 4 February 2018)

Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery & The Institute of Human Communicative Research, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

12 CPD credit points
(6 CPD credit points per day)


The Musician’s Hand – Dystonia and Beyond
(2 December 2017)

Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Surgery and Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, Prince of Wales Hospital, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and The Hong Kong Movement Disorder Society

3 CPD credit points


認 知 障 礙 症 照 顧 圖 譜 基 礎 使 用 者 證 書 課 程
(31 January to 3 February 2018)

SAGE Chan Dang Centre for Active Ageing

18 CPD credit points


認 知 障 礙 症 照 顧 圖 譜 基 礎 使 用 者 證 書 課 程
(7 to 10 February 2018)

SAGE Chan Dang Centre for Active Ageing

18 CPD credit points


Asia Pacific Advanced Heart Failure Forum 2017
(15 December 2017)

Division of Cardiology, Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 12th Series
(9 March to 6 June 2018)

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer's Education

18 CPD credit points


CUHK Cardiology 4 Corners Conference (C4): Live Case Demonstration of the Latest Advances in Coronary, Structural, EP and Endovascular Interventions
(6 January 2018)

The Chinese University of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Society of Transcatheter Endo-cardiovascular Therapeutics

5.5 CPD credit points


PEERS® for Young Adults Certified Training Seminar
(23 to 25 March 2018)

Two Nominees Limited and Heep Hong Society

18 CPD credit points


感 覺 統 合 基 礎 課 程 ( 第 二 階 段 ) – 感 覺 餐 牌 TM
(14 December 2017 to 25 January 2018)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

14 CPD credit points


Beckman Oral Motor Assessment & Intervention (January, 2018)
(15 and 16 January 2018)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

12 CPD credit points


Beckman Oral Motor Assessment & Intervention (March 2018)
(17 and 18 March 2018)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

12 CPD credit points


2018「Hi-FIVE© 寫 前 及 書 寫 技 巧 訓 練 課 程 」( 第 一 階 段 : 理 論 與 簡 單 篩 檢 及 訓 練 活 動 設 計 ) 第 三 期
(1 March to 26 April 2018)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

16 CPD credit points


2018 光 敏 感 / 艾 蘭 篩 檢 執 行 師 認 證 課 程 資 料
(3 and 4 April 2018)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

12 CPD credit points


Annual Scientific Meeting 2018
(25 March 2018)

Hong Kong Thoracic Society and CHEST Delegation Hong Kong and Macau

6 CPD credit points


Workshop: Application of Orthotic Therapy and Practicum (Basic Level)
(10 March 2018)

Bodycare Company Limited

6 CPD credit points


Workshop: Application of Orthotic Therapy and Practicum (Basic Level)
(11 March 2018)

Bodycare Company Limited

6 CPD credit points


園 藝 治 療 實 務 操 作
(13, 14, 21, 27 and 28 January 2018)

澳 門 科 技 大 學 持 續 教 育 學 院

18 CPD credit points


Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT) Training – Level I
(5 and 6 March 2018)

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

12 CPD credit points


Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT) Training – Level I
(8 and 9 March 2018)

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

12 CPD credit points


The Hong Kong Society for Surgery of the Hand – Certificate Course in Hand & Upper Limb Surgery (Module 5): Radiology & Rehabilitation
(27 January 2018)

The Hong Kong Society for Surgery of the Hand

2 CPD credit points


VHT Training Session
(8 February 2018)

Elderly Health Services, Department of Health

3 CPD credit points


The Certificate in Ayres Sensory Integration® (CASI) Course – Module 1 (Online)

(February to May 2018)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

18 CPD credit points


The Certificate in Ayres Sensory Integration® (CASI) Course – Module 2 (Online)

(February to May 2018)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

18 CPD credit points


The Certificate in Ayres Sensory Integration® (CASI) Course – Module 3 (Onsite)

(8 to 11 May 2018)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

18 CPD credit points


The Certificate in Ayres Sensory Integration® (CASI) Course – Module 4 (Online)

(June to October 2018)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

18 CPD credit points


The Certificate in Ayres Sensory Integration® (CASI) Course – Module 5 (Online)

(June to October 2018)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

18 CPD credit points


31st The Hong Kong Society for Surgery of the Hand Annual Congress – Congenital Hand and Upper Limb Malformation Instructional Lectures

(10 March 2018)

The Hong Kong Society for Surgery of the Hand

2.5 CPD credit points


World Symposium of Congenital Malformations of Hand and Upper Limb

(8 to 10 March 2018)

The Hong Kong Society for Surgery of the Hand

15 CPD credit points


Dynamic Assessment for Young Children – Theory and Application

(3 June 2018)

Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery & The Institute of Human Communicative Research, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


Dynamic Assessment for Young Children – Theory and Application

(3 to 5 June 2018)

Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery & The Institute of Human Communicative Research, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

18 CPD credit points


Dynamic Assessment for Young Children – Theory and Application

(3, 6 and 7 June 2018)

Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery & The Institute of Human Communicative Research, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

18 CPD credit points


Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association – Academic Sharing Seminar

(7 March 2018)

Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association

1 CPD credit point


4th Asia-Pacific Bone & Mineral Research Meeting and Osteoporotic Fracture Prevention & Treatment Conference 2018

(11 to 13 May 2018)

CUHK Jockey Club Centre for Osteoporosis Care and Control

12.5 CPD credit points


2018 JSSH-HKSSH Ambassador cum Mini-Symposium on CMCJ Osteoarthritis

(13 March 2018)

Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Prince of Wales Hospital, The Chinese University of Hong Kong and The Hong Kong Society for Surgery of the Hand

1 CPD credit point


HKSTENT – Cardiovascular Intervention Complication Forum 2018

(17 and 18 March 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Transcatheter Endo-cardiovascular Therapeutics

12 CPD credit points


Hong Kong Institute of Occupational Therapy – 2018 International Occupational Therapy Conference

(29 March to 1 April 2018)

Hong Kong Institute of Occupational Therapy

18 CPD credit points


基 礎 輔 導 及 認 知 行 為 治 療 訓 練 班

(22 and 23 June 2018)

Psychological Health Company Limited 心 理 健 康 有 限 公 司

11 CPD credit points


2018 Irlen® Screener Certification Training

(21 and 22 May 2018)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

12 CPD credit points


Workshop: Application of orthotic Therapy and practicum (Basic Level)

(12 May 2018)

Bodycare Company Limited

6 CPD credit points


Workshop: Application of orthotic Therapy and Practicum (Level 2)

(13 May 2018)

Bodycare Company Limited

6 CPD credit points


35th Anniversary CUHK PWH Orthopaedics cum 20th Anniversary of Orthopaedics in AHNH and TPH: From Benchside to Community

(26 May 2018)

Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong;
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Prince of Wales Hospital;
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital; and
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Tai Po Hospital

4 CPD credit point


晚 期 認 知 障 礙 症 紓 緩 臨 終 照 顧

(27 April 2018)

Hong Kong Association of Gerontology

2.5 CPD credit points


Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association – Academic Sharing Seminar

(7 March 2018)

Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association

1.5 CPD credit points


Advances in Medicine 2018

(19 and 20 May 2018)

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

10.5 CPD credit points


VHT Training Session

(17 May 2018)

Elderly Health Services, Department of Health

3 CPD credit points


The Hong Kong Geriatrics Society Annual Scientific Meeting 2018

(9 June 2018)

The Hong Kong Geriatrics Society

6 CPD credit points


Helping Special Needs Children in Effective Way - Putting the Pieces Together: A combination of sensory processing and NDT

(10 June 2018)

Hong Kong Young Women's Christian Association

6 CPD credit points


The Get Permission Approach to Pediatric Feeding Intervention

(30 September to 2 October 2017)

Wisdom Bridge Child Development Ltd.

18 CPD credit points


Soul Good Workshop on Motivational Interviewing 2018 – Module 1

(14 and 15 June 2018)

Soul Good Limited

12 CPD credit points


Soul Good Workshop on Motivational Interviewing 2018 – Module II

(29 and 30 June 2018)

Soul Good Limited

12 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 13th series

(26 June to 18 September 2018)

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

18 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 13th series (Module 1)

(26 June to 10 July 2018)

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

16 CPD credit points


Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association – Academic Sharing Seminar

(29 June 2018)

Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association

1.5 CPD credit points


MIND-friendly home workshop

(15 June or 3 August or 13 October or 10 December 2018 or 12 January 2019)

Housing Society Elderly Resources Centre, Hong Kong Housing Society

3.5 CPD credit points


[World Continence Week 2018] Symposium on Advanced Continence Care

(13 June 2018)

Hong Kong Association of Gerontology

1.5 CPD credit points

2018/19 cycle
OT Relevant
Programme Code Programme Organizer Maximum CPD
Credit Points


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2018
(8 July 2018)

Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

5.5 CPD credit points


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2018
(5 August 2018)

Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

5.5 CPD credit points


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2018
(9 September 2018)

Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

5.5 CPD credit points


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2018
(7 October 2018)

Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

5.5 CPD credit points


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2018
(11 November 2018)

Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

5.5 CPD credit points


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2018
(2 December 2018)

Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

5.5 CPD credit points


The Certificate in Ayres Sensory Integration® (CASI) Course – Module 1 (Onsite)

(22 to 25 October 2018)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

18 CPD credit points


The Certificate in Ayres Sensory Integration® (CASI) Course – Module 6 (Onsite)

(26 to 29 October 2018)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

18 CPD credit points


Symposium on Asthma and COPD: Now and Future

(1 and 2 September 2018)

Hong Kong Thoracic Society and CHEST Delegation Hong Kong and Macau

12 CPD credit points


Decoding ADHD

(11 and 12 July 2018)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

12 CPD credit points


Beckman Oral Motor Assessment & Intervention (Jul, 2018)

(30 and 31 July 2018)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

12 CPD credit points


Symposium on Asthma and COPD: Now and Future – Workshop 1: Hands-on Workshop for Allied Health Professionals

(1 September 2018)

Hong Kong Thoracic Society and CHEST Delegation Hong Kong and Macau

2.5 CPD credit points


Symposium on Asthma and COPD: Now and Future – Workshop 2: Hands-on Workshop for Respiratory Physician

(1 September 2018)

Hong Kong Thoracic Society and CHEST Delegation Hong Kong and Macau

2.5 CPD credit points


Soul Good Workshop on Motivational Interviewing 2018 – Module III

(6 and 7 July 2018)

Soul Good Limited

12 CPD credit points


Symposium on Asthma and COPD: Now and Future – Main Programme

(1 and 2 September 2018)

Hong Kong Thoracic Society and CHEST Delegation Hong Kong and Macau

10.5 CPD credit points


Pre-Conference Workshop (HKASD Conference 2018): Evidence-based Practices for Children and Youth with ASD in School Settings

(4 July 2018)

Faculty of Social Sciences, The University of Hong Kong

3.5 CPD credit points


Hong Kong ASD Conference 2018: Autism and Education: What Works

(5 July 2018)

Faculty of Social Sciences, The University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


Parallel Post-Conference Workshops (HKASD Conference 2018): School-based group training for primary school students with ASD / School-based group training for secondary school students with ASD

(6 July 2018)

Faculty of Social Sciences, The University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 13th series (Module 2)

(13 July to 4th week of July 2018)

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

18 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 13th series (Module 3)

(31 July to 14 August 2018)

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

16.5 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 13th series (Module 4)

(17 to 31 August 2018)

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

16 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 13th series (Module 5)

(4 to 18 September 2018)

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

13.5 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 13th series  (Session M201)

(13 July 2018)

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

3.5 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 13th series  (Session M202)

(17 July 2018)

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

3 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 13th series  (Session M301)

(31 July 2018)

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

3.5 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 13th series  (Session M302)

(3 August 2018)

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

3 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 13th series  (Session M303)

(7 August 2018)

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

3 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 13th series  (Session M304)

(10 August 2018)

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

3.5 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 13th series  (Session M501)

(4 September 2018)

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

2 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 13th series  (Session M502)

(7 September 2018)

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

2 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 13th series  (Session M503)

(11 September 2018)

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

3 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 13th series  (Session M504)

(14 September 2018)

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

3 CPD credit points


Occupational Health Practice

(18 August to 29 September 2018)

JC School of Public Health and Primary Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

18 CPD credit points


Pain Management for Older Adults: Multi-disciplinary Approach

(23 August to 27 September 2018)

Hong Kong Association of Gerontology 

12 CPD credit points


HKCOS Injury Prevention Conference 2018 – Improving Road Safety and Sports Safety

(25 August 2018)

The Hong Kong College of Orthopaedic Surgeons

6 CPD credit points


Integrated Oncology Course for Nurses & Allied Health

(5 September to 28 November 2018)

The Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society (HKACS)  

18 CPD credit points


International Alzheimer’s Disease Conference 2018

(7 and 8 September 2018)

Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, The University of Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist University, Lingnan University, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The Education University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology  

8.5 CPD credit points


Two-day Workshop: Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) – Introductory Class with a Different Experience

(15 and 16 September 2018)

Department of Psychiatry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

12 CPD credit points


KCC Fall Awareness Week

(17 September 2018)

Kowloon Central Cluster Fall Prevention Working Group

3 CPD credit points


3rd Asian-Pacific TMS-Days – Intensive Clinical TMS and Neuronavigation Certification Training

(22 and 23 September 2018)

Healthlink Holdings Limited

10.5 CPD credit points


Circle of Security Parenting Facilitator Training

(16 and 18 to 20 October 2018)

Hong Kong Association for Infant Mental Health 

18 CPD credit points


OT Updated Programme: Chronic Pain Management

(24 October 2018)

Pain Service Specialty Group, OTCOC

6 CPD credit points


HK-MoCA Workshop 2018

(2 November 2018)

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


Sports Trainer Foundation Certificate

(26 August 2018 and 2 September 2018)

GRS Health Services Limited

12 CPD credit points


Masculoskeletal Rehabilitation for HK Healthcare Professionals

(28 August to 18 September 2018)

GRS Health Services Limited

18 CPD credit points


Backman Oral Motor Assessment & Intervention

(13-14 November 2018)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

12 CPD credit points


Supporting Infant and Child Development through Ayres Sensory Integration

(23-24 October 2018)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

12 CPD credit points


2018 感 覺 綜 合 基 礎 課 程

(1 November 2018 to 5 January 2019)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

18 CPD credit points


Fascial Therapy with FASER (Instrument assisted myofascial mobilisation) Co-organised with ARTZT Institute

(19-20 April 2019)

Hong Kong Fascial Therapy Association

12 CPD credit points


Psychological Disorders & Cognitive Behavioral Therapy – Advanced Level Certificate Course

(16 and 18 November 2018)

Psychological Health Company Limited

11 CPD credit points


Advanced Teacher Training in Mindful Parenting 2018 Hong Kong

(6-10 November 2018­)

Hong Kong Association for Infant Mental Health

18 CPD credit points



Workshop on Disability Management

(14 September 2018)

Hong Kong Workers’ Health Centre

2 CPD credit points


結 構 化 教 學 法 應 用 於 自 閉 症 譜 系 障 礙 學 習 障 礙 人 士 暨 工 作 到 消 閒 獨 立 生 活 手 冊 發 佈 會

(31 August 2018)

Hong Chi Association

3 CPD credit points


CME/CPD Seminar for Medical Practitioners

(18 September 2018)

Asia Medical Specialists

1 CPD credit point


International Alzheimer’s Disease Conference 2018_7 September 2018

(7 September 2018)

Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, The University of Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist University, Lingnan University, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The Education University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

 6 CPD credit points


International Alzheimer’s Disease Conference 2018_8 September 2018

(8 September 2018)

Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation, The University of Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist University, Lingnan University, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The Education University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University and The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

3.5 CPD credit points


The 14th Rehabilitation Symposium cum the 6th Sir Harry Fang Oration

(13-14 October 2018)

The Hong Kong College of Orthopaedic Surgeons

9.5 CPD credit points


2018 Certificate Course on Management of Incontinence in Adults

(8 September 2018 to 3 November 2018 - five alternate Saturdays)

Hong Kong Continence Society Ltd

9.5 CPD credit points


15th World Congress on Long Term Care in Chinese Communities cum 25th Annual Congress of Gerontology & 7th Cross-border Elderly Care Seminar

(29-30 November 2018 and 1 December 2018)

Hong Kong Association of Gerontology

18 CPD credit points


VHT Training Session

(16 August 2018)

Department of Health, Elderly Health Services

3 CPD credit points


AJS McFadzean Distinguished Lecture 2018

(23 November 2018)

Department of Medicine The University of Hong Kong and Queen Mary Hospital

1.5 CPD credit points


Kinesio Taping Assessment, Fundamental Concepts and Techniques

(8-9 September 2018)

Oraia Physiotherapy Centre

12 CPD credit points


Autism Partnership The 2nd Annual Asia Pacific Autism Conference

(13 November 2018)

Autism Partnership

6 CPD credit points


VasCog 2018 – The 9th International Conference of The International Society of Vascular Behavioural and Cognitive Disorders – Day 1

(14 November 2018)

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong & The International Society of Vascular Behavioural and Cognitive Disorders

6 CPD credit points


VasCog 2018 – The 9th International Conference of The International Society of Vascular Behavioural and Cognitive Disorders – Day 2

(15 November 2018)

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong & The International Society of Vascular Behavioural and Cognitive Disorders

6 CPD credit points


VasCog 2018 – The 9th International Conference of The International Society of Vascular Behavioural and Cognitive Disorders – Day 3

(16 November 2018)

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong & The International Society of Vascular Behavioural and Cognitive Disorders

6 CPD credit points


VasCog 2018 – The 9th International Conference of The International Society of Vascular Behavioural and Cognitive Disorders – Day 4

(17 November 2018)

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong & The International Society of Vascular Behavioural and Cognitive Disorders

3 CPD credit points


AutoPlay and Play Therapy Interventions for Autism, ADHD and Other Neurodevelopmental Disorders

(10-12 January 2019)

Little Tree Play Therapy House Ltd.

18 CPD credit points


AutoPlay and Play Therapy Interventions for Autism, ADHD and Other Neurodevelopmental Disorders – Day 1

(10 January 2019)

Little Tree Play Therapy House Ltd.

6 CPD credit points


AutoPlay and Play Therapy Interventions for Autism, ADHD and Other Neurodevelopmental Disorders – Day 2

(11 January 2019)

Little Tree Play Therapy House Ltd.

6 CPD credit points


AutoPlay and Play Therapy Interventions for Autism, ADHD and Other Neurodevelopmental Disorders – Day 3

(12 January 2019)

Little Tree Play Therapy House Ltd.

6 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 14th series

(19 October 2018 – 31 January 2019)

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

18 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 14th series (Module 1)

(19 October 2018 – 7 November 2018)

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

16 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 14th series (Module 2)

(8 November 2018 – 21 November 2018)

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

13 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 14th series (Module 3)

(22 November 2018 – 13 December 2018)

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

16.5 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 14th series (Module 4)

(14 December 2018 – 16 January 2019)

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

16 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 14th series (Module 5)

(18 January 2019 – 31 January 2019)

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

13.5 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 14th series (Session M201)

(8 November 2018)

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

3.5 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 14th series (Session M202)

(14 November 2018)

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

3 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 14th series (Session M301)

(22 November 2018)

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

3.5 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 14th series (Session M302)

(28 November 2018)

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

3 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 14th series (Session M303)

(30 November 2018)

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

3 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) first stageCourse – 14th series (Session M304)

(5 December 2018)

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

3.5 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 14th series (Session M501)

(18 January 2019)

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

2 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 14th series (Session M502)

(23 January 2019)

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

2 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 14th series (Session M503)

(24 January 2019)

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

3 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care stepPlanner (CDCP) first stageCourse – 14th series (Session M504)

(30 January 2019)

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

2.5 CPD credit points


HK-MoCA Workshop 2018

(4 December 2018)

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


Walking through the 4 processes in Motivational Interviewing with William Miller

(17 December 2018)

Chinese Association of Motivational Interviewing

6 CPD credit points


Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association – Academic Sharing Seminar

(21 November 2018)

Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association

1.5 CPD credit points


Scientific Symposium cum dinner – The First Four Decades, from Foundation to Future (Department of Psychiatry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

(3 November 2018)

Department of Psychiatry, CUHK

6 CPD credit points


Brain Health Brings Health Symposium – Ending Dementia Together and Now

(17 November 2018)

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, the Chinese University of Hong Kong & The VasCog 2018 Congress

2 CPD credit points


Workshop: Application of Orthotic Therapy and Practicum (Basic Level)

(1 December 2018)

Bodycare Company Limited

6 CPD credit points


Workshop: Application of Orthotic Therapy and Practicum (Basic Level)

(23 September 2018)

Bodycare Company Limited

6 CPD credit points


Mindful Self-Compassion Programme

(3,10,17, 24 November 2018 and 1,15 December 2018)

Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU

18 CPD credit points


20th Anniversary Ceremony of the Elderly Health Service cum Seminar on Promoting Health Ageing

(13 October 2018)

Department of Health, Elderly Health Services

2 CPD credit points


A Manualized CBT-Context Based Social Competence Training for Adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder (CBT-CSCA)*: A 3-day Professional Certification Training

(5-7 November 2018)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

18 CPD credit points


21st HKSPRA Annual Scientific Meeting

(20-21 October 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Paediatric Respirology and Allergy

8.5 CPD credit points


21st HKSPRA Annual Scientific Meeting – Workshop II: NIV Workshop

(20 October 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Paediatric Respirology and Allergy

3.5 CPD credit points


21st HKSPRA Annual Scientific Meeting – Course I: A Crash Course on Radiology in Paediatric Respiratory Medicine

(20 October 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Paediatric Respirology and Allergy

3 CPD credit points


21st HKSPRA Annual Scientific Meeting – Course II: Dentistry and Sleep Disordered Breathing – An Introduction

(20 October 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Paediatric Respirology and Allergy

3 CPD credit points


21st HKSPRA Annual Scientific Meeting – Course III: Nutrition, Allergy and Respirology Diseases

(20 October 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Paediatric Respirology and Allergy

3 CPD credit points


21st HKSPRA Annual Scientific Meeting – Workshop I: Basic Workshop in Bedside Ultrasound

(20 October 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Paediatric Respirology and Allergy

3.5 CPD credit points


CDRA 9th Annual General Meeting and Scientific Symposium 2018

(27 October 2018)

The Chinese Dementia Research Association Ltd

2.5 CPD credit points


9th Asia Pacific Congenital & Structural Heart Intervention Symposium (APCASH 2018)

(6-7 October 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Congenital & Structural Heart Disease

12 CPD credit points


Neurological Rehabilitation for HK Healthcare Professionals

(6 June 2018 and 3,5,10,12 17,19 July 2018)

GRS Health Service Limited

18 CPD credit points


Diving into the Cyber World: Facilitating or suffocating? How to work with Young People on Internet

(13 October 2018)

Hong Kong Society for Adolescent Health

2.5 CPD credit points


VHT Training Session

(15 November 2018)

Department of Health, Elderly Health Services

3 CPD credit points


HKOA 38th Annual Congress – “Build & Brighten”

(3-4 November 2018)

Hong Kong Orthpaedic Association- Annual Congress Organising Committee

12 CPD credit points


2018 HKPGA Annual Scientific Symposium

(24 November 2018)

HK Psychogeriatric Association

4.5 CPD credit points


VasCog 2018 Pre-Conference Lecture - Dementia Etiologies in the 21st Century

(13 November 2018)

Department of Medicine and Therapeutic, The Chinese University of Hong Kong & VasCog 2018 Congress

1 CPD credit point


2018 Hong Kong Wrist Arthroscopy Workshop and Seminar

(15 December 2018)

Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


Paediatric Rehabilitation for HK Healthcare Professionals

(4, 6, 11, 13,18,20, 27 December 2018)

GRS Health Services Limited

18 CPD credit points


15th Hong Kong Palliative Care Symposium

(17 November 2018)

Society for the Promotion of Hospice Care

5.5 CPD credit points


Children’s Palliative Care Symposium 2018

(14 October 2018)

Hong Kong Children’s Palliative Care Foundation, co-organised by Hong Kong Society of Children’s Palliative Care

4 CPD credit points


Master of Science Programme in Stroke and Clinical Neurosciences Course MCNS5401 Health Services Management

(15 and 22 January 2019; 19 February 2019; 5 March 2019)

Division of Neurology, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

10 CPD credit points


The Society of Anaesthetists of Hong Kong (SAHK) Annual Scientific Meeting 2018

(4 December 2018)

The Society of Anaesthetists of Hong Kong

2 CPD credit points


Annual Scientific Meeting 2018 – “Paediatric Acquired Brain Injury”

(24 and 25 November 2018)

The Hong Kong Society of Child Neurology and Developmental Paediatrics

8.5 CPD credit points


Workshop on Cognitive Assessment

(23 November 2018)

HK Psychogeriatric Association

3.5 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 15th Series
(20 February 2019 – 23 May 2019)

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer's Education

18 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 15th series (Module 1 – M101, M102, M103, M104 & M105)
(20 February 2019 – 6 March 2019)

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer's Education

15 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 15th series (Module 2 – M201, M202, M203, M204 & M205)
(7 March 2019 – 4th week of March 2019)

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer's Education

13 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 15th series (Module 3 – M301, M302, M303, M304 & M305)
(27 March 2019 – 11 April 2019)

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer's Education

16.5 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 15th series (Module 4 – M401, M402, M403, M404 & M405)
(12 April 2019 – 3 May 2019)

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer's Education

16 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 15th series (Module 5 – M501, M502, M503, M504 & M505)
(8 May 2019 – 23 May 2019)

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer's Education

13.5 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 15th series (Session M201)
(7 March 2019)

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer's Education

3.5 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP Course – 15th series (Session M202)
(13 March 2019)

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer's Education

3 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 15th series (Session M301)
(27 March 2019)

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer's Education

3.5 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 15th series (Session M302)
(28 March 2019)

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer's Education

3 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 15th series (Session M303)
(3 April 2019)

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer's Education

3 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 15th series (Session M304)
(4 April 2019)

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer's Education

3.5 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 15th series (Session M501)
(8 May 2019)

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer's Education

2 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 15th series (Session M502)
(10 May 2019)

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer's Education

2 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 15th series (Session M503)
(16 May 2019)

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer's Education

3 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 15th series (Session M504)
(22 May 2019)

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer's Education

3.5 CPD credit points


The Hong Kong 60th Anniversary Symposium and Workshops – New Perspectives on Holistic Rehabilitation and Social Inclusion towards 2030
(28 – 29 March 2019)

The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation

12 CPD credit points


Evidence-based Treatment for ADHD – Certificate Course
(27 – 28 April 2019)

Psychological Health Company Limited

11 CPD credit points


PEERS for Young Adults Certified Training Seminar
(17-19 May 2019)

Two Nominees Limited Co-organised with Heep Hong Society and St. James Settlement

18 CPD credit points


Annual Scientific Meeting 2019
(24 March 2019)

Hong Kong Thoracic Society and CHEST Delegation of Hong Kong and Macau

6 CPD credit points


The Conjoint Congress of the 16th Asia Pacific Multidisciplinary Meeting for Nervous System Diseases (BRAIN)
The 3rd Asian Central Nervous System Germ Cell Tumour Conference (CNSGCT)
The 9th Interim Meeting of the International Chinese Federation of Neurosurgical Sciences (ICFNS)
(18 – 20 January 2019)

Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Surgery, CUHK

16 CPD credit points


Neuroscience-informed CBT (N-CBT) For Emotional Disorders – Certificate Course
(23 – 24 March 2019)

Psychological Health Company Limited

11 CPD credit points


Regional Autism Workshop: Motivating Your Child to Behave and to Learn Effectively
(23 February 2019)

Autism Partnership

3.5 CPD credit points


The Sequential Order Sensory (S.O.S.) Approach to Feeding Workshop
(23 – 26 February 2019)

Frontier Teaching and Therapy Consultancy Limited

18 CPD credit points


HKSSH – Certificate Courses in Hand & Upper Limb Surgery (Module 6) – Fractures and Dislocation of the Upper Limb
(26 January 2019)

The Hong Kong Society for Surgery of the Hand

2.5 CPD credit points


Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association – Academic Sharing Seminar
(29 March 2019)

Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association

1.5 CPD credit points


Seminar Series in Introductory Ergonomics: Introduction to Ergonomics
(18 May 2019)

Hong Kong Occupational & Environmental Health Academy

3 CPD credit points


Seminar Series in Introductory Ergonomics: Human Information Processing - Psychophtsics, Signal Detection Theory
(25 May 2019)

Hong Kong Occupational & Environmental Health Academy

3 CPD credit points


Seminar Series in Introductory Ergonomics: Anditory Environment and Noise Assessment
(1 June 2019)

Hong Kong Occupational & Environmental Health Academy

3 CPD credit points


Seminar Series in Introductory Ergonomics: Control and Display
(8 June 2019)

Hong Kong Occupational & Environmental Health Academy

3 CPD credit points


Seminar Series in Introductory Ergonomics: Man-Machine Compatibility
(15 June 2019)

Hong Kong Occupational & Environmental Health Academy

3 CPD credit points


Seminar Series in Introductory Ergonomics: Occupational Ergonomics
(22 June 2019)

Hong Kong Occupational & Environmental Health Academy

3 CPD credit points


Seminar Series in Introductory Ergonomics: Ergonomics in Design
(29 June 2019)

Hong Kong Occupational & Environmental Health Academy

3 CPD credit points


Seminar Series in Introductory Ergonomics: Anthropometry and Digital Human Modelling
(6 July 2019)

Hong Kong Occupational & Environmental Health Academy

3 CPD credit points


Seminar Series in Introductory Ergonomics: Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders
(20 July 2019)

Hong Kong Occupational & Environmental Health Academy

3 CPD credit points


Seminar Series in Introductory Ergonomics: Macroergonomics
(27 July 2019)

Hong Kong Occupational & Environmental Health Academy

3 CPD credit points


Seminar Series in Introductory Ergonomics: Rehabilitation Ergonomics
(3 August 2019)

Hong Kong Occupational & Environmental Health Academy

3 CPD credit points


Seminar Series in Introductory Ergonomics: Healthcare Ergonomics
(10 August 2019)

Hong Kong Occupational & Environmental Health Academy

3 CPD credit points


Seminar Series in Introductory Ergonomics: Human Error
(17 August 2019)

Hong Kong Occupational & Environmental Health Academy

3 CPD credit points


Seminar Series in Introductory Ergonomics: Office Ergonomics
(24 August 2019)

Hong Kong Occupational & Environmental Health Academy

3 CPD credit points


Seminar Series in Introductory Ergonomics: Vibration and Human Response
(31 August 2019)

Hong Kong Occupational & Environmental Health Academy

3 CPD credit points


2019 HKPADS Paediatric Dermatology Symposium: Eczema 360 – Nursing Workshop
(16 March 2019)

Hong Kong Paediatric and Adolescent Dermatology Society

3 CPD credit points


2019 HKPADS Paediatric Dermatology Symposium: Eczema 360 – Main Symposium
(17 March 2019)

Hong Kong Paediatric and Adolescent Dermatology Society

5.5 CPD credit points


Advanced Teacher Training in Mindful Parenting
(14-18 March 2019)

New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association

18 CPD credit points


VHT Training Session
(21 February 2019)

Department of Health, Elderly Health Services

3 CPD credit points


2019 「Hi-FIVE © 寫 前 及 書 寫 技 巧 訓 練 課 程 」
( 第 一 階 段 : 理 論 與 簡 單 篩 檢 及 訓 練 活 動 設 計 」 第 四 期
(7 March 2019 – 2 May 2019)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

16 CPD credit points


Beckman oral Motor Assessment & Intervention (20 March 2019 – 21 March 2019)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

12 CPD credit points


HKSHT 11th Annual Therapist Symposium Clinical Pearls and Innovation in Hand Therapy and Pre-symposium evening workshop
(28 and 29 March 2019)


7.5 CPD credit points


HKSTENT – Cardiovascular Intervention Complication Forum 2019
(9 and 10 March 2019)

Hong Kong Society of Transcatheter Endo-cardiovascular Therapeutics

12 CPD credit points


Workshop: Application of Orthotic Therapy and Practicum (Level 2)
(12 May 2019)

Bodycare Company Ltd

6 CPD credit points


CU4LIVE 2019: Live Case Demonstration of the Latest Advances in Coronary, Structural, EP and Endovascular Interventions
(13 April 2019)

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Society of Transcatheter Endo-cardiovascular Therapeutics, Institute of Vascular Medicine

6 CPD credit points


Workshop: Application of Orthotic Therapy and Practicum (level 3)
(13 May 2019)

Bodycare Company Ltd

5.5 CPD credit points


Workshop: Application of Orthotic Therapy and Practicum (basic level)
(11 May 2019)

Bodycare Company Ltd

6 CPD credit points


Quickshifts: Revolutionizing the Use of Sound in Sensorimotor Integrative Treatment
(16 February 2019)

Wisdom Bridge Child Development Ltd

6 CPD credit points


From Sensation to Function
(17 and 18 February 2019)

Wisdom Bridge Child Development Ltd

12 CPD credit points


Symposium on Early Childhood Intervention
(29 March 2019)

The Boys’ & Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


Gordon Research Conference: Cognitive Dysfunction in Brain Diseases - Mechanisms and Therapeutic Targets for Cognitive Deficits in Neurologic and Psychiatric Diseases
(12 – 17 May 2019)

Department of Psychiatry, CUHK & The Utrecht University and Gordon Research Conference

18 CPD credit points


22nd Annual Certificate Course on Respiratory Medicine
(5 July 2019)

Division of Respiratory medicine, Department of Medicine & Therapeutic, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


Diploma in Advances in Medicine 2019-2020
(20 January 2019 to 31 December 2020)

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

18 CPD credit points


Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2019
(20 January 2019 to 31 December 2019)

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

18 CPD credit points


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2019
(20 January 2019 to 31 December 2019)

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

18 CPD credit points


Post Forum Symposium: Current and Advances in Amputation Management
(15 April 2019)

Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, the University of Hong Kong

5 CPD credit points


Soul Good Workshop on Motivational Interviewing 2019 – Advanced Level
(9 and 16 March 2019)

Soul Good Limited

12 CPD credit points


Soul Good Workshop on Motivational Interviewing 2019 – Coaching Session
(12 and 13 April 2019)

Soul Good Limited

12 CPD credit points


Advances in Medicine 2019
(25 and 26 May 2019)

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

11 CPD credit points


認 知 障 礙 症 照 顧 圖 譜 基 礎 使 用 證 書 課 程
(15-18 May 2019)

SAGE Chan Dang Centre for Active Ageing

18 CPD credit points


Hand and Wrist Biomechanics Mini Symposium
(28 March 2019)

Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


Guest Lecture by Prof. Marc Garcia- Elias – “Why Theosteoarthritic Wrist is so often Asymptomatic”
(27 March 2019)

Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

1 CPD credit point


Disability Management Seminar - Innovative Ideas in Injury Prevention and Return-to-work
(31 May 2019)

Hong Kong Baptist Hospitial and Hong Kong Disability Management Practitioners Association

1.5 CPD credit points


The Hong Kong Society for Surgery of the Hand 32nd Annual Congress
(30 and 31 March 2019)

The Hong Kong Society for Surgery of the Hand

11 CPD credit points


One Day Lecture of Biomechanics
(24 June 2019)

MB Medical Equipments Limited

6 CPD credit points


International Alzheimer’s Disease Conference 2019
(31 May 2019 and 1 June 2019)

Hong Kong Science & Technology Parks Corporation, The University of Hong Kong, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Baptist University, Lingnan University, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, The Education University of Hong Kong, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology

8.5 CPD credit points


Autism Workshop on ABA Therapy: How to Get My Child to Talk Spontaneously
(25 May 2019)

Autism Partnership Limited

3 CPD credit points


Workshop: Application of Orthotic Therapy and Practicum (basic level)
22 June 2019

Bodycare Company Ltd

6 CPD credit points


Workshop: Application of Orthotic Therapy and Practicum (basic level)
23 June 2019

Bodycare Company Ltd

6 CPD credit points


Advances in Medicine 2019
25 and 26 May 2019

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

11 CPD credit points


The Hong Kong Geriatrics Society Annual Scientific Meeting 2019
22 June 2019

The Hong Kong Geriatrics Society

6 CPD credit points


VHT Training Session
9 May 2019

Department of Health, Elderly Health Service

3 CPD credit points


第 七 屆 安 老 院 舍 優 質 照 研 討 會 2019
8 June 2019

Hong Kong Association of Gerontology

2 CPD credit points


Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association - Academic Sharing Seminar
28 June 2019

Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association

1.5 CPD credit points


Quarterly Scientific Meeting of the Hong Kong Stroke Society
18 May 2019

The Hong Kong Stroke Society

3 CPD credit points


Summit on Preventive Health Care Paediatrics
22 and 23 June 2019

Hong Kong Paediatric Foundation

10.5 CPD credit points


The World Autism Awareness Day 2019 Seminar - Emotion Management Strategies for Families of People with Autism
3 April 2019

Macau Autism Association

4.5 CPD credit points


Workshop on Accessible Information Communication Technology and Web-Based Vocational Skills
23-25 June 2019

Fuhong Society of Macau

18 CPD credit points


Rehabilitation International Asia & Pacific Regional Conference
26-28 June 2019

Fuhong Society of Macau

18 CPD credit points

2019/20 cycle
OT Relevant
Programme Code Programme Organizer Maximum CPD
Credit Points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 16th series
17 July 2019 – 10 Oct 2019

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

18 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 16th series (Module 1 – M101, M102, M103, M104 & M105)
17 July 2019 – 31 July 2019

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

15 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 16th series (Module 2 – M201, M202, M203, M204 & M205)
1 August 2019 – 14 August 2019

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

13 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 16th series (Module 3 – M301, M302, M303, M304, M305, M06 & M07)
21 August 2019 – 11 September 2019

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

18 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 16th series (Module 4 – M401, M402, M403, M404, M405& M406)
18 September 2019 – 4 October 2019

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

17.5 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 16th series
(Practical sessions – P01&P02)
9 -10 October 2019

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

6 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 16th series
(Session M201)
1 August 2019

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

3.5 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 16th series
(Session M202)
7 August 2019

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

3 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 16th series
(Session M301)
21 August 2019

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

3.5 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 16th series
(Session M302)
22 August 2019

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

3 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 16th series
(Session M303)
28 August 2019

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

3 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 16th series
(Session M304)
30 August 2019

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

3.5 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 16th series
(Session M305)
4 September 2019

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

2.5 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 16th series
(Session M306)
6 September 2019

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

2 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 16th series
(Session M404)
26 September 2019

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

2 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 16th series
(Session M405)
2 October 2019

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

3 CPD credit points


Workshop: Application of Orthotic Therapy and Practicum (basic level)
21 September 2019

Bodycare Company Ltd

6 CPD credit points


Workshop: Application of Orthotic Therapy and Practicum (level 2)
22 September 2019

Bodycare Company Ltd

6 CPD credit points


School based intensives for occupational therapy practitioners
10-11 October 2019

SPOT Centre Ltd.

12 CPD credit points


Occupational Health Practice
6,13 and 27 July 2019; 10 August 2019; 21 and 28 September 2019

JC School of Public Health and Primary Care, CUHK

18 CPD credit points


MSc in Clinical Gerontology and End-of-life Care Prgoramme
7 September 2019 to 27 June 2020

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

18 CPD credit points


MIND-Friendly Home Professional Training Workshop –August 2019
23 August 2019

Housing Society Elderly Resources Centre

6 CPD credit points


MIND-Friendly Home Professional Training Workshop (am session)
15 October 2019 and 6 March 2020

Housing Society Elderly Resource Centre

6 CPD credit points


MIND-Friendly Home Professional Training Workshop (pm session)
15 October 2019 and 6 March 2020

Housing Society Elderly Resource Centre

6 CPD credit points


Evening Lecture: Diaphragm Pacing-Decreasing and Replacing Mechanical Ventilators
26 August 2019

Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, the University of Hong Kong

1 CPD credit point


Application on Digital Health in Community Centres: The First Step in a Stepped Care Approach to Primary of Older People
13 January 2020

CUHK Institute of Ageing

4.5 CPD credit points


5th HKCTO Live 2019
19-20 October 2019

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Public Hospital Cardiologists Association  and Asia-Pacific CTO Club

11 CPD credit point


Crisis Intervention and Counseling Skills Training - Certificate Course
27 October 2019

Psychological Health Company Limited

5.5 CPD credit points


Anxiety Disorders & Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - Certificate Course
3-4 November 2019

Psychological Health Company Limited

11 CPD credit points


Affective Disorders, Behavioral Problems & Cognitive Behavioral Therapy - Advanced Level Certificate Course
1-2 December 2019

Psychological Health Company Limited

11 CPD credit points


[World Continence Week 2019] Symposium on Recent advances in assessment and management of female incontinence
11 September 2019

Hong Kong Association of Gerontology

1.5 CPD credit points


Psycho-Sensory Intervention (Informed and Integrated Mental Health Support Strategies for the treatment of Trauma, Anxiety and Mental Health Issue)
29 -31 July 2019

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

16.5 CPD credit points


2019 International Sensory Integration Congress
12-13 October 2019

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

12 CPD credit points


2019 感 覺 統 合 基 礎 課 程
4, 11, 18 and 20 July 2019; 1, 8, 15, 22, 29 and 31 August 2019

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

18 CPD credit points


Workability Asia Conference
20-21 July 2019

Macau Special Olympics, Workability Asia

9.5 CPD credit points


4th Asian-Pacific TMS-Days
18-19 January 2020

Healthlink Holdings Limited

10.5 CPD credit points


Integrated Oncology Course for Nurses & Allied Health
4 September – 20 November 2019

The Hong Kong Anti-cancer Society

18 CPD credit points


Dialogues on Primary Health Care in HK - Promoting Multi-disciplinary collaboration in the community
8 August 2019

The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation

2 CPD credit points


"Primary Health Care Development in Sham Shui Po - Forum to Promote Medical, Social and Public Cooperation
24 August 2019

The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


Development Day for CSDOT
31 July 2019

東 華 三 院 社 會 服 務 科 職 業 治 療 委 員 會

6 CPD credit points


Advance Course lectured by Dr. Abbie
4-5 November 2019

MB Medical Equipments Limited

12 CPD credit points


VHT Training Session
15 August 2019

Department of Health, Elderly Health Services

3 CPD credit points


The 15th Rehabilitation Symposium cum the 7th Sir Harry Fang Oration
12-13 October 2019

The Hong Kong College of Orthopaedic Surgeons

9.5 CPD credit points


Professional Certificate Course in Work Disability Management and Return-to-work Coordination
3,10,17,24 and 31 October; 7,14 or 21, 23,30 November 2019; 5,14,19,21 December 2019; 2 or 4, 9,16 and 23 January 2020; 6,13 and 20 February 2020; 5 March 2020

Hong Kong Occupational & Environmental Health Academy

18 CPD credit points


Professional Certificate Course in Work Disability Management and Return-to-Work Coordination - Module on Motivational Interviewing
23 and 30 November 2019

Hong Kong Occupational & Environmental Health Academy

12 CPD credit points


Professional Certificate Course in Work Disability Management and Return-to-Work Coordination - Module on Mediation and Conflict Resolution
14 and 21 December 2019

Hong Kong Occupational & Environmental Health Academy

12 CPD credit points


認 知 障 礙 症 照 顧 圖 譜 基 礎 使 用 證 書 課 程
25-28 September 2019

SAGE Chan Dang Centre for Active Ageing

18 CPD credit point


Assessing Test of Playfulness (ToP) to Test of Environmental Supportiveness (TOES)
10-11 October 2019

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

12 CPD credit points


Autumn Respiratory Seminar 2019
10 November 2019

Hong Kong Thoracic Society and CHEST Delegation Hong Kong and Macau

6 CPD credit point


16th Hong Kong Palliative Care Symposium
19 October 2019

Society for the Promotion of Hospice Care

4.5 CPD credit points


Foot, Knee and Hip Mobilization Training
4 November 2019

MB Medical Equipments Limited

3.5 CPD credit points


Quarterly Scientific Meeting of the Hong Kong Stroke Society
21 September 2019

The Hong Kong Stroke Society

3 CPD credit points


HKSPRA Dinner Symposium Allergy Prevention and Treatment: What’s New in 2019
16 September 2019

Hong Kong Society of Paediatric Respirology and Allergy

1.5 CPD credit points


12th Echo Hong Kong cum Meet the Masters & Experts Cardiology Conference
21-24 November 2019

Echocardiography (Hong Kong)

18 CPD credit point


12th Echo Hong Kong cum Meet the Masters & Experts Cardiology – Workshop only
21-22 November 2019

Echocardiography (Hong Kong)

10.5 CPD credit points


12th Echo Hong Kong cum Meet the Masters & Experts Cardiology Conference – Conference only
22-24 November 2019

Echocardiography (Hong Kong)

18 CPD credit points


HK-MoCA Workshop 2019
25 October 2019

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


The Chinese Dementia Research Association 10th Annual Scientific Meeting
21 September 2019

The Chinese Dementia Research Association Ltd

5 CPD credit points


2019 Hong Kong Wrist Arthroscopy Workshop and Seminar
7 December 2019

Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


Holistic Care Conference – Holistic Care: Practising amidst Turbulence (am session only)
23 November 2019

Nethersole Institute of Continuing Holistic Health Education (NICHE)

2.5 CPD credit points


Pain Management for Older Adults: Multi-disciplinary Approach Unit 1: Various Types of Pain in Older people, Theory of Pain and underlying pathophysiology
10 October 2019

The Hong Kong College of Gerontology Nursing and Hong Kong Association of Gerontology

2 CPD credit points


Pain Management for Older Adults: Multi-disciplinary Approach Unit 2: Assessment of pain, drug management and other forms of medical interventions
17 October 2019

The Hong Kong College of Gerontology Nursing and Hong Kong Association of Gerontology

2 CPD credit points


22nd HKSPRA Annual Scientific Meeting
19 – 20 October 2019

Hong Kong Society of Paediatric Respirology and Allergy

9 CPD credit points


22nd HKSPRA Annual Scientific Meeting – 19 October 2019 only
19 October 2019

Hong Kong Society of Paediatric Respirology and Allergy

3 CPD credit points


22nd HKSPRA Annual Scientific Meeting – 20 October 2019 only
20 October 2019

Hong Kong Society of Paediatric Respirology and Allergy

6 CPD credit points


International Conference on Fragility Fracture (ICFF) Current and Prospective Management of Osteoporotic Fractures Workshop
4 January 2020

Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

4 CPD credit points


International Conference on Fragility Fracture (ICFF) Current and Prospective Management of Osteoporotic Fractures Conference
3 and 4 January 2020

Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

9 CPD credit points


26th Annual Congress of Gerontology
9 November 2019

HK Association of Gerontology

5.5 CPD credit points


Sharing of Application of Cognitive Rehabilitation for Older Adults with Demonstration
21 November 2019

CHG Health Service Limited

3 CPD credit points


Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association – Academic Sharing Seminar
11 December 2019

Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association

1.5 CPD credit points


2019 HKPGA Annual Scientific Meeting
16 November 2019

Hong Kong Psychogeriatric Association

3.5 CPD credit points


6th Hong Kong Neurological Congress cum 32nd Annual Scientific meeting of the Hong Kong Neurological Society
9-10 November 2019

The Hong Kong Neurological Society

12 CPD credit points


22nd HKSPRA Annual Scientific Meeting – Workshop (hands-on)
20 October 2019

Hong Kong Society of Paediatric Respirology and Allergy

2 CPD credit points


Annual Scientific Meeting 2019 – Paediatric Epilepsy Surgery & Neuroimaging
18-19 October 2019

Paediatric Neurology Association of Hong Kong

4.5 CPD credit points


Pain Management for Older Adults: Multi-disciplinary Approach
10 October 2019 to 14 November 2019

The Hong Kong College of Gerontology Nursing and Hong Kong Association of Gerontology

12 CPD credit points


Annual Scientific Meeting 2019 on Movement Disorders and Children and Advances in Treatment
5 to 6 October 2019

The Hong Kong Society of Children Neurology and Development Paediatrics

7.5 CPD credit points


Pain Management for Older Adults: Multi-disciplinary Approach
Unit 3: Physical Modalities and Physiotherapy and pain management
24 October 2019

Hong Kong College of Gerontology Nursing and Hong Kong Association of Gerontology

2 CPD credit points


Pain Management for Older Adults: Multi-disciplinary Approach
Unit 4: Pain management in Cancer and Terminal Patients and Psychological Support of Gerontology
31 October 2019

Hong Kong College of Gerontology Nursing and Hong Kong Association of Gerontology

2 CPD credit points


Pain Management for Older Adults: Multi-disciplinary Approach
Unit 5: Non-Drug Pain management
7 November 2019

Hong Kong College of Gerontology Nursing and Hong Kong Association of Gerontology

2 CPD credit points


Pain Management for Older Adults: Multi-disciplinary Approach
Unit 6: Aromatherapy in Pain management
14 November 2019

Hong Kong College of Gerontology Nursing and Hong Kong Association of Gerontology

2 CPD credit points


Workshop: Application of Orthotic Therapy and Practicum (basic level)- December
14 December 2019

Bodycare Company Ltd

6 CPD credit points


Workshop: Application of Orthotic Therapy and Practicum (level 2)- December
15 December 2019

Bodycare Company Ltd

6 CPD credit points


Workshop: Application of Orthotic Therapy and Practicum (basic level) –February
15 February 2020

Bodycare Company Ltd

6 CPD credit point


Workshop: Application of Orthotic Therapy and Practicum (basic level)- May
1 May 2020

Bodycare Company Ltd

6 CPD credit points


Workshop: Application of Orthotic Therapy and Practicum (level 2)- May
2 May 2020

Bodycare Company Ltd

6 CPD credit points


3S 自 閉 症 基 礎 證 書 課 程
12 December 2019 – 6 February 2020

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

14 CPD credit points


Beckman Oral Motor Assessment and Intervention Course
27-28 November 2019

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

10 CPD credit points


HK-MoCA Workshop 2019
6 November 2019

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

2.5 CPD credit points


BRAIN 2020 – The 17th Asia Pacific Multidisciplinary Meeting for Nervous System Diseases

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


BRAIN 2020 – The 17th Asia Pacific Multidisciplinary Meeting for Nervous System Diseases

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

4.5 CPD credit points


Occupational Therapy Assessment and Intervention for Reading Related Ocular-motor Anomalies

Tung Wah College – School of Medical and Health Sciences

3 CPD credit points


1st Multidisciplinary International Musculoskeletal Pain Congress cum Hong Kong Pain Society Annual Scientific Meeting
6-9 December 2019

Hong Kong Society of Musculoskeletal Pain

18 CPD credit points


10th Asia Pacific Congenital & Structural Heart Intervention Symposium (APCASH 2019)
9-10 November 2019

Hong Kong Society of Congenital & Structural Heart Disease

12 CPD credit points


Hong Kong Pain Society Annual Scientific Meeting 2019 cum AGM
8 December 2019

Hong Kong Pain Society

5 CPD credit points


Exoskeleton Hands-on Workshop

Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, the University of Hong Kong

1.5 CPD credit points


VHT Training Session

Department of Health, Elderly Health Services

3 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 18th series
11 March – 24 June 2020

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

18 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 18th series (Session M201)
26 March 2020

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

3.5 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 18th series (Session M202)
1 April 2020

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

3 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 18th series (Session M301)
22 April 2020

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

3.5 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 18th series (Session M302)
23 April 2020

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

3 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 18th series (Session M303)
6 May 2020

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

3 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 18th series (Session M304)
7 May 2020

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

3.5 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 18th series (Session M305)
13 May 2020

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

2.5 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 18th series (Session M306)
14 May 2020

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

2 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 18th series (Session M304)
10 June 2020

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

2 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 18th series (Session M405)
11 June 2020

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

3 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 18th series (Module 1 – M101, M102, M103, M104 and M105)
11 - 25 March 2020

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

15 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 18th series (Module 2 – M201, M202, M203, M204 and M205)
26 March – 4th week of April 2020

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

18 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 18th series (Module 3 – M301, M302, M303, M304, M305, M306 and M307)
22 April to 20 May 2020

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

18 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 18th series (Module 4 – M401, M402, M403, M404, M405 and M406)
21 May to 17 June 2020

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

17.5 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 18th series ( Practical Sessions – P01 & P02)
18 and 24 June 2020

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

6 CPD credit points


4-day Workshop of Cognitive Therapy for People with Pain
27 June and 4, 11 and 25 July 2020

Department of Anaesthesiology & OT Services, Queen Elizabeth Hospital and Hong Kong Pain Society

18 CPD credit points


Life Management Series

USC Mrs. T.H. Chan Division of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy

18 CPD credit points


Seminar on “Rejuvenating Personhood in Holistic Care for People at End Stage of Life”
9 December 2019

The Salvation Army Palliative Care in Residential Care Homes for the Elderly

3 CPD credit points


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2020
19 January 2020 – 31 December 2020

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

18 CPD credit points


Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2020
19 January 2020 – 31 December 2020

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

18 CPD credit points


Diploma in Advances in Medicine 2019-2020
19 January 2020 – 31 December 2020

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

18 CPD credit points


Multidisciplinary Musculoskeletal Pain Grand Round and Case Discussions 2020
Meeting: 10 September, 22 October, 19 November, 10 December 2020 (Thur)
Workshop: 22 August, 26 September 2020 (Sat)

Hong Kong Society of Musculoskeletal Pain

18 CPD credit points


Movement Disorder Case Conference (February)
7 February 2020

Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Surgery, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

1 CPD credit point


Movement Disorder Case Conference (March)
27 March 2020

Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Surgery, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

1 CPD credit point


Understanding Sensory Processing and Sensory Integration(SPSI) – a systematic approach in OT intervention for children with sensory issues
16, 17, 23 and 24 October 2020

Occupational Therapy Department, Heep Hong Society

18 CPD credit points


10th Asia Pacific Congenital & Structural Heart Intervention Symposium (10th APCASH)
8-9 February 2020

Hong Kong Society of Cogenital & Structural Heart Disease

12 CPD credit points


HKIA Live Webinar Symposium
26 May 2020 and 4 June 2020

Hong Kong Institute of Allergy

2.5 CPD credit points


HKIA Live Webinar Symposium
11 June 2020

Hong Kong Society of Paediatric Respirology and Allergy

1.5 CPD credit points


CNE/CPD Course on Psycho-social-spiritual Support for Older Persons at End of Life
7, 14, 21, 28 May 2020 and 4, 11 June 2020

Hong Kong Association of Gerontology & The Hong Kong College of Gerontology Nursing

12 CPD credit points


Sensory Defensiveness – A comprehensive Treatment Approach
26-28 July 2019

Wisdom Bridge Child Development Limited

18 CPD credit points


VHT Training Session (Online Training)
16 June 2020

Department of Health, Elderly Health Services

2 CPD credit points


Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association – Academic Sharing Seminar
24 June 2020

Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association

1 CPD credit points


Healthcare Planner for Healthy Ageing (Class 1)
21 April 2020 – 16 June 2020

School of Continuing and Professional Studies, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

18 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course - 19th series
2 September 2020 to 5 February 2021

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

18 CPD credit points

2020/21 cycle
OT Relevant
Programme Code Programme Organizer Maximum CPD
Credit Points


Symposium on Updates in Respiratory Diseases
21 November 2020

Hong Kong Thoracic Society and CHEST Delegation Hong Kong and Macau

12 CPD credit points


Understanding Sensory Processing and Sensory Integration (SPSI) – a systematic approach in OT intervention for children with sensory issues
3,4 and 7 July 2020

Occupational Therapy Department, Heep Hong Soceity

18 CPD credit points


Movement Disorder Case Conference (July 2020)
24 July 2020

Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

1 CPD credit points


Movement Disorder Case Conference (September 2020)
4 September 2020

Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

1 CPD credit points


Healthcare Planner for Healthy Ageing (Class 2)
11 August 2020 – 6 October 2020

School of Continuing and Professional Studies, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

18 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course - 19th series (Session M201)
14 October 2020

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

3.5 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course - 19th series (Session M202)
16 October 2020

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

3 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course - 19th series (Session M301)
4 November 2020

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

3.5 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course - 19th series (Session M302)
11 November 2020

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

2.5 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course - 19th series (Session M303)
18 November 2020

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

3 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course - 19th series (Session M304)
25 November 2020

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

3.5 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course - 19th series (Session M305)
2 December 2020

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

3 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course - 19th series (Session M306)
9 December 2020

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

2 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course - 19th series (Session M404)
13 January 2021

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

2 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course - 19th series (Session M405)
20 January 2021

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

3 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course - 19th series (Module 1 - M101, M102, M103, M104, M105)
2 September 2020 – 9 October 2020

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

15 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course - 19th series (Module 2 - M202, M202, M203, M204, M205)
14 October 2020 – 11 November 2020

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

14 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course - 19th series (Module 3 - M303, M303, M303, M304, M305, M306, M307)
4 November 2020 – 16 December 2020

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

18 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course - 19th series (Module 4 - M404, M404, M404, M404, M405, M406)
18 December 2020 – 19 January 2021

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

17.5 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course - 19th series (Practical sessions - P01, P02)
3 February 2021 – 5 February 2021

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

6 CPD credit points


認 知 障 礙 症 照 顧 圖 譜 基 礎 使 用 證 書 課 程
14,15,21,22 September 2020

SAGE Chan Dang Centre for Active Ageing

18 CPD credit points


Transdisciplinary Model of Urban Aged-care
31 October 2020

Tung Wah College

6 CPD credit points


MIND-Friendly Home Professional Training Workshop
6 August 2020

Housing Society Elderly Resources Centre

6 CPD credit points


1st Multidisciplinary International Association of Musculoskeletal Pain Congress cum9th Multidisciplinary Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Congress on pain Management
9 -11 October 2020

Hong Kong Society of Musculoskeletal Pain

18 CPD credit points


Training Workshop: Cognitive Rehabilitation & Application of Innovative Technologies for Older Adults
25 August 2020

CHG Health Service Ltd.

2 CPD credit points


VHT Training Session (online training)
20 August 2020

Department of Health, Elderly Health Services

2 CPD credit points


Movement Disorder Case Conference
30 October 2020

Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Surgery, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

1 CPD credit point


Integrated Oncology Course for Nurses & Allied Health
21 October – 30 December 2020

The Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society

18 CPD credit points


HKSSH Certificate Course in Hand & Upper Limb Surgery (Module 2): Microsurgery and Microvascular Reconstruction
5 September 2020

The Hong Kong Society for Surgery of the Hand

2 CPD credit points


Professional Online Training – Case and Experience Sharing in Early Detection of Dementia
24 September 2020

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

1 CPD credit point


Professional Online Training – Management of 4Ds (Dementia, Depression, Delirium and Diabetes)
3 September 2020

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

1 CPD credit point


The HK Stroke Society Quarterly Scientific Meeting – Recent Advances in Intracranial Artery Stenosis (Online Virtual Meeting)
26 September 2020

The Hong Kong Stroke Society

1.5 CPD credit points


Scientific Live Webinar on Latest Development in COPD
8 October 2020

Hong Kong Thoracic Society and CHEST Delegation Hong Kong and Macau

1.5 CPD credit points


Evidence-based Treatment for ADHD – Certificate Course
7-8 November 2020

Psychological Health Company Limited

12 CPD credit points


Anxiety Disorders & Cognitive Behavioral Therapy – Certificate Course
12-13 December 2020

Psychological Health Company Limited

11 CPD credit points


Advances in Medicine 2020 (26 and 27 September 2020)
26 and 27 September 2020

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

11 CPD credit points


Advances in Medicine 2020 (26 September 2020 only)
26 September 2020

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

5 CPD credit points


Advances in Medicine 2020 (27 September 2020 only)
27 September 2020

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


Professional Certificate Course in Work Disability Management and Return-to-work Coordination
29 September -18 December 2020

Hong Kong Occupational & Environmental Health Academy

18 CPD credit points


Professional Certificate Course in Work Disability Management and Return-to-Work Coordination - Module on Mediation and Conflict Resolution
21 and 28 November 2020

Hong Kong Occupational & Environmental Health Academy

12 CPD credit points


Professional Certificate Course in Work Disability Management and Return-to-Work Coordination - Module on Motivational Interviewing
31 October 2020 and 7 November 2020

Hong Kong Occupational & Environmental Health Academy

12 CPD credit points


Integrated Training Course on Childhood and Adolescence 2020-2021 Reading and Writing Disorders
2 December 2020

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

2 CPD credit points


Integrated Training Course on Childhood and Adolescence 2020-2021 Anxiety Disorders
25 January 2021

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

2 CPD credit points


MIND – Friendly Home Professional Training Workshop (AM)
15 December 2020 OR 31 March 2021

Housing Society Elderly Resources Centre

3 CPD credit points


MIND – Friendly Home Professional Training Workshop (PM)
15 December 2020 OR 31 March 2021

Housing Society Elderly Resources Centre

3 CPD credit points


The Conjoint Congress of The 17th Asia Pacific Multidisciplinary Meeting for Nervous System Diseases (BRAIN) The 2nd Asia Pacific Low-Grade Glioma Network Meeting (ALGGN)
15-16 January 2021 (Online)

Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Surgery, CUHK

11 CPD credit points


Bifurcaiton LIVE – CU4LIVE 2020
5 December 2020

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


HK-MoCA Workshop 2020 (November 2020)
25 November 2020 (Online)

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


HK-MoCA Workshop 2020 (December 2020)
14 December 2020 (Online)

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


Master of Sciences Programme in Stroke and Clinic Neurosciences Course MCNS54010 Health Services Management
12, 19 and 26 January 2021 and 2 February 2021

Division of Neurology, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

10 CPD credit points


2020 Hong Kong Wrist Arthroscopy WEBSHOP & WEBINAR
12 December 2020

Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


VHT Training Session
(Online Training)
18 November 2020

Department of Health, Elderly Health Services

1.5 CPD credit points


HKPGA Annual Scientific Meeting 2020
17 November 2020

Hong Kong Psychogeriatric Association

2 CPD credit points


Home Modification Workshop
11 December 2020

CHG Health Services Ltd

6 CPD credit points


Tele Cognitive Rehabilitation Workshop
22 and 29 December 2020

CHG Health Services Ltd

3 CPD credit points


14 and 15 November 2020

Hong Kong Society of Transcatheter Endo-cardiovascular Therapeutics

10 CPD credit points


Scientific Live Webinar on Asthma Control & Exacerbation Risk Management
22 October 2020

Hong Kong Thoracic Society and CHEST Delegation Hong Kong and Macau

1.5 CPD credit points


Autumn Respiratory Seminar 2020
7 November 2020

Hong Kong Thoracic Society and CHEST Delegation Hong Kong and Macau

3.5 CPD credit points


Annual Scientific Meeting cum Annual General Meeting 2020
7 November 2020

Hong Kong Pain Society and Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, CUHK

1 CPD credit point


Mirror Therapy (MT) for Chronic Pain Rehabilitation Seminar
14 November 2020

Hong Kong Pain Society and Department of Anaesthesiology & OT Services, Queen Elizabeth Hospital

1 CPD credit point


10th Asia Pacific Cogenital & Structural Heart Intervention Symposium 2020 (APCASH 2020)
(Online and Onsite)
6 December 2020

Hong Kong Society of Congenital & Structural Heart Disease

6 CPD credit points


Sensory Integration and Roles of OT in Q&A Psychiatric
4 February 2021

Institute of Advanced Nursing Studies, Hospital Authority

1.5 CPD credit points


1st Multidisciplinary International Assoication of Musculoskeletal Pain Congress and Multidisciplinary Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Congress on Pain Management
10 October 2020

Hong Kong Society of Musculoskeletal Pain

6 CPD credit points


1st Multidisciplinary International Assoication of Musculoskeletal Pain Congress and Multidisciplinary Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Congress on Pain Management
11 October 2020

Hong Kong Society of Musculoskeletal Pain

6.5 CPD credit points


Workshop: Application of Orthotic Therapy and Practicum (basic level)
19 January 2021

Bodycare Company Ltd

6 CPD credit points


Workshop: Application of Orthotic Therapy and Practicum (level 2)
2 February 2021

Bodycare Company Ltd

6 CPD credit points


Hong Kong Association of Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting 2021 – Art & Science: Cognitive Rehabilitation
15 January 2021

Hong Kong Association of Rehabilitation Medicine

1.5 CPD credit points


8th Asian Preventive Cardiology and Cardiac Rehabilitation Conference – Cardiovascular Disease Management and Cardiac Rehabilitation in the Era of COVID-19 Pandemic
28 -29 November 2020

Hong Kong College of Cardiology

12 CPD credit points


Joint Annual Scientific Meeting 2020
7 November 2020

Hong Kong Paediatric Society

1.5 CPD credit points


HKSHT Virtual Educational Seminar 2020: Management of Upper Limbs Lymphoedema Online Seminar by Zoom Cloud Meeting
28 November 2020

Hong Kong Society for Hand Therapy Limited

2 CPD credit points


23rd HKSPRA Annual Scientific Meeting
1 November 2020

Hong Kong Society of Paediatric Respirology and Allergy

6 CPD credit points


Hong Kong Institute of Allergy Annual Scientific Meeting 2020 (COVID-19 & Allergy)
11 October 2020

Hong Kong Institute of Allergy

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Ayres Sensory Integration – Module 3
5-8 October 2020

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

6 CPD credit points


27th Annual Congress of Gerontology (Online)
28 November 2020

Hong Kong Association of Gerontology

7 CPD credit points


Course on Common Mental Health Problems in Geriatric Patients in Clinical Settings: Dementia, Delirium and Depression
6 October 2020

Hong Kong Association of Gerontology

2 CPD credit points


Psychological Trauma & PTSD – Certificate Course
30-31 January 2021

Psychological Health Company Limited & Institute of Psychological Health

12 CPD credit points


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Psychological Disorders – Advanced Certificate
6-7 March 2021

Psychological Health Company Limited & Institute of Psychological Health

11 CPD credit points


Common Musculoskeletal Problems: A Guide for Family Doctors
11 January 2021

Asia Medical Specialists

1.5 CPD credit points


Online Talk : Autism through the Ages
3-4 April 2021

Autism Partnership

6 CPD credit points


Workshop : Application of Orthotic Therapy and Practicum (basic level)
8 April 2021

Bodycare Company Ltd

6 CPD credit points


Workshop : Application of Orthotic Therapy and Practicum (level 2)
22 April 2021

Bodycare Company Ltd

6 CPD credit points


Home Modification Workshop
5 and 6 February 2021

CHG Health Service Ltd

9.5 CPD credit points


VHT Training Session (Online Training)
18 February 2021

Department of Health, Elderly Health Services

1.5 CPD credit points


Diploma in Advances in Medicine 2021-2022
21 March 2021 – December 2022

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

18 CPD credit points


Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2021
21 March 2021 – 5 December 2021

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

18 CPD credit points


25th Hong Kong Medical Forum
15 - 16 May 2021

Department of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong

12 CPD credit points


Movement Disorder Case Conference _ April
16 April 2021

Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

1 CPD credit point


Movement Disorder Case Conference _ June
25 June 2021

Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

1 CPD credit point


Certified Dementia Care Worker (CDCW) Course – 1st Series
25 February – 31 March 2021

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

18 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Worker (CDCP) Course – Session L103
4 March 2021 – 10 March 2021

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

3 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Worker (CDCP) Course – Session L104
4 March 2021 – 10 March 2021

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

3 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Worker (CDCP) Course – Session L105
11 March 2021 – 17 March 2021

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

3 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Worker (CDCP) Course – Session L106
11 March 2021 – 17 March 2021

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

2 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Worker (CDCP) Course – Session M201
6 May 2021 – 12 May 2021

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

2 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Worker (CDCP) Course – Session M202
6 May 2021 – 12 May 2021

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

3 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Worker (CDCP) Course – Session M204
20 May 2021 – 26 May 2021

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

3 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Worker (CDCP) Course – Session M205
20 May 2021 – 26 May 2021

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

3 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Worker (CDCP) Course – Session M206
27 May 2021 – 2 June 2021

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

2.5 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Worker (CDCP) Course – Session M303
10 June 2021 – 16 June 2021

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

2 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Worker (CDCP) Course – Session M304
10 June 2021 – 16 June 2021

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

2 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Worker (CDCP) Course – 20th Series
25 February 2021 – 9 July 2021

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association – Institute of Alzheimer’s Education

18 CPD credit points


Management of Common Pain Condition 2021 Pain Series Topic 1: Osteoarthrities
18 March 2021

Hong Kong Pain Society

1.5 CPD credit points


Professional Talk: Practical Approach to Managing Non-motor Complications of Parkinson’s Disease for the non-neurologists
1 April 2021

Hong Kong Parkinson’s Disease Foundation

1 CPD credit point


Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association -  Academic Sharing Seminar – November 2020
19 November 2020

Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association

1 CPD credit point


Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association -  Academic Sharing Seminar – March 2021
25 March 2021

Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association

1 CPD credit point


Multidisciplinary Musculoskeletal Pain Grand Round and Case Discussions 2021 – May 2021
18 May 2021

Hong Kong Society of Musculoskeletal Pain

2 CPD credit points


Multidisciplinary Musculoskeletal Pain Grand Round and Case Discussions 2021 – June 2021
29 July 2021

Hong Kong Society of Musculoskeletal Pain

2 CPD credit points


Integrated Training Course in Childhood and Adolescence 2020 -2021 (Anxiety Disorders) – For speaker
25 January 2021

New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association

8 CPD credit points


13 and 14 March 2021

Hong Kong Society of Transcatheter ENdo-cardiovascular Therapeutics

12 CPD credit points


Quarterly Scientific Meeting of HK Stroke Society - Optimizing Stroke Prevention - from blood pressure control & lipid lowering drugs to the use of anti-platelets
17 April 2021

Hong Kong Stroke Society

1.5 CPD credit points


Annual Scientific Meeting 2021
28 March 2021

Hong Kong Thoracic Society and CHEST Delegation Hong Kong and Macau

6 CPD credit points


Scientific Live Webinar on Latest Development in COPD
29 April 2021

Hong Kong Geriatrics Society

1.5 CPD credit points


The Hong Kong Society for Surgery of the Hand 33rd Annual Congress
27-28 March 2021

Hong Kong Society for Surgery of the Hand

10.5 CPD credit points


Children with dual diagnosis of Hearing Impairment and Autism Spectrum Disorder
4 March 2021

Hong Kong Society of Child Neurology and Developmental Paediatrics

1 CPD credit points


48th Annual Scientific Meeting of The Hong Kong Society of Haematology
10 April 2021

Hong Kong Society of Haematology

5 CPD credit points


Vestibular Therapy Workshop
5 June 2021

Tung Wah College, Occupational Therapy Programme

6 CPD credit points


共 融 互 協 邁 步 職 場 : 自 閉 症 青 年 的 就 業 支 援
14 November 2020

香 港 理 工 大 學 康 復 治 療 科 學 系

2 CPD credit points


Metacognitive Training Programme
17 November 2020


6 CPD credit points


Sensory Processing Intervention (SPI) – Clinical Observation (CO)
8 May 2021

Occupational Therapy Department, Heep Hong Society

6 CPD credit points


Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association – Academic Sharing Seminar
24 June 2021

Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association

1 CPD credit points


VHT Training Session (Online Training)
20 May 2020

Department of Health, Elderly Health Services

1.5 CPD credit points


Advances in Medicine 2021
22-23 May 2021

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

10 CPD credit points


The Hong Kong Geriatrics Society Annual Scientific Meeting 2021
26 June 2021

The Hong Kong Geriatrics Society

5 CPD credit points


JCECC International Conference (Thursday June 16-18 2021)
16-18 June 2021

Jockey Club End-of-Life Community Care Project

14.5 CPD credit points


JCECC International Conference
Post-conference Workshop 1: Improving quality of care with Palliative Care Outcomes Collaboration (PCOC)
19 June 2021

Jockey Club End-of-Life Community Care Project

2 CPD credit points


JCECC International Conference
Post-conference Workshop 2: Keys to Integrating Palliative Care Approach in All Settings of Care
19 June 2021

Jockey Club End-of-Life Community Care Project

2 CPD credit points


Workshop: Application of Orthotic Therapy and Practicum (Basic Level)
29 May 2021

Bodycare Company Limited

6 CPD credit points


Workshop: Application of Orthotic Therapy and Practicum (Level 2)
12 June 2021

Bodycare Company Limited

6 CPD credit points


Beckman Oral Assessment and Intervention Course
25 - 26 October 2020

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

12 CPD credit points


Beckman Oral Motor Assessment and Intervention Course (December 2020)
3 and 7 December 2020

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

12 CPD credit points


Beckman Oral Motor Assessment and Intervention Course
(March 2021)
17 - 18 March 2021

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

12 CPD credit points


Certificate in Ayres® Sensory Integration - Module 6
17 - 20 February 2021

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

18 CPD credit points


Cognitive assessment and rehabilitation for Elderly People with Neurocognitive Disorder (NCD)
18 June 2021

Institute of Advanced Allied Health Studies of the Hospital Authority

6 CPD credit points


Workshop on "Therapeutic Skills for the Treatment of Adult Hemiplegia"
12, 20 June 2021 and,
11, 18 July 2021

CHG Health Service Limited

18 CPD
credit points

2021/22 cycle
OT Relevant
Programme Code Programme Organizer Maximum CPD
Credit Points


Multidisciplinary Musculoskeletal Pain Grand Round and Case Discussions 2021 – September 2021
16 September 2021

Hong Kong Society of Musculoskeletal Pain

2 CPD credit points



Hong Kong Society of Musculoskeletal Pain

2 CPD credit points


Multidisciplinary Musculoskeletal Pain Grand Round and Case Discussions 2021 – December 2021
16 December 2021

Hong Kong Society of Musculoskeletal Pain

2 CPD credit points


Multidisciplinary Musculoskeletal Pain Grand Round and Case Discussions 2021
27 November 2021

Hong Kong Society of Musculoskeletal Pain

3 CPD credit points


Multidisciplinary Musculoskeletal Pain Grand Round and Case Discussions 2021
15 January 2022

Hong Kong Society of Musculoskeletal Pain

3 CPD credit points


2 Day: Advanced Course: Executive Function in Kids & Teens Who Are Smart but Scattered (Digital Seminar)
Starting from 11 December 2019 (online course)


12 CPD credit points


Advanced Mindfulness Based Interventions for Children and Teens: Interventions for ADHD, Anxiety, Trauma, Emotional Regulation and More
Starting from 12 January 2017 (online course)


18 CPD credit points


Certified ADHD Professional (ADHD - CCSP) Intensive Training Course Evidence-Based Strategies for Managing ADHD across the lifespan: Changing the ADHD Brain: Moving Beyond Medication
Starting from 18 August 2017 (online course)


6 CPD credit points


Certified ADHD Professional (ADHD - CCSP) Intensive Training Course Evidence-Based Strategies for Managing ADHD across the lifespan: Advances in the Management of ADHD: Evidence-Based Medications and Psychosocial Treatments
Starting from 28 August 2018 (online course)


3 CPD credit points


Certified ADHD Professional (ADHD - CCSP) Intensive Training Course Evidence-Based Strategies for Managing ADHD across the lifespan: Executive Function, ADHD and Stress in the Classroom
Starting from 13 March 2017 (online course)


6 CPD credit points


Certified ADHD Professional (ADHD - CCSP) Intensive Training Course Evidence-Based Strategies for Managing ADHD across the lifespan: ODD, ASD, ADHD & Mood Disorders: Over 50 Techniques for Children & Adolescents
Starting from 6 February 2018 (online course)


6 CPD credit points


Certified ADHD Professional (ADHD - CCSP) Intensive Training Course Evidence-Based Strategies for Managing ADHD across the lifespan: The Two Attention Disorders: Identifying, Diagnosing, and Managing ADHD vs. SCT
Starting from 28 August 2018 (online course)


2 CPD credit points


Certified ADHD Professional (ADHD - CCSP) Intensive Training Course Evidence-Based Strategies for Managing ADHD across the lifespan: Smart but Scattered Adults - Manage ADHD by Targeting Executive Skills
Starting from 16 December 2016 (online course)


6 CPD credit points


ADHD Treatment for Children & Adults: Proven Strategies to Self-Regulate, Stay on Task & Manage Anxiety & Intense
Starting from 11 November 2015 (online course)


6 CPD credit points


Sensory Processing and Sensory Integration (SPSI): OT Intervention for Children - 3-day workshop
4-6 November 2021

Occupational Therapy Department, Heep Hong Society

18 CPD credit points


Certified Cognitive Stimulation Therapy Hong Kong (CST-HK) Practitioner Course (Summer 2021)
13 August 2021

Department of Social Work and Social Administration

6 CPD credit points


Integrated Oncology Course for Nurses & Allied Health
30 September – 9 December 2021

The Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society (HKACS)

18 CPD credit points


23rd Annual Certificate Course on Respiratory Medicine
29 October 20201

Division of Respiratory Medicine, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


Movement Disorder Case Conference
6 August 2021

Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Surgery, the Chinse University of Hong Kong

1 CPD credit points


Pre-conference Workshop (HKASD Conference 2021): Autism and Inclusion I Feel Good at School: Well-being as the Lever for Successful Inclusion of Students with Autism
8 July 2021

Faculty of Social Sciences, the University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


The 15th Rehabilitation Symposium
25 September 2021

The Hong Kong College of Orthopaedic Surgeons

6 CPD credit points


Workshop: Application of Orthotic Therapy and Practicum (Basic Level)
4 and 30 July 2021

Bodycare Company Limited

12 CPD credit points


Workshop: Application of Orthotic Therapy and Practicum (Level 2)
6 August 2021

Bodycare Company Limited

6 CPD credit points


Hi-FIVE® 寫前及書寫技巧證書課程
(第一階段: 理論與簡單篩檢及訓練活動設計)第七期
6 July – 24 August 2021
(Every Thursday)

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

16 CPD credit points


MSc in Clinical Gerontology and End-of-Life Care Programme
4 September 2021 to 26 March 2022

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

18 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course - 21st series
2 September 2021 to 16 March 2022

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

18 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course - 21st series (Session M201)
7 October 2021

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

3 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course - 21st series (Session M202)
21 October 2021

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

3 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course - 21st series (Session M301)
18 November 2021

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

3 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course - 21st series (Session M303)
2 December 2021

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

2 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course - 21st series (Session M304)
9 December 2021

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

3 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course - 21st series (Session M305)
16 December 2021

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

3 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course - 21st series (Session M306)
23 December 2021

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

3 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course - 21st series (Session M307)
6 January 2022

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

2.5 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course - 21st series (Session M404)
10 February 2022

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

2.5 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course - 21st series (Session M405)
17 February 2022

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

2.5 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course - 21st series (Module 1 -- M101,M102,M103,M104 & M105)
2 September to 5 October 2021

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

15.5 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course - 21st series (Module 2 -- M201,M202,M203,M204 & M205)
7 October to 16 November 2021

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

15 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course - 21st series (Module 3 -- M301,M302,M303,M304,M305,M306 & M307)
18 November 2021 to 11 January 2022

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

18 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course - 21st series (Module 4 -- M401,M402,M403,M404,M405,M406 & M407)
13 January to 4 March 2022

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

18 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course - 21st series (Practical sessions - P01,P02 & P03)
9 to 16 March 2022

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

9 CPD credit points


28th Annual Congress of Gerontology
27 November 2021

Hong Kong Association of Gerontology (Organizer) and Hong Kong Baptist University (Co-organizer)

6 CPD credit points


Autumn Respiratory Seminar 2021
28 November 2021

Hong Kong Thoracic Society and CHEST Delegation Hong Kong and Macau

6 CPD credit points


Hybird Meeting on New Therapies for Uncontrolled Asthma
7 October 2021

Hong Kong Thoracic Society and CHEST Delegation Hong Kong and Macau

1 CPD credit point


Roles of Occupational Therapists in maintaining Quality of Life in Children with Chronic and Medical Conditions
6 November 2021

Tung Wah College, Occupational Therapy Discipline

3 CPD credit points


Visual-related Intervention Workshop: OT Assessment on Oculomotor Control & Functional Vision
27 November 2021

Tung Wah College, Occupational Therapy Discipline

4 CPD credit points


Technology use in geriatric rehabilitation
30 October 2021

Tung Wah College, Occupational Therapy Discipline

3 CPD credit points


Healthcare Planner for Healthy Ageing
26 July to 4 October 2021

School of Continuing and Professional Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

18 CPD credit points


The First Char-Nie Chen Distinguish Lecture (Topic: How Do Doctors Heal? Reimaging Care in Medicine and Psychiatry)
5 November 2021

Department of Psychiatry, CUHK

1.5 CPD credit points


Movement Disorder Case Conference (Date: 22 October 2021)
22 October 2021

Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

1 CPD credit point


Movement Disorder Case Conference (Date: 10 December 2021)
10 December 2021

Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

1 CPD credit point


HK-MoCA Workshop 2021 (Date: 19 November 2021)
19 November 2021

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


HK-MoCA Workshop 2021 (Date: 17 December 2021)
17 December 2021

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


VHT Training Session (Online training)
19 August 2021

Department of Health, Elderly Health Services

2.5 CPD credit points


17th Hong Kong Palliative Care Symposium
23 October 2021

The Society for the Promotion of Hospice Care

5 CPD credit points


Annual Scientific Meeting 2021
25 September 2021

The Hong Kong Stroke Society

6 CPD credit points


Annual Scientific Meeting 2021 of The Chinese Dementia Research Association
18 September 2021

The Chinese Dementia Research Association

3 CPD credit points


13th Echo Hong Kong cum Meet the Masters & Experts Cardiology Conference - Conference (Day 1)
27 November 2021

Echocardiography (Hong Kong)

6 CPD credit points


13th Echo Hong Kong cum Meet the Masters & Experts Cardiology Conference - Conference (Day 2)
28 November 2021

Echocardiography (Hong Kong)

6 CPD credit points


13th Echo Hong Kong cum Meet the Masters & Experts Cardiology Conference – Conference
27 – 28 November 2021

Echocardiography (Hong Kong)

12 CPD credit points


30 October 2021

Heep Hong Society

3.5 CPD
credit points


Joint Annual Scientific Meeting 2021
30 October 2021

The Hong Kong Paediatric Society

3.5 CPD
credit points


24th HKSPRA Annual Scientific Meeting
17 October 2021

Hong Kong Society of Paediatric Respirology and Allergy

credit points


2021 Hong Kong Wrist Arthroscopy WEBSHOP & WEBINAR
11 December 2021

Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

credit points


Certified Cognitive Stimulation Therapy Hong Kong (CST-HK) Practitioner Course (Winter 2021)
Class 1 (Online via Zoom)
11, 21 January 2022

Class 2 (Online via Zoom)
13, 21 January 2022

Class 3 (In person)
11 January 2022

Class 4 (In person)
13 January 2022

Department of Social Work and Social Administration

credit points


Workshop: Application of Orthotic Therapy and Practicum (Basic Level)
16 October 2021

Bodycare Company Ltd

credit points


Workshop: Application of Orthotic Therapy and Practicum (Level 2)
24 October 2021

Bodycare Company Ltd

credit points


Workshop: Application of Orthotic Therapy and Practicum (Basic Level)
10 December 2021, 7 January 2022

Bodycare Company Ltd

credit points


Workshop: Application of Orthotic Therapy and Practicum (Level 2)
28 January 2022

Bodycare Company Ltd

credit points


Foundation Course in Work Disability Management and Return-to-Work Coordination
18 October to 29 November 2021

Hong Kong Occupational & Environmental Health Academy

18 CPD
credit points


HKPGA Annual Scientific Meeting 2021
16 November 2021

Hong Kong Psychogeriatric Association

1.5 CPD
credit points


Pain Webinar Series #4: Total Knee Replacement
28 October 2021

Hong Kong Pain Society

1.5 CPD
credit points


2021-22 Certificate in Ayres Sensory Integration (CASI) - Module 3
26 to 29 October 2021

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

18 CPD
credit points


Beckman Oral Motor Assessment and Intervention© Course
22 to 23 December 2021

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

12 CPD
credit points


11 November to 2 December 2021

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

11 CPD
credit points


Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association - Academic Sharing Seminar
11 November 2021

Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association

credit point


15th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Hong Kong Pain Society Pain webinar series #5: Low Back Pain
18 December 2021

Hong Kong Pain Society

1.5 CPD
credit points


Psychological Trauma & PTSD - Certificate Course
22 to 23 January 2022

Institute of Psychological Health & Psychological Health Company Limited

12 CPD
credit points


Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association - Academic Sharing Seminar
17 December 2021

Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association

credit point


Annual Scientific Meeting 2021 - Pre ASM Evening Seminar
19 November 2021

Paediatric Neurology Association of Hong Kong

1.5 CPD
credit points


Annual Scientific Meeting 2021
20 November 2021

Paediatric Neurology Association of Hong Kong

credit points


VHT Training Session (Online training)
18 November 2021

Department of Health, Elderly Health Services

credit points


Certificate Courses in Hand and Upper limb Surgery (Module 4): Arthritis of Hand and Upper Extremity
23 October 2021

The Hong Kong Society For Surgery of the Hand

credit points


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2022
23 January to 4 December 2022

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

18 CPD
credit points


Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2022
23 January to 4 December 2022

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

18 CPD
credit points


Diploma in Advances in Medicine 2022 – 2023
23 January to 4 December 2022

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

18 CPD
credit points


Movement Disorder Case Conference
11 March 2022

Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

credit point


BRAIN 2022 - The 18th Multidisciplinary Meeting for Nervous System Diseases
25 February 2022

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

credit points


BRAIN 2022 - The 18th Multidisciplinary Meeting for Nervous System Diseases
26 February 2022

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

credit points


Psychotherapy for Complex Trauma and Dissociative Disorders - Advanced Certificate Course
12, 13 January 2022

Institute of Psychological Health, Psychological Health Company Limited

12 CPD
credit points


HKSSH Certificate Courses in Hand & Upper Limb Surgery (Module 5): Radiology and Rehabilitation
15 January 2022

The Hong Kong Society for Surgery of the Hand

credit points


Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association - Academic Sharing Seminar
17 February 2022

Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association

credit point


Webinar on Osteoporosis Screening and Fall Prevention in Older People
22 February 2022

The Hong Kong Osteoporosis Foundation and CUHK Jockey Club Centre for Osteoporosis Care and Control (JOCOC)

credit points


Effective Interventions for Geriatric Patients: Dementias, Challenging Behaviors & More: The Aging Brain
27 August 2021
(Original Programme Date: 22 August 2017)


credit points


Challenging Geriatric Behaviors
15 September 2021
(Original Programme Date: 6 December 2017)


credit points


Differentiating Dementias
8 November 2021
(Original Programme Date: 23 October 2017)


credit points


6 November 2021


5.5 CPD
credit points


Psychology of Happiness - Certificate Course
9, 16 October 2021

Institute of Psychological Health

12 CPD
credit points


26th Hong Kong Medical Forum
14 and 15 May 2022

Department of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong

12 CPD credit points


Movement Disorder Case Conference 27 May 2022

Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

1 CPD credit point


International Conference on Fragility Fracture (ICFF) Current and Prospective Management of Osteoporotic Fractures Conference
26 and 27 March 2022

Dept of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

7.5 CPD credit points


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Psychological Disorders - Certificate Course
28 and 29 May 2022

Institute of Psychological Health; Psychological Health Company Limited

12 CPD credit points


Annual Scientific Meeting 2022
13 March 2022

Hong Kong Thoracic Society and CHEST Delegation Hong Kong and Macau

6 CPD credit points


HKPS 2022 Educational Series (webinars)
Webinar Series I: Holistic Pain Assessment
26 March 2022

Hong Kong Pain Society

1 CPD credit point


Oral-motor intervention for pre-schoolers - From assessment to intervention
23 April 2022

Heep Hong Society

3 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 22nd series
24 March 2022 to 2 September 2022

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

18 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course - 22nd series (Session M201)
28 April 2022

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

3 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course - 22nd series (Session M202)
5 May 2022

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

3 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course - 22nd series (Session M301)
2 June 2022

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

3 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course - 22nd series (Session M303)
9 June 2022

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

3 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course - 22nd series (Session M304)
16 June 2022

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

3 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course - 22nd series (Session M305)
23 June 2022

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

3 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course - 22nd series (Module 1 - M101, M102, M103, M104 & M105)
24 March 2022 to 26 April 2022

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

15.5 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course - 22nd series (Module 2 - M201, M202, M203, M204 & M205)
28 April 2022 to 30 June 2022

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

14 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course - 22nd series (Module 3 - M301, M302, M303, M304 & M305)
2 June 2022 to 5 July 2022

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

16 CPD credit points


Certificate Course on End of Life Care in Long Term Care 2022
18 February 2022 to 6 May 2022

Hong Kong Association of Gerontology

18 CPD credit points


20th Anniversary Celebration Symposium Webinar
25 June 2022

Hong Kong Parkinson's Disease Foundation

6 CPD credit points


Healthcare Planner for Healthy Ageing
6 June 2022 to 15 August 2022

School of Continuing and Professional Studies, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

18 CPD credit points


Ocular Motor Function and Handwriting - From assessment to intervention
20 December 2021

Occupational Therapy Department, Heep Hong Society

3 CPD credit points


Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association - Academic Sharing Seminar
23 June 2022

Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association

1 CPD credit point


Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association - Academic Sharing Seminar
17 March 2022

Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association

1 CPD credit point


Certificate in the Buteyko Clinic Method Training
(Online Course)

Buteyko Clinic International

18 CPD credit points


HKSSH 34th Annual Congress
19 and 20 March 2022

The Hong Kong Society for Surgery of the Hand

10 CPD credit points


Diabetes Preventing the Preventables (DPP) Forum 2022
1 May 2022

Asia Diabetes Foundation

6 CPD credit points


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Psychological Disorders - Certificate Course
28 and 29 May 2022

Institute of Psychological Health

12 CPD credit points


Social Stories™/ Social Articles 10.3 Expanded Webinar Series
27 April 2022

CREST Child Rehabilitation and Education Service Team

9 CPD credit points


Online course - Remote Psychological Support to People with Dementia - From Assessment to Intervention
28 April 2022

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

2 CPD credit points


HKPS 2022 Educational Series (Webinars) Webinar Series II: Management of Tennis Elbow: Perspectives from Orthopaedic Surgeon and Physiotherapist
25 June 2022

Hong Kong Pain Society

1 CPD credit point

2022/23 cycle
OT Relevant
Programme Code Programme Organizer Maximum CPD
Credit Points


Movement Disorder Case Conference 22 July 2022

Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

1 CPD credit point


Movement Disorder Case Conference 23 September 2022

Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

1 CPD credit point


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Psychological Disorders – Advanced Certificate Course
30 and 31 July 2022

Institute of Psychological Health; Psychological Health Company Limited

12 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course - 22nd series (Session M404)
28 July 2022

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

3 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course - 22nd series (Session M405)
4 August 2022

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

2 CPD credit point


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course - 22nd series (Module 4 - M401, M402, M403, M404, M405, M406 & M407)
7 July 2022 to 23 August 2022

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

18 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course - 22nd series (Practical sessions - P01, P02 & P03) 25 August 2022 to 2 September 2022

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

7.5 CPD credit points


Online course - Remote Psychological Support to People with Dementia - From Assessment to Intervention
2 December 2022

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


HK-MoCA Workshop 2022
7 October 2022

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


The 2nd Professor Char-Nie Chen Distinguished Lecture (Topic: Pragmatic Precision Psychiatry)
2 December 2022

Department of Psychiatry, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

1.5 CPD credit points


Movement Disorder Case Conference
25 November 2022

Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

1 CPD credit point


24th Annual Certificate Course on Respiratory Medicine
2 November 2022

Division of Respiratory Medicine, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


Introductory Course on Work Rehabilitation for Professionals
15 August 2022 to 31 December 2022

Orthopaedic Learning Centre, Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

12 CPD credit points


CVI - Assessment and Treatment
13 October 2022

Occupational Therapy Department, Heep Hong Society

3 CPD credit points


Handling Young Children with Developmental Disabilities-preparing Movement for Function from the NDT perspective
Class A: 16 July 2022 or
Class B: 27 August 2022
29 August 2022

Occupational Therapy Department, Heep Hong Society

9.5 CPD credit points


Sensory Processing and Sensory Integration (SPSI): Assessment and Intervention - 2-day Workshop
Class A: 1 and 2 August 2022
Class B: 12 and 13 August 2022

Occupational Therapy Department, Heep Hong Society

12 CPD credit points


Brain Challenge Intervention Programme - Instructor Certification Course cum Updates on ADHD intervention
9 to 11 August 2022

Occupational Therapy Department, Heep Hong Society

18 CPD credit points


eHealth研討會:基層醫療及社區復康服務 暨 《康程式》 (2.0) 啟動禮
23 September 2022


5.5 CPD credit points


「國際功能、殘疾與健康分類」座談會 - ICF 在復康和社會服務中的實踐:從理論到應用
A Symposium on International Classification of Functioning, Dis ability and Health (ICF) - Actualization of ICF in Rehabilitation and Social Service: from Theory to Application
11 November 2022

香港復康會 & 世界衛生組織復康協作中心

5.5 CPD credit points


Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association - Academic Sharing Seminar
6 October 2022

Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association

1 CPD credit point


Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association - Academic Sharing Seminar
18 August 2022

Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association

1 CPD credit point


Workshop: Application of Orthotic Therapy and Practicum (Basic Level)
23 September 2022

Bodycare Company Ltd

6 CPD credit points


Workshop: Application of Orthotic Therapy and Practicum (Level 2)
30 September 2022

Bodycare Company Ltd

6 CPD credit points


Workshop: Application of Orthotic Therapy and Practicum (Basic Level)
13 January 2023

Bodycare Company Ltd

6 CPD credit points


Workshop: Application of Orthotic Therapy and Practicum (Level 2)
20 January 2023

Bodycare Company Ltd

6 CPD credit points


29th Annual Congress of Gerontology
19 November 2022

Hong Kong Association of Gerontology

5.5 CPD credit points


HKSSH Certificate Courses in Hand & Upper Limb Surgery (Module 6): Fractures and dislocations of upper limb
17 September 2022

The Hong Kong Society for Surgery of the Hand

2 CPD credit points


VHT Training Session (Online Training)
11 August 2022

Department of Health, Elderly Health Services

1 CPD credit point


Annual Scientific Meeting 2022
3 September 2022

Chinese Dementia Research Association Ltd.

2 CPD credit points


HKPS 2022 Educational Series (Webinars) Webinar Series III: Cancer Pain Management - Perspectives from Pain Physician and Clinical Psychologist
24 September 2022

Hong Kong Pain Society

1 CPD credit point


Holistic Health Conference 全人健康研討會2022
Social Capital - the Lost Horizon in Holistic Health
5 November 2022

Nethersole Institute of Continuing Holistic Health Education, Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersoole Charity Foundation (NICHE)
The Nethersole School of Nursing, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK)

3 CPD credit points


Integrated Oncology Course for Nurses & Allied Health
22 September 2022 to 1 December 2022

The Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society (HKACS)

18 CPD credit points


The 16th Rehabilitation Symposium
8 and 9 October 2022

The Hong Kong College of Orthopaedic Surgeons

9 CPD credit points


Certificate Course on Renal Medicine 2021 (C370)
2, 9, 16, 23 and 30 September 2021
7 October 2021

The Federation of Medical Societies of HK jointly organised with Hong Kong Society of Nephrology

9 CPD credit points


Certificate Course on Respiratory Medicine 2021 (C369)
1, 8, 15 and 29 September 2022,
6 October 2022

The Federation of Medical Societies of HK jointly organised with Hong Kong Thoracic Society, and CHEST Delegation Hong Kong & Macau

10 CPD credit points


HKCNDP Annual Scientific Meeting 2022
12 November 2022

Hong Kong Society of Child Neurology and Developmental Paediatrics

3.5 CPD credit points


Disability Management Seminar 2022
14 October 2022

Hong Kong Disability Management Practitioners Association

3 CPD credit points


Hong Kong Psychogeriatric Association Annual Scientific Meeting 2022
17 November 2022

Hong Kong Psychogeriatric Association

2 CPD credit points


「新時代的職業治療 - 與科技結合推動全人健康」小型研討會
2 October 2022


3 CPD credit points


VHT Training Session (Online Training)
17 November 2022

Department of Health, Elderly Health Services

2 CPD credit points


Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2023 
15 January to 3 December 2023

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

18 CPD credit points


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2023
15 January to 3 December 2023

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

18 CPD credit points
(5.5 CPD credit points per session)


Diploma in Advances in Medicine 2023 – 2024
15 January 2023 to 31 December 2024

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

18 CPD credit points


Master of Sciences Programme in Stroke and Clinical Neurosciences Course MCNS5401 Health Services Management
10, 17 and 31 January 2023, 7 February 2023

Division of Neurology, Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

10 CPD credit points


Movement Disorder Case Conference
3 February 2023

Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

1 CPD credit point


The 19th Asia Pacific Multidisciplinary Meeting for Nervous System Diseases (BRAIN)
10 and 11 February 2023

Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

10.5 CPD credit points


Movement Disorder Case Conference
14 April 2023,
9 June 2023

Division of Neurosurgery, Department of Surgery, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

1 CPD credit point


Introductory Course to Work Rehabilitation for Rehabilitation Professionals
26 January - 31 December 2023
(Online pre-recorded video training)

Orthopaedic Learning Centre, Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

12 CPD credit points


VHT Training Session (Online Training)
16 February 2023

Department of Health, Elderly Health Services

2 CPD credit points


Advance Course by Dr. Abbie
27 and 28 December 2022

MB Medical Equipments Limited

12 CPD credit points


18th Hong Kong International Orthopaedic Forum
22 April 2023

Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, School of Clinical Medicine, The University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


18th Hong Kong International Orthopaedic Forum
23 April 2023

Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, School of Clinical Medicine, The University of Hong Kong

3.5 CPD credit points


27th Hong Kong Medical Forum
13 and 14 May 2023

Department of Medicine, School of Clinical Medicine, The University of Hong Kong

10.5 CPD credit points


Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association - Academic Sharing Seminar

Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association - Academic Sharing Seminar

1 CPD credit point


Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association - Academic Sharing Seminar
16 March 2023

Hong Kong Remotivation Therapy Association

1 CPD credit point


HKPS 2022 Educational Series (webinars)
Webinar Series IV: Geriatric Pain Management - multidisciplinary approach
10 December 2022

Hong Kong Pain Society

1 CPD credit point


Annual Scientific Meeting 2023
12 March 2023

Hong Kong Thoracic Society and CHEST Delegation Hong Kong and Macau

6 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course – 23rd Series
9 February to 10 August 2023

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

18 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course - 23rd Series (Module 1 - M101, M102, M103, M104, M105, P01 and examination)
9 February to 21 March 2023

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

14.5 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course - 23rd Series (Module 2 - M201, M202, M203, P02, P03 and examination)
23 March to 25 April 2023

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

13 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course - 23rd Series (Module 3 - M301, M302, M303, M304, M305, M306, P04, P05 and examination)
27 April to 20 June 2023

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

18 CPD credit points


Certified Dementia Care Planner (CDCP) Course - 23rd Series (Module 4 - M401, M402, M403, M404, M405, P06 and examination)
22 June to 1 August 2023

Hong Kong Alzheimer's Disease Association - Institute of Alzheimer's Education

13 CPD credit points


Build-to-PlayTM Programme Professional Training
8 April 2023, 6 May 2023, 16 June 2023,4 July 2023

STPlay Counselling Centre Educational Psychologists and Education Specialists

6 CPD credit points


Primary Healthcare Summit
11 February 2023

Kwai Tsing Safe Community and Healthy City Association

3 CPD credit points


18th Hong Kong Palliative Care Symposium
7 January 2023

The Society for the Promotion of Hospice Care

5.5 CPD credit points


9th Asian Preventive Cardiology and Cardiac Rehabilitation Conference (APCCRC) (Hybrid) (Online)
26 to 27 November 2022

Hong Kong College of Cardiology

12 CPD credit points


Child-centred Early Intervention Certificate Course II (2022-2023)
26 November 2022,
17 December 2022,
11 February 2023,
11 March 2023,
22 April 2023

The Boys’ & Girls’ Clubs Association of Hong Kong

15 CPD credit points


Hong Kong Paediatric Society Joint Annual Scientific Meeting
26 November 2022

Hong Kong Paediatric Society

3.5 CPD credit points


與你同行 Occupational Therapy Service for children & adolescents in the community
11 November 2022

Hong Kong Children's Hospital Simulation Training Centre

1 CPD credit point


SOS Approach to Feeding
24 to 27 May 2023

WeSync Health Hong Kong

18 CPD credit points


Souling MI Coaching Session 2023
18 and 25 March 2023

Souling Limited

12 CPD credit points


HKSSH 35th Annual Congress
25 and 26 March 2023

The Hong Kong Society for Surgery of the Hand

10 CPD credit points


Seminar on “Integrated Musculoskeletal Pain management in primary care”
26 March 2023

Hong Kong Association for Integration of Chinese-Western Medicine (HKAIM)

3 CPD credit points


Splint Making Workshop
7 January 2023

Heep Hong Society

3 CPD credit points


Workshop of decluttering after a death
28 August 2022

The Samaritan Befrienders Hong Kong & Ur-Link Professional Training and Development Centre

6 CPD credit points


Certificate Course in Mental Health
17 and 24 September 2022

Institute of Mental Health Castle Peak Hospital

12 CPD credit points



(24 June 2023)

Autism Partnership Limited

3.5 CPD credit points


復康座椅及坐姿介入工作坊 (Seating and Positioning Workshop)

(9 or 30 May 2023)

Fu Hong Society (Training Department)

6 CPD credit points

2014/15 cycle
Broad Professional Relevant
Programme Code Programme Organizer Maximum CPD
Credit Points


Basic Course in General Endocrinology and Metabolism 2014
(10 and 24 May, 7 and 21 June, 5 and 19 July and 13 September 2014)

Hong Kong Institute of Diabetes and Obesity, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

9 CPD credit points


Certificate Course in Obesity and Weight Management 2015
(10 and 24 January, 7 February and 7 March 2015)

Hong Kong Institute of Diabetes and Obesity, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

7.5 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of “Licensed Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic ProgrammingTM” For Caring Professionals (Cycle 14)
(26 April, 3, 24, 31 May, 7, 28 June, 5 and 12 July 2014)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2014
(2 November 2014)

Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2014
(5 October 2014)

Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2014
(7 December 2014)

Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

2 CPD credit points


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2014
(7 September 2014)

Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2014
(10 August 2014)

Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


Day Registration of Certificate in Advances in Medicine 2014
(13 July 2014)

Department of Medicine & Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


Professional Presentation Design
(18 July 2014)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of Recovery Coaching for Mental Health Practitioner
(25 and 26 July 2014)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


Certificate Course in “Understanding Childhood Disorders, DSM 5”
(18 August 2014)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of Effective Skills on Projective Drawing for Counseling (Class 3)
(22 and 23 August 2014)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


“Restraint & Breakaway Trainer Refresher and Accreditation Course” by NFPS-UK
(25 August 2014)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of Advance Skills of Community Outreaching & Psychiatric Emergencies
(5 September 2014)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of Dream Analyst for Counselling
(10 September 2014)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of Foundation Coaching for Caring Professionals
(12, 19 and 26 September 2014)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

Max. 9 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


Certificate Course in Classification of Mental Disorder & Mental State Examination
(24 September 2014)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Clinical Supervision Group in Mental Health
(30 July, 27 August, 24 September, 29 October, 26 November and 31 December 2014)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

9 CPD credit points
(1.5 CPD credit points per day)


Introduction to Integrative Family and Systems Treatment (I-FAST) and Mental Health Treatment: Utilizing Family Strengths and Resilience (Basic Course)
(12 and 14 July 2014)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

6 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


Integrative Family and Systems Treatment (I-FAST) and Mental Health Treatment: Utilizing Family Strengths and Resilience (Advanced Course)
(15 and 16 July 2014)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

5 CPD credit points
(15 July 2014:
3 CPD credit points;

16 July 2014:
2 CPD credit points)


Integrative Case Management in Mental Health: Clinical Assessment, Case Formulation and Management
(26 July 2014)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course on Respiratory Medicine 2014
(17 and 24 September, 8, 15, 22 and 29 October 2014)

The Federation of Medical Societies of Hong Kong, Hong Kong Thoracic Society and American College of Chest Physicians (Hong Kong and Macau Chapter) Limited

6 CPD credit points
(1 CPD credit point per day)


Certificate Course of NFPS-UK Approved Physical Restraint & Breakaway Techniques (Class 3)
(15 August 2014)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Courses on Care Management with InterRAI (Intermediate level: interRAI Assessment Tools in Home & Community and Residential Care Settings)
(20, 27 June and 4 July 2014)

Sau Po Centre on Ageing, The University of Hong Kong

9 CPD credit points


國 際 認 證 身 心 語 言 程 式 學 執 行 師 課 程
(28, 29 June, 5, 6, 12, 13, 19, 20, 26, 27 July and 3 August 2014)

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

9 CPD credit points


Basic Knowledge on Psychotropic Drugs and Substance Abuse
(6 August 2014)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


Narrative Practice in Couple Therapy
(13, 20 and 23 August 2014)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

6 CPD credit points
(13 August 2014:
1.5 CPD credit points;

20 August 2014:
1.5 CPD credit points;

23 August 2014:
3 CPD credit points)


Effective Treatments for Specific Phobia (SP) and Social Anxiety Disorder (SAD)
(16 August 2014)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


Workshop on Managing Difficult Personalities/ Customers (Class 37)
(8 October 2014)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Understanding Borderline Personality Disorder
(17 October 2014)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of “Restraint & Breakaway Instructor Accreditation”
(14, 21, 28 October, 4 and 26 November 2014)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


Certificate Course of Enneagram for Counseling
(23 October 2014)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Positive Psychology for Caring Professionals
(1 and 2 October 2014)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


Foundation Hypnotherapy for Counseling
(10 and 11 October 2014)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


Certificate Course of “Licensed Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic ProgrammingTM” For Caring Professionals (Cycle 15)
(18, 25 October, 8, 15 November, 6, 13 December 2014, 10 and 17 January 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


Certificate in “Understanding Elderly Mental Health, DSM 5”
(7 November 2014)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of Effective Skills on Negotiation Strategies (Class 2)
(27 November 2014)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Women’s Mental Health
(17 September 2014)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


Effective Risk Assessment and Management for Psychiatric Emergencies
(19 September 2014)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


二 「 人 」 三 「 囑 」 - 善 生 嚮 導 一 天 工 作 坊
(17 July 2014)

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


The 8th Hong Kong Allergy Convention (HKAC 2014)
(4 to 5 October 2014)

Hong Kong Institute of Allergy

5.5 CPD credit points
(4 October 2014:
2.5 CPD credit points;

5 October 2014:
3 CPD credit points)


2014 East-West Alliance Global Symposia HKU Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine Frontiers Series - Big Data and Precision Medicine
(28 October 2014)

Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


Supporting Bereaved Children & Teenagers
(31 July 2014)

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


Summit on Child Health & the Environment 2014
(11 to 13 October 2014)

Hong Kong Paediatric Foundation

9 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


UCH – P2D Rehabilitation Ward (Edvidence-based stroke Rehabilitation)
(30 July 2014)

UCH – P2D Rehabilitation Ward

0.5 CPD credit points


園 藝 治 療 基 礎 應 用 證 書 課 程
(31 August, 6, 13 and 20 September 2014)

CFSC Professional Talent Training Centre

9 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


伸 展 導 師 證 書 課 程
(3, 10, ,17, 24 September, 8, 15 and 22 October 2014)

CFSC Professional Talent Training Centre

9 CPD credit points


Professional Training on “Attachment and Parenting Relationship”
(18 October 2014)

Hong Kong Baptist Hospital Holistic HealthCare Centre

1.5 CPD credit points


Workshop Series on Psychodynamic Psychotherapy
(Workshop 1:
22 to 23 August 2014;

Workshop 2:
29 to 30 August 2014)

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points per workshop


The 6th Global Conference of Alliance for Healthy Cities
(29 October to 1 November 2014)

The China Hong Kong Chapter, Alliance for Healthy Cities

9 CPD credit points
(29 October 2014:
3 CPD credit points;

30 October 2014:
3 CPD credit points;

31 October 2014:
3 CPD credit points;

1 November 2014:
1.5 CPD credit points)


The 8th Pong Ding Yuen International Symposium on Traditional Chinese Medicine cum The 2nd International Chinese Symposium on Free Radical Research & The 6th Symposium for Three Districts of Cross-straits on Free Radical Research
(15 and 16 November 2014)

School of Chinese Medicine, The University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


2nd Certificate Course in Assessment and Management of Incontinence 2014
(6, 20 September, 4, 25 October, 8 and 22 November 2014)

Hong Kong Continence Society Limited

6 CPD credit points
(1 CPD credit point per day)


World Psychiatric Association Regional Congress 2014
(11 to 14 December 2014)

The Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists and World Psychiatrists Association

9 CPD credit points
(11 December 2014:
2 CPD credit points;

12 December 2014:
3 CPD credit points;

13 December 2014:
3 CPD credit points;

14 December 2014:
3 CPD credit points)


OSHK A to Z symposia series: ‘G’-Symposium – Glucocorticoid, Gender and Geriatric specific issues
(25 October 2014)

The Osteoporosis Society of Hong Kong

1.5 CPD credit points


ADHD 專 題 講 座 暨 全 港 首 個 ADHD App 發 佈
(1 November 2014)

Heep Hong Society

2 CPD credit points


協 康 會 「 專 業 教 育 及 發 展 學 會 」(APED) 成 立 典 禮 暨 「 如 何 識 別 及 支 援 幼 稚 園 特 殊 需 要 學 童 」 研 討 會
(15 November 2014)

Heep Hong Society

2 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of NFPS-UK Approved Physical Restraint & Breakaway Techniques (Class 4)
(6 November 2014)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Using Expressive Arts Programme in Social Services for Caring Professionals
(9 December 2014)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in “Understanding Childhood Disorders, DSM 5” (Class 2)
(19 December 2014)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


“Restraint & Breakaway Trainer Refresher and Accreditation Course” by NFPS-UK (Class 3)
(17 December 2014)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Partial Opioid Agonist for Management of Chronic Non-Cancer Pain
(25 November 2014)

The Hong Kong Pain Society

0.5 CPD credit point


Annual Scientific Meeting 2014
(1 to 3 November 2014)

Hong Kong Society of Child Neurology and Development Paediatrics

4.5 CPD credit points
(1 November 2014:
1.5 CPD credit points;

2 November 2014:
2.5 CPD credit points;

3 November 2014:
0.5 CPD credit points)


Workshop on Shadow Transformation
(24 October 2014)

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


Urodynamic Workshop
(11 October 2014)

Hong Kong Continence Society Limited

1.5 CPD credit points


2014 Annual Scientific Meeting – Advances in Management of Incontinence
(11 October 2014)

Hong Kong Continence Society Limited

2 CPD credit points


Hong Kong Association of Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting 2014 – Workshop 2 – Transcranial magnetic stimulation – past, present, and future
(1 November 2014)

Hong Kong Association of Rehabilitation Medicine and Department of Rehabilitation and Central Nursing Division of Kowloon Hospital

1 CPD credit points


Hong Kong Association of Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting 2014 – Advanced Technology in Neuro-Rehabilitation
(1 November 2014)

Hong Kong Association of Rehabilitation Medicine and Department of Rehabilitation and Central Nursing Division of Kowloon Hospital

2 CPD credit points


Visceral Manipulation: Abdomen 1 (VM 1)
(8 to 11 December 2014)

Elite Resource and Consultation Services

9 CPD credit points


Visceral Manipulation: Abdomen 2 (VM 2)
(12 to 14 December 2014)

Elite Resource and Consultation Services

9 CPD credit points


Visceral Manipulation: The Pelvis (VM 3)
(30 March to 2 April 2015)

Elite Resource and Consultation Services

9 CPD credit points


Visceral Manipulation: The Thorax (VM 4)
(3 to 6 April 2015)

Elite Resource and Consultation Services

9 CPD credit points


Certificate Courses on Care Management with InterRAI (Basic level: Introduction to care management)
(31 October 2014)

Sau Po Centre on Ageing, The University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit point


Certificate Courses on Care Management with InterRAI (Intermediate level: interRAI Assessment Tools in Home & Community and Residential Care Settings)
(13, 20 and 28 November 2014)

Sau Po Centre on Ageing, The University of Hong Kong

9 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


Certificate Courses on Care Management with interRAI (Advanced level: Capstone class on interRAI)
(10 and 17 December 2014)

Sau Po Centre on Ageing, The University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


Introduction to Hypnotherapy (2-day Workshop)
(13 and 14 November 2014)

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Using Expressive Arts Programme in Social Services for Caring Professionals (Class 2)
(12 December 2014)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


2-day Advanced Workshop on Motivational Interviewing
(15 and 22 November 2014)

United Centre of Emotional Health and Positive Living

6 CPD credit points


Two-day Workshop on Emotion Regulation Therapy: A new integrative approach for treating emotional disorders
(19 and 20 December 2014)

United Centre of Emotional Health and Positive Living

6 CPD credit points


CranioSacral Therapy I (CST I)
(22 to 25 January 2015)

The Upledger Institute Hong Kong and Elite Resource and Consultation Services

9 CPD credit points


CranioSacral Therapy II (CST II)
(27 to 30 January 2015)

The Upledger Institute Hong Kong and Elite Resource and Consultation Services

9 CPD credit points


SomatoEmotional Release I (SER I)
(18 to 21 June 2015)

The Upledger Institute Hong Kong and Elite Resource and Consultation Services

9 CPD credit points


SomatoEmotional Release II (SER II)
(23 to 26 June 2015)

The Upledger Institute Hong Kong and Elite Resource and Consultation Services

9 CPD credit points


2-day Workshop on Dreams, The Radiant Children of the Night Understanding Dreams in Psychotherapy and Life
(27 and 28 November 2014)

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


Seminar on Viral Hepatitis for Nurses and Allied Health Professionals
(14 May 2015)

Special Preventive Programme, Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health

2 CPD credit points


Certificate in Hypnotherapy for Pain Management
(9 January 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in “Bipolar Affective Disorders and Substance Abuse”
(16 January 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Workshop on Presentation Excellence (Cycle 5)
(22 January 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of Effective Skills on Projective Drawing for Counseling (Class 4)
(23 and 24 January 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Managing Difficult Employees for Social Services
(30 January 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


DSM-5 (Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders: Fifth Edition) – A Practical Guide to its Use and its Impact on the Understanding, Assessment and Diagnosing of Mental Disorders
(27 November 2014)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


Emotion-Focused Therapy for Depression
(12 December 2014)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


Recovery-oriented practice in HK: Why, when and how?
(7 and 8 February 2015)

Hospital Authority and The Hong Kong College of Psychiatrics

6 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


Training Course on the Application of Standardised Assessment Tool for Residential Services for People with Disabilities
(16 October 2014)

Staff Development and Training Section, Social Welfare Department

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course on Pain and Occupational Medicine – how to care for work-related injuries and assist return to work
(5, 12 and 19 December 2014)

The Federation of Medical Societies of Hong Kong and The Hong Kong Pain Society

3 CPD credit points
(1 CPD credit points per day)


Certified Practitioner Course of PCS Interviewing Model for Counseling & Coaching
(6 and 13 February 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of Effective Skills on Managing Complaint (Class 3)
(11 February 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Workshop on Managing Difficult Personalities/ Customers
(17 February 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


『 賦 權 及 參 與 – 全 人 覆 康 研 討 會 』
(17 to 18 January 2015)

The Hong Kong Society for Rehabilitation

6 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


An International Overview of Peer Support
(9 February 2015)

Hospital Authority and The Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists

2 CPD credit points


Asia-Pacific Symposium on Motivational Interviewing Hong Kong (APSMI-HK)
(30 to 31 January 2015)

Cross Centre, Tung Wah Group of Hospitals

6 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


A 2-day Introductory Workshop on the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music (BMGIM)
(19 to 20 January 2015)

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of Foundation Coaching for Caring Professionals (Cycle 9)
(13, 20 and 26 March 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


Certificate in Early Psychosis & Schizophrenia for Caring Professionals
(17 March 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Managing Difficult Employees for Social Services
(18 March 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of Dream Analyst for Counselling
(28 March 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


The Application of Music Therapy for Enhancing Social Skills and Self-Confidence
(16 January 2015)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


Dementia, Delirium and other Organic Psychiatric Symptoms
(4 February 2015)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


助 人 自 助 – 精 神 科 藥 物 適 應 力
(5 February 2015)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


精 神 病 康 復 者 與 智 障 人 士 的 性 困 擾
(9 February 2015)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


身 心 行 動 健 康 計 劃 Wellness Recovery Action Plan ( 簡 稱 WRAP®) 基 礎 工 作 坊
(10 and 12 February 2015)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

5.5 CPD credit points
(10 February 2015:
3 CPD credit points;

12 February 2015:
2.5 CPD credit points)


Advance Training in Solution-Focused Brief Therapy: Working with Families and Couples
(11 and 12 February 2015)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

6 CPD credit points


與 長 者 溝 通 的 說 話 技 巧
(11 March 2015)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


身 心 行 動 健 康 計 劃 Wellness Recovery Action Plan ( 簡 稱 WRAP®) 證 書 帶 領 員 課 程
(20, 21 and 26 to 28 March 2015)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

9 CPD credit points


Self-harming among students: assessment, prevention and intervention
(31 March 2015)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

1.5 CPD credit points


Mediation and Coherent Breathing: Radical Transformation of the Body-Mind
(30 January 2015)

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

1 CPD credit point


Certificate in Assessment and Treatment of Anxiety Disorders
(10 April 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in System Thinking for Social Services
(11 April 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Positive Psychology for Caring Professionals
(30 April 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


One-day Workshop on Compassion Focused Therapy
(26 January 2015)

United Centre of Emotional Health and Positive Living and Department of Psychiatry, United Christian Hospital

3 CPD credit points


Crisis in Action: Workshop on Managing Depression and Suicidal Behavior (Class 4)
(8 May 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Managing Workplace Violence through Positive Behavior Support
(14 May 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Coaching Approach Leadership
(19 May 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


20th Hong Kong Medical Forum
(16 and 17 May 2015)

Department of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong and Queen Mary Hospital

5.5 CPD credit points
(16 May 2015:
2.5 credit points;

17 May 2015:
3 CPD credit points)


1-day Workshop on Introduction to Drama Therapy
(23 April 2015)

United Centre of Emotional Health and Positive Living

3 CPD credit points


2-day Workshop on Drama Therapy: Healing Through Action: Innovative Techniques, Tools and Approaches for your Clinical Practice
(24 to 25 April 2015)

United Centre of Emotional Health and Positive Living

6 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


2-day Introductory Workshop on Motivational Interviewing
(9 and 16 May 2015)

United Centre of Emotional Health and Positive Living

6 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


2-day Advanced Workshop on Motivational Interviewing
(6 and 13 June 2015)

United Centre of Emotional Health and Positive Living

6 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


Certificate in Integrative Mindfulness for Caring Professionals
(12 June 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of NFPS UK Approved Physical Restraint & Breakaway Techniques
(16 June 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Creativity for Social Services
(19 June 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Sensory Integration Training for Caring Professionals
(19 and 20 June 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Management of Bowel Disorder in Adult Patient
(18 March 2015)

Hong Kong Continence Society Limited

1 CPD credit point


Workshop on Cognitive Stimulation Therapy (CST)
(8 April 2015)

Sau Po Centre on Ageing, The University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


Workshop on Managing Dementia-Related Behaviours
(9 April 2015)

Sau Po Centre on Ageing, The University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


International Conference on Advances in Non-pharmacological Interventions for People with Dementia and Caregivers
(10 April 2015)

Sau Po Centre on Ageing, The University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


OSHK A to Z symposia series: ‘H’-Symposium – H & H in Osteoporosis
(9 May 2015)

The Osteoporosis Society of Hong Kong

1.5 CPD credit points


Exploring Music Therapy
(30, 31 March and 1 April 2015)

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

9 CPD credit points


Combined Congress of the 12th Hong Kong International Orthopaedic Forum (IOF) and 10th Combined Congress of the Asia Pacific Spine Society (APSS) and the Asia Pacific Paediatric Orthopaedic Society (APPOS)
(5 to 7 June 2015)

Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, The University of Hong Kong

8.5 CPD credit points
(5 June 2015:
3 CPD credit points;

6 June 2015:
3 CPD credit points;

7 June 2015:
2.5 CPD credit points)


Hong Kong Geriatrics Society Annual Scientific Meeting 2015
(13 June 2015)

Hong Kong Geriatrics Society

3 CPD credit points


Medication Skills Training for Healthcare Workers of Hospital Authority (Level 2)
(5 May 2015/ 13 May 2015/ 20 May 2015/ 29 May 2015)

JC School of Public Health and Primary Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


Therapy for Individual Going Through Relationship Trauma
(23 June 2015)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


Structural Family Therapy
(29 and 30 April 2015)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

6 CPD credit points


Treatment and Management of Gambling Problem and Addiction: Psycho-social, Psycho-therapeutic and Pharmacological Strategies
(26 May 2015)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


Integrative Case Management in Mental Health: Clinical Assessment, Case Formulation and Management
(29 May 2015)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


社 會 服 務 新 角 度 - 預 防 及 化 解 投 訴 技 巧
(15 June 2015)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


認 知 治 療 系 列 - 失 眠
(16 June 2015)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


Surviving Trauma: Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT) for Adult Survivors of Childhood Abuse and Neglect
(24 June 2015)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


Family-centred Practice in Mentally Health Care: Utilize Family Strengths and Resilience
(29 June 2015)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


Diabetes Preventing the Preventables Forum 2015
(23 and 24 May 2015)

Hong Kong Institute of Diabetes and Obesity, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

4.5 CPD credit points
(23 May 2015:
3 CPD credit points;

24 May 2015:
1.5 CPD credit points)


Family Therapy Training in Psychiatric Setting
(13 and 14 April 2015)

Kwai Chung Hospital

5 CPD credit points
(2.5 CPD credit points per day)


Hong Kong Institute of Analytical Psychology Evening Symposium
(6 May 2015)

The Hong Kong Institute of Analytical Psychology

1 CPD credit point


One-day Workshop: Marital Dissolution: Uncoupling and Divorce Decision Making
(29 May 2015)

United Centre of Emotional Health and Positive Living

3 CPD credit points


「 展 現 優 勢 : 復 元 ‧ 家 庭 」 研 討 會
(29 May 2015)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

1.5 CPD credit points


Concealing, Revealing, Empowering: An Expressive Arts Approach to Mask Making
(1 and 2 June 2015)

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


2015 Bowen Theory Conference –The Ties that Bind
(25 and 26 June 2015)

The ISS Family Institute

6 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)

2015/16 cycle
Broad Professional Relevant
Programme Code Programme Organizer Maximum CPD
Credit Points


Visceral Manipulation: Manual Thermal Evaluation and Introduction to VisceroEmotional (VM 5)
(7 to 9 December 2015)

Elite Resource and Consultation Services

9 CPD credit points


Visceral Manipulation: VisceroEmotional Relationships (VM 6)
(10 to 12 December 2015)

Elite Resource and Consultation Services

9 CPD credit points


Basic Course in Diabetes Management and Education
(12, 26 September, 24 October, 21 November, 5 December 2015 and 6 January 2016)

Hong Kong Institute of Diabetes and Obesity, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

9 CPD credit points
(1.5 CPD credit points per day)


CranioSacral Therapy for Paediatrics (CSP)
(25 to 28 September 2015)

The Upledger Institute Hong Kong and Elite Resource and Consultation Services

9 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of “Licensed Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic ProgrammingTM” for Caring Professionals (Cycle 16)
(18, 25 April, 9, 16, 30 May, 6, 27 June and 4 July 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Medication Skills Training for Healthcare Workers of Hospital Authority (Level 2)
(12 October 2015)

JC School of Public Health and Primary Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Psychotropic Medications for Mental Health Professionals
(9 July 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT) for Depression for Caring Professionals
(22 July 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of Effective Skills on Projective Drawing for Counseling (Class 5)
(24 and 25 July 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Application of Narrative Therapy in Trauma work
(27 June and 4 July 2015)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

6 CPD credit points


Understanding Common Psycho-Geriatric Illness and Medical Care
(17 August 2015)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


Understanding Common Mental Disorders (CMD)
(17 July 2015)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


Basic Knowledge on Psychotropic Medication and Post Incident Debriefing
(9 September 2015)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


East Meets West Symposium 2015
(3 and 4 October 2015)

Hong Kong Institute of Diabetes and Obesity, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

5 CPD credit points
(3 October 2015:
2 CPD credit points;

4 October 2015:
3 CPD credit points)


Certificate in Effective Skills on Mediation and Conflict Management
(14 August 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Workshop on Managing Difficult Personalities/ Customers
(21 August 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


“Restraint & Breakaway Trainer Refresher and Accreditation Course” by NFPS-UK
(25 August 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Managing Inappropriate Staff Behavior for Social Services
(26 August 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Two-day Workshop on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia: An Evidence-Based Non-pharmacological Treatment for Insomnia
(2 to 3 July 2015)

United Centre of Emotional Health and Positive Living

6 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


Kinesio Taping Level 1 & 2 Course
(Course A:
19 and 26 July 2015;

Course B:
23 and 30 August 2015)

Kinesio Hong Kong Co. Ltd

6 per course


Two-day Workshop on Treating Complex Trauma in Children and Youth
(25 and 26 July 2015)

United Centre of Emotional Health and Positive Living

6 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


Certificate in Solution-focused Therapy for Social Services
(10 September 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of Foundation Coaching for Caring Professionals (Cycle 10)
(11, 18 and 24 September 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


Certificate in “Understanding Childhood Disorders, DSM 5” (Class 3)
(22 September 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of Dream Analyst for Counselling (Class 3)
(29 September 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Sensory Integration Training for Caring Professionals (Class 2)
(14 and 21 October 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Management and Treatment of Borderline Personality Disorder
(6 and 13 October 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Coaching Genius and Accessing Personal Genius (APG) for Caring Professionals
(9, 23 and 30 October 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of “Licensed Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic ProgrammingTM” for Caring Professionals (Cycle 17)
(Module 1:
10 and 17 October 2015;

Module 2:
24 and 31 October 2015;

Module 3:
14 and 21 November 2015;

Module 4:
28 November and 5 December 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate in Managing Dual Diagnosis for Mental Health Professionals
(23 October 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Effective Crisis Intervention and Working with Suicide Crises for Caring Professionals
(29 October 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Introduction to Integrative Family and Systems Treatment (I-FAST) and Mental Health Treatment: Utilizing Family Strengths and Resilience (Basic Course)
(20, 21 and 23 July 2015)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

9 CPD credit points


CBT- Context Based Social Competence Training for Autism Spectrum Disorder (CBT-CSCA): A 2-day Professional Training
(30 and 31 July 2015)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

6 CPD credit points


Conference Workshop: Voice Rehabilitation and Phonosurgery
(10 and 11 December 2015)

Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


CUHK ENT Conference 2015
(12 and 13 December 2015)

Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


Three-day ACT Intensive: An Introductory and Intermediate Skill-Building Workshop in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
(10 to 12 December 2015)

United Centre of Emotional Health and Positive Living

9 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


身 心 健 康 行 動 計 劃 Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP®) 基 礎 工 作 坊
(6 and 7 August 2015)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

6 CPD credit points


身 心 健 康 行 動 計 劃 Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP®) 證 書 帶 領 員 課 程
(18 to 19 and 24 to 26 September 2015)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

9 CPD credit points


Integrated Course on Childhood and Adolescence Disorders: Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)
(17 September 2015)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


Integrated Course on Childhood and Adolescence Disorders: Anxiety Disorders
(7 August 2015)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


Integrated Course on Childhood and Adolescence Disorders: Depressive Disorders & Specific Learning Disorders
(21 August 2015)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


Integrated Course on Childhood and Adolescence Disorders: Early Psychosis in Young People
(15 September 2015)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


Integrated Course on Childhood and Adolescence Disorders: Drug Abuse in Hong Kong & Conduct Disorders
(24 September 2015)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


精 神 康 復 實 務 證 書 課 程
( 第 九 屆 )
(18, 25 August 2015 and 1, 8, 16, 22 September 2015)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

9 CPD credit points


Effective Risk Assessment and Management for Psychiatric Emergencies
(11 November 2015)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


Integrated Course on Psycho-geriatric Care: Promoting Effectiveness in Dementia Care and Caregiver Support
(25 September 2015)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


實 踐 復 元 。 身 心 健 康 行 動 計 劃 (WRAP®) 本 地 發 展 分 享 會
(30 September 2015)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

1.5 CPD credit points


Integrated Course on Psycho-geriatric Care: Enhancing Professional Competence in Working with Older Adults with Depression and Suicide
(31 October 2015)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


CBT-Context Based Social Competence Training for Autism Spectrum Disorder (CBT-CSCA): A 2-day Professional Training
(12 and 13 November 2015)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

6 CPD credit points


Working with Lesbian / Gay / Bisexual / Transgender Clients: Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation Issues in Counselling and Psychotherapy
(28 November 2015)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


The Application of Music Therapy for Elderly with Dementia
(4 and 18 December 2015)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

6 CPD credit points


Effective Treatment for Specific Phobia and Social Anxiety Disorder
(11 and 12 December 2015)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

6 CPD credit points


Joint Annual Scientific Meeting 2015
(19 September 2015)

The Hong Kong Paediatric Society and Hong Kong Paediatric Nurses Association

2 CPD credit points


Certificate in Classification of Mental Disorders (DSM5) & Mental State Examination for Caring Professionals (Class 3)
(6 November 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Effective Performance Appraisal for Social Services
(11 November 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of Enneagram for Counseling
(19 and 20 November 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Practical Skill on Group Work Design for Social Services
(25 November 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Internet Marketing Strategies for Social Services
(26 November 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Coaching Mastery for Caring Professionals
(22 to 29 November 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate Course in Assessment and Management of Incontinence 2015
(12 & 26 September, 3 & 24 October and 7 & 14 November 2015)

Hong Kong Continence Society Limited

6 CPD credit points


Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Training 2015
Seminar: Building “good enough” infant caregiver interactions
(21 November 2015)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, Hong Kong Association for Infant Mental Health Limited and Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children

3 CPD credit points


Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Training 2015
Workshop: Attachment-based interventions with infants and families
(22 to 23 November 2015)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation, Hong Kong Association for Infant Mental Health Limited and Hong Kong Society for the Protection of Children

6 CPD credit points
(22 November 2015:
3 CPD credit points;

23 November 2015:
3 CPD credit points)


「 識 別 及 幫 助 有 潛 在 讀 寫 困 難 的 學 童 」 學 前 教 育 專 業 講 座
(24 October 2015)

Heep Hong Society

2 CPD credit points


Certificate in Using Expressive Arts Programme in Social Services for Caring Professionals (Class 3)
(10 December 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Presentation Excellence and Power-point Design (2 days)
(11 to 12 November 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points
(11 December 2015:
3 CPD credit points;

12 December 2015:
3 CPD credit points)


Managing Work Injury Cases Effectively for Social Services
(14 December 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in MBTI® for Leadership Development for Caring Professionals
(17 December 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


“Restraint & Breakaway Trainer Refresher and Accreditation Course” by NFPS-UK (Class 6)
(18 December 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Advance Level of Dream Analyst for Counselling

(7 November 2015)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


TWGHs Visiting Professor's Programme 2015

(15 October 2015)

TWGHs Fung Yiu King Hospital

0.5 CPD credit point


Symposium on Medical-Social Partnership in Promoting Palliative & End-of-life Care in Residential Settings

(9 October 2015)

Hong Kong Association of Gerontology, The Salvation Army

2 CPD credit points


Hong Kong Association of Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting 2015 Workshop – Robotic Assisted Walking Devices: Clinical Trials in the Past, Present and Future

(14 November 2015)

Hong Kong Association of Rehabilitation Medicine & DREC / TWGHs WTSH

1.5 CPD credit points


Hong Kong Association of Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting 2015 – Update in Spinal Cord Injury

(14 November 2015)

Hong Kong Association of Rehabilitation Medicine & DREC / TWGHs WTSH

1.5 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of Effective Skills on Projective Drawing for Counseling (Class 6)

(8 and 9 January 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points

8 January 2016
3 CPD credit points

9 January 2016
3 CPD credit points


Workshop on Managing Difficult Personalities/Customers (Class 41)

(12 January 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in New Age Management for Caring Professionals

(15 January 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of Recovery Coaching for Mental Health Practitioner (Class 2)

(15 and 16 January 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points

15 January 2016
3 CPD credit points

16 January 2016
3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Positive Leadership and Resilience Psychology

(21 January 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Obsessive Compulsive Spectrum Disorders (New DSM 5) & Behavioural Therapy for Psychiatric Conditions for Caring Professionals

(29 January 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


園 治 你 心

(8 December 2015)

香 港 園 藝 治 療 協 會 / 新 生 精 神 康 復 會 / 聖 雅 各 福 群 會

3 CPD credit points


The 9th Pong Ding Yuen International Symposium on Traditional Chinese Medicine

(5 and 6 December 2015)

School of Chinese Medicine, The University of Hong Kong

5 CPD credit points

5 December 2015
3 CPD credit points

6 December 2015
2 CPD credit points


Annual Scientific Meeting in Anaesthesiology 2015 and Workshops

(14 and 15 November 2015)

The Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists & The Society of Anaesthetists of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points

14 November 2015
3 CPD credit points

15 November 2015
3 CPD credit points


Module I – EFT: Cultivating Therapeutic Presence to Work Effectively with Feelings

(19 & 26 February, 4, 11 & 18 March and 8 April 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate in Managing Inappropriate Staff Behaviour for Social Service (Class 2)

(5 February 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Effective Skills on Mediation and Conflict Management (Class 2)

(19 and 20 February 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of Effective Skills on Managing Complaint (Class 4)

(25 February 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Advances in Management of Bipolar Affective Disorder

(12 and 13 January 2016)

Hospital Authority and The Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists

6 CPD credit points

12 January 2016
3 CPD credit points

13 January 2016
3 CPD credit points


Seminar on Viral Hepatitis for Nurses and Allied Health Professionals

(12 May 2016)

Viral Hepatitis Preventive Service, Special Preventive Programme, Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health

2 CPD credit points


Certificate Course on General Chronic Pain Conditions (C277)

(14, 21 and 28 January 2016)

The Federation of Medical Societies of Hong Kong and The Hong Kong Pain Society

2.5 CPD credit points


國 醫 大 師 劉 敏 如 教 授 經 驗 分 享 及 婦 科 病 中 西 醫 研 討 會 暨 名 譽 教 授 頒 授 典 禮

(24 January 2016)

School of Chinese Medicine, The University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course on PET-CT Imaging in Daily Clinical Practice (C279)

(1, 8, 15, 22, 29 March and 5 April 2016)

The Federation of Medical Societies of Hong Kong and Hong Kong Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

6 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of NFPS UK Approved Physical Restraint & Breakaway Techniques (for Children & Adolescent)

(5 March 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of Foundation Coaching for Caring Professionals (Class 11)

(9, 16 and 23 March 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of Dream Analyst for Counselling (Class 4)

(18 and 19 March 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Crisis in Action: Certificate in Managing Depression and Suicidal Behavior (Class 5)

(24 March 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


50th Anniversary Symposium – Beyond Recovery: Well-Being for ALL (Day 1: Symposium)

(15 January 2016)

New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association

3 CPD credit points


50th Anniversary Symposium – Beyond Recovery: Well-Being for ALL (Day 2: Parallel Workshop)

(16 January 2016)

New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association

1.5 CPD credit points


Bridging Biomedical Worlds 2016 – Frontiers in human MICROBIOTA SYMBIOTIC interactions

(23 to 25 May 2016)

Fondation IPSEN, AAAS/Science and Science Translational Medicine, Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong

7 CPD credit points


Certificate in Creativity for Social Services (Class 2)

(14 April 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Managing Workplace Violence through Positive Behavior Support (Class 2)

(6 May 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Sensory Integration Training for Caring Professionals (Class 3)

(13 and 14 May 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Hong Kong Law and Social Work for Caring Professionals

(17 May 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Bereavement Counseling for Caring Professionals

(27 May 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


身 心 健 康 行 動 計 劃 Wellness Recovery Action Plan ( 簡 稱 WRAP®) 基 礎 工 作 坊

(3 and 4 March 2016)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

5 CPD credit points


When Expressive Arts Meets Persons with Trauma

(23 April 2016)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


The 13th HK International Orthopaedic Forum: Musculoskeletal Infection and Rehabilitation

(23 and 24 April 2016)

Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, The University of Hong Kong

4.5 CPD credit points


Two-day Booster Training for Community Case Managers

(25 and 26 February 2016)

Professional Development & Learning Resources Centre, Kwai Chung Hospital

6 CPD credit points


Fascial Manipulation and Anatomy Workshop

(1 April 2016)

Hong Kong Association of Rehabilitation Medicine

1 CPD credit point


Certificate in Integrative Mindfulness for Caring Professionals (Class 2)

(2 April 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Professional Counseling on Problem, Cause, Solution Interviewing Model (Class 2)

(8 and 9 April 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Psychodrama Therapy for Caring Professionals

(11 and 18 April 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


2-day Introductory Workshop on Motivational Interviewing

(2 and 9 April 2016)

United Christian Nethersole Community Health Service - United Centre of Emotional Health and Positive Living

6 CPD credit points


Diabetes Preventing the Preventables (DPP) Forum 2016

(22 May 2016)

Asia Diabetes Foundation Limited

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course on Palliative Medicine for Health Care Workers 2016 – Case-Based Learning (C281)

(9, 16, 23 & 30 May and 6 & 13 June 2016)

The Federation of Medical Societies of Hong Kong jointly organised with Hong Kong Society of Palliative Medicine

6 CPD credit points


Certificate Course in Occupational Health Practice

(16, 23 & 30 April, 7, 21 & 28 May and 4 June 2016)

JC School of Public Health and Primary Care, CUHK

9 CPD credit points


Certificate in Using Games and Debriefing for Caring Professionals

(14 June 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Practical Skills of Community Outreaching with Youth Suicide Crises

(17 June 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in “Understanding Elderly Mental Health, DSM 5” for Caring Professionals

(24 June 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Workshop on Managing Difficult Personalities/Customers (Class 42)

(30 June 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course on Mental Health 2016 (C282)

(6, 13, 20 & 27 May and 3 & 10 June 2016)

The Federation of Medical Societies of Hong Kong jointly organised with The Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists

6 CPD credit points


Multidisciplinary Seminar on Adolescent Health Update 2016
Professional Forum on HPV Vaccine Update

(23, 24 and 26 April 2016)

Hong Kong Paediatric Society and Hong Kong Paediatric Foundation

6 CPD credit points


17th Regional Osteoporosis Conference

(10 to 12 June 2016)

The Osteoporosis Society of Hong Kong (OSHK)

9 CPD credit points


Managing Difficult People: Working with Personality Disorders in the Workplace

(28 May 2016)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


Dementia, Pseudo-Dementia and Substance Abuse in the Elderly: Assessment and Treatment Issues

(20 May 2016)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


Behavioral Management of Elderly Clients with Cognitive Deficits and Dementia

(21 May 2016)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


Quantum Touch – Level 1

(10 and 17 June 2016)

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


A Scientific Meeting cum Annual General Meeting of EPISO

(30 May 2016)

Early Psychosis Foundation

1.5 CPD credit points


Introduction to Mental Health Recovery & Well-being

(31 May 2016)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


Workshop on Wider Applications of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) with Traumatised Clients

(8 June 2016)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


Family-centred Practice in Mental Health Care: Utilizing Family Strengths and Resilience

(16 June 2016)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


身 心 行 動 健 康 計 劃 WRAP® (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) 證 書 帶 領 員 課 程

(23, 24, 27, 28 and 29 June 2016)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

9 CPD credit points


2016 年 中 醫 藥 防 治 疼 痛 及 相 關 性 神 經 系 統 疾 病 高 峰 論 壇

(5 June 2016)

School of Chinese Medicine, The University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points

2016/17 cycle
Broad Professional Relevant
Programme Code Programme Organizer Maximum CPD
Credit Points


East Meets West Symposium 2016

(1 and 2 October 2016)

Hong Kong Institute of Diabetes and Obesity, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

5 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of “Licensed Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic ProgrammingTM” for Caring Professionals (Cycle 18)

(23 & 30 April, 21 & 28 May, 11 & 18 June and 2 & 9 July 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Intensive Training on Emotion-focused Therapy: Mod II – EFT Group Supervision: Intensive Skills Training in EFT

(Group A: 16 April, 25 May, 29 June, 20 July, 10 & 24 September and 2 & 12 November 2016

Group B: 13 April, 7 May, 15 June, 6 July, 14 September, 5 & 22 October, 9 November and 14 December 2016

Group C: 16 March, 16 April, 4 May, 1 June, 3 August, 28 September, 22 October, 10 December 2016 and 14 January 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Update on Osteoporosis and Metabolic Bone Diseases

(27 November 2016)

Osteoporosis Centre, Department of Medicine, Queen Mary Hospital and Research Centre of Heart Brain, Hormone and Healthy Aging, The University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


2-day Advanced Workshop on Motivational Interviewing

(16 and 23 July 2016)

United Christian Nethersole Community Health Service - United Centre of Emotional Health and Positive Living

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Hypnotherapy for Insomnia & Pain Management

(25 June and 2 July 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in
Hong Kong Law for Social and Medical Services (Class 2)

(12 July 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Managing Work Injury Cases Effectively for Social Services (Class 2)

(13 July 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course for Enneagram for Counseling (Class 3)

(15 and 16 July 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Bereavement Counseling for Caring Professionals (Class 2)

(19 July 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Corporate Trainer Foundation Certificate

(22 and 29 July 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Licensed Master NLP Practitioner Certificate

(23 July to 5 November 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of NFPS UK Approved Physical Restraint & Breakaway Techniques (for Children & Adolescent) (Class 2)

(11 August 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training and Louis Programme Training Centre ( 努 力 試 中 心 )

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Solution-focused Therapy for Social Services (Class 2)

(12 and 13 August 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Resilience and Adversity Quotient for Happy Workplace for caring professionals

(16 August 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Employment Ordinance for People Management in NGO

(19 August 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Using Expressive Arts Programme in Social Services for Caring Professionals (Class 4)

(23 August 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Foundation Course in Mindfulness-Based Practice (For Caring Professionals)

(24 August 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


“Restraint & Breakaway Instructor Refresher and Accreditation Course” by NFPS-UK (Class 7)

(26 August 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Integrated Case Management in Mental Health – Clinical Assessment, Case Formulation and Management

(13 July 2016)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


Introduction to Integrative Family and Systems Treatment (I-FAST) and Mental Health Treatment: Utilizing Family Strengths and Resilience (Basic Training)

(21 to 23 July 2016)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

9 CPD credit points


身 心 行 動 健 康 計 劃 WRAP® (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) 基 礎 工 作 坊

(18 and 19 August 2016)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

5.5 CPD credit points


Surviving Trauma: Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT) for Adult Survivors of Childhood Abuse

(26 August 2016)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course on Application of Mindfulness in Clinical Settings and Everyday Life (C285)

[16 June to 21 July 2016
(Every Thursday)]

The Federation of Medical Societies of Hong Kong jointly organised with Hong Kong Clinical Psychologists Association

6 CPD credit points


Certificate Course on Practical Applications of Quality of Life Measures (C284)

(8, 15, 22 & 29 July and 5 & 12 August 2016)

The Federation of Medical Societies of Hong Kong jointly organised with World Association for Chinese Quality of Life

6 CPD credit points


Certificate Course on Occupational Hygiene Practice 2016 (C286)

(4, 11, 18 & 25 July and 1 &8 August 2016)

The Federation of Medical Societies of Hong Kong jointly organised with Hong Kong Institute of Occupational Environmental Hygiene

6 CPD credit points


A 2-day Workshop on Children Affected by Early Brain Injury/Trauma: clinical practice based on neuropsychological evidence

(17 to 18 August 2016)

Asian Society for Traumatic Stress Studies

6 CPD credit points


Advanced CranioSacral Therapy (ADV)

(7 to 11 July 2016)

The Upledger Institute, Inc./ Elite Resource and Consultation Services

9 CPD credit points


SomatoEmotional Release Technique: Mastering the Inner Physican (SERTIP)

(2 to 5 July 2016)

The Upledger Institute, Inc./ Elite Resource and Consultation Services

9 CPD credit points


Visceral Manipulation: Abdomen 1 (VM 1) & Visceral Manipulation: Abdomen 2 (VM 2)

(VM 1
18 to 21 August 2016

VM 2
23 to 26 August 2016)

Elite Resource and Consultation Services

9 CPD credit points


Neural Manipulation: An integrative Approach to Trauma (NM 1) & Neural Manipulation: Peripheral Nerve Manipulation: Upper Body (NM 2)

(NM 1
27 to 29 October 2016

NM 2
31 October to 2 November 2016)

Elite Resource and Consultation Services (organised jointly with Barral Institute, US)

9 CPD credit points


Neural Manipulation: Brain and Cranial Nerve Manipulation (NM 4) & Visceral Manipulation: Visceral Vascular Manipulation; Lower Body (VVML)

(NM 4
17 to 19 November 2016

21 to 23 November 2016)

Elite Resource and Consultation Services (organised jointly with Barral Institute, US)

9 CPD credit points


Certificate in Managing Inappropriate Staff Behavior for Social Service (Class 3)

(2 September 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Applied Positive Psychology and Fostering Resilience in Youth for Caring Professionals

(7 September 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of Foundation Coaching for Caring Professionals (Class 12)

(15 & 22 September and 13 October 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Crisis in Action: Certificate in Managing Depression and Suicidal Behavior (Class 6)

(23 September 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Hong Kong Law and Social Work for Caring Professionals (Class 3)

(26 September 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Workshop Series on Promoting Growth for Challenging with Evidence-based Practices

(7 and 8 June 2016)

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


生 死 有 道 – 生 死 教 育 的 策 劃 與 執 行

(29 July 2016)

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


The 5 Secrets of Loving Relationships How to Build a Successful Career as a Relationship Expert – Using Drama Therapy

(16 August 2016)

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


沉 默 的 哀 傷 – 如 何 支 援 自 殺 者 家 屬 走 過 哀 傷

(15 August 2016)

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in MBTI® for Leadership Development for Caring Professionals (Class 2)

(3 October 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Sensory Integration Training for Caring Professionals (Class 4)

(8 and 10 October 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Restraint & Breakaway Instructor Accreditation Course by NFPS UK (5 days)

(14 & 21 October, 4 & 18 November and 2 December 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate in Understanding Psychology & Psychotherapy – A Primer in 100 years of Analysis & Synthesis

(15 October 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Care for Advanced Diseases CME Symposium cum Roundtable Discussion

(27 August 2016)

The Federation of Medical Societies of HK jointly organised with The HKFMS Foundation Limited

1 CPD credit point


Certificate Course on Renal Medicine 2016 (C289)

(1, 8, 22 & 29 September and 6 & 13 October 2016)

The Federation of Medical Societies of HK jointly organised with Hong Kong Society of Nephrology

6 CPD credit points


Certificate Course on Healthcare Mediation 2016 (C288)

(15, 22 & 29 August and 5, 12 & 19 September 2016)

The Federation of Medical Societies of HK jointly organised with Hong Kong Society of Healthcare Mediation

6 CPD credit points


Hong Kong Bur and Wound Care Conference 2016 – Updates on Wound Care: Burn and Diabetic Limb

(2 to 4 September 2016)

Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, The University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


Summit on Childhood Obesity in Chinese Speaking Communities

(22 to 23 October 2016)

Hong Kong Paediatric Foundation

6 CPD credit points


The 9th Hong Kong Allergy Convention

(8 to 9 October 2016)

Hong Kong Institute of Allergy (HKIA)

5.5 CPD credit points


Scientific Symposium on Emergency Medicine – Advances and Innovation

(28 and 29 October 2016)

Hong Kong College of Emergency Medicine

5 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of “Licensed Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic ProgrammingTM” for Caring Professionals (Cycle 19)

(12 & 19 November, 10 & 17 December 2016, 21 January, 18 February and 4 March 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate in Using Games and Debriefing for Caring Professionals (Class 2)

(3 November 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Effective Recruiting and Interviewing Skills for Caring Professionals

(16 November 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Coaching Genius and Accessing Personal Genius (APG) for Caring Professionals

(23 & 30 November and 7 December 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate in Managing Challenging Behaviours in People with Intellectual Disabilities

(24 November 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of Foundation Child Psychology (Class 2)

(25 and 26 November 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Intensive Training on Emotion-focused Therapy: Mod III – Intensive Training in Chairwork: Transforming Feelings in EFT

(12, 19 and 26 October 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Basic Course in Diabetes Management and Education

(16 & 30 September, 21 October, 18 November, 2 December 2016 and 20 January 2017)

Hong Kong Institute of Diabetes and Obesity

9 CPD credit points


Basic Knowledge on Psychotropic Medication & Post-Incident Debriefing

(27 October 2016)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


Understanding Common Mental Disorders

(12 September 2016)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


Effective Risk Assessment & Management for Psychiatric Emergencies

(6 October 2016)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


Using Music to Facilitate the Recovery of People with Psychosis

(4 November 2016)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


身 心 健 康 行 動 計 劃 WRAP® (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) 基 礎 工 作 坊

(15 and 16 December 2016)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

5.5 CPD credit points


身 心 健 康 行 動 計 劃 WRAP® (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) 證 書 帶 領 員 課 程

(17, 18, 21, 22 and 23 November 2016)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

9 CPD credit points


Family Therapy and Working with Mental Health Issues (Level I)

(17, 18 and 24 October 2016)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

9 CPD credit points


Family Therapy and Working with Mental Health Issues (Level II)

(5, 6 and 12 December 2016)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

9 CPD credit points


Social Workers and Mental Health Professionals as Managers and Supervisors: Issues of Managing Conflict of Views, Negotiating Proper Boundaries, Exercising Authority & Managing Difficult Supervisees

(25 November 2016)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


One-day Workshop on Systems-Oriented Couple Therapy

(2 September 2016)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


A Manualized CBT-Context Based Social Competence Training for Autism Spectrum Disorder: A 3-day Professional Certificate Training

(21 to 23 September 2016)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

9 CPD credit points


Three-day Workshop on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)

(27 to 29 October 2016)

United Centre of Emotional Health and Positive Living

9 CPD credit points


二 「 人 」 三 「 囑 」─ 善 生 嚮 導 一 天 工 作 坊

(22 September 2016)

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


「 善 別 輔 導 」 基 礎 ( 四 天 ) 課 程

(4, 11, 18 and 25 October 2016)

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

9 CPD credit points


Certificate Course on Respiratory Medicine 2016 (C287)

(5, 12, 19 & 26 October and 2 & 9 November 2016)

The Federation of Medical Societies of Hong Kong jointly organised with Hong Kong Thoracic Society and CHEST Delegation Hong Kong and Macau

6 CPD credit points


Certificate Course on Wilderness Medicine 2016 (C290)

(17, 24 & 31 October and 7, 14 & 21 November 2016)

The Federation of Medical Societies of Hong Kong jointly organised with Hong Kong Society for Emergency Medicine and Surgery

6 CPD credit points


Treatment with Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)

(14 and 15 October 2016)

Hospital Authority, Hong Kong and The Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists

6 CPD credit points


Symposium on Interventional Pulmonology

(26 November 2016)

Hong Kong Thoracic Society and CHEST Delegation of Hong Kong and Macau

1.5 CPD credit points


Interventional Pulmonology Hands-on Workshop

(26 November 2016)

Hong Kong Thoracic Society and CHEST Delegation of Hong Kong and Macau

1.5 CPD credit points


An Introduction to Developmental Transformations: Playing with Instability

(5 October 2016)

Centre on Behavioral health, The University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


生 命 自 覺 Focusing 工 作 坊

(13 & 14 October, 3 & 4 November and 1 & 2 December 2016)

Centre on Behavioral health, The University of Hong Kong

9 CPD credit points


Hong Kong Association of Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting 2016 – Motor Neuron Disease (MND) Mini-symposium

(12 November 2016)

Hong Kong Association of Rehabilitation Medicine and Department of Rehabilitation and Extended Care, TWGHs Wong Tai Sin Hospital

1.5 CPD credit points


Hong Kong Association of Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting 2016 – Rehabilitation of the Young

(12 November 2016)

Hong Kong Association of Rehabilitation Medicine and Department of Rehabilitation and Extended Care, TWGHs Wong Tai Sin Hospital

1.5 CPD credit points


OSHK A to Z symposia series: ‘I’-Symposium – Interpretation, Initiation and Innovation in Osteoporosis
1. Interpretation of DXA scan
2. Initiation of Treatment: WHEN
3. Innovation Therapy in Osteoporosis

(13 November 2016)

Osteoporosis Society of Hong Kong (OSHK)

1 CPD credit point


Symposium on Sarcopenia and Fracture Prevention in Older People

(12 November 2016)

The Chinese University of Hong Kong Jockey Club Centre for Osteoporosis Care and Control

1.5 CPD credit points


Expert Seminar: Communication Therapy for Children with Autism – Presentation on the PACT model
(19 November 2016)

Heep Hong Society

1.5 CPD credit points


Hong Kong Pain Society Annual Scientific Meeting 2016
(19 and 20 November 2016)

Hong Kong Pain Society

6 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


Certificate Course of NFPS UK Approved Physical Restraint & Breakaway Techniques (for Children & Adolescent)
(6 January 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training and 努 力 試 中 心

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of Enneagram for Counseling (Class 4)
(7 and 14 January 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


Certificate in Coaching Mastery for Caring Professionals
(8 to 15 January 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


Certificate in Personality Dimensions® - Effective Communication & Team Collaboration for Caring Professionals
(18 January 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Foundation Course in Mindfulness-Based (For Caring Professionals)
(19 January 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Using Expressive Arts Programme in Social Services for Caring Professionals (Class 5)
(24 January 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


「 我 會 好 好 長 大 」- 如 何 支 援 喪 親 兒 童 及 青 少 年 走 過 哀 傷
(22 November 2016)

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


International Scientific Acupuncture and Meridian Symposium (iSAMS) 2016 – Acupuncture: Health and Wellbeing
(18 to 20 November 2016)

School of Chinese Medicine, The University of Hong Kong

7.5 CPD credit points
(18 November 2016:
1.5 CPD credit points;

19 November 2016:
3 CPD credit points;

20 November 2016:
3 CPD credit points)


NOVA Basic Course: National Community Crisis Response Team Training
(1, 3 and 4 December 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate in Practical Skill on Group Work Design for Social Services (Class 2)
(8 December 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Life and Death Education for Caring Professionals
(9 December 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Managing Work Injury Cases Effectively for Social Services (Class 3)
(12 December 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Managing Addictive Behaviours & Impulse-control Disorders
(14 December 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


“Restraint & Breakaway Instructor Refresher and Accreditation Course” by NFPS-UK (Class 8)
(16 December 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Workshop on Managing Difficult Personalities/Customers (Class 43)
(20 December 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Managing Inappropriate Staff Behaviour for Social Service (Class 4)
(21 December 2016)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


「 一 起 走 過 哀 傷 」 如 何 應 用 善 別 輔 導 小 組 支 援 喪 親 家 屬
(13 December 2016)

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in using Drama Therapy for Caring Professionals
(10 and 17 February 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


Certificate Course of Dream Analyst for Counselling (Class 5)
(18 and 25 February 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


Certificate in Resilience and Adversity Quotient for Happy Workplace for Caring Professionals (Class 2)
(22 February 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certified Laughter Yoga Leader Training Course – International Laughter Yoga Trainer Course (Level One), Laughter Yoga International University
(20 & 27 February and 27 March 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

7 CPD credit points
(20 February 2017:
2 CPD credit points;

27 February 2017:
3 CPD credit points;

27 March 2017:
2 CPD credit points)


Introductory Course on Motivational Interviewing
(Class 1)
(3 and 10 March 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


Certificate Course of Foundation Coaching for Caring Professionals (Class 13)
(11, 18 and 25 March 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


Certificate in Psychotropic Medications for Mental Health Professionals (Class 2)
(3 March 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Training in Emotion-Focused Therapy (Individual & Couple) Mod I – Understanding Emotions and Empathic Attunement
(9, 16 and 23 May 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


Certificate in Using Games and Debriefing for Caring Professionals (Class 3)
(20 March 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Bereavement Counseling for Caring Professionals (Class 3)
(28 March 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Train-the-Trainers Workshop on Life and Death Education
(19 January 2017)

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


Introductory Course on Expressive Arts Therapy
(13, 20 and 27 May 2017)

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

9 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


Seminar on Viral Hepatitis for Nurses and Allied Health Professionals
(1 June 2017)

Viral Hepatitis Preventive Service, Special Preventive Programme, Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health

2 CPD credit points


Certificate Course on Rheumatology (C294)
(9, 16, 23 February and 2, 9, 16 March 2017)

The Federation of Medical Societies of Hong Kong jointly organised with The Hong Kong Society of Rheumatology

6 CPD credit points
(1 CPD credit point per day)


處 理 幼 童 內 化 性 情 緒 問 題 – 嶄 新 視 野
(24 March 2017)

The Boys' and Girls' Clubs Association of Hong Kong

1.5 CPD credit points


Certificate Course on healthcare Mediation 2017 (C295)
(1, 8, 15, 22, 29 March and 5 April 2017)

The Federation of Medical Societies of Hong Kong jointly organised with Hong Kong Society for Healthcare Mediation

6 CPD credit points


10-day Advanced Training on Bereavement Counseling
(21, 28 March, 11, 18, 25 April, 2, 9, 16, 23 May and 6 June 2017)

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

9 CPD credit points


法 定 最 低 工 資 制 度 殘 疾 僱 員 生 產 能 力 評 估 – 認 可 評 估 員 培 訓
(starting from late March 2017)

Statutory Minimum Wage Division, Labour Department

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Employment Ordinance for People Management in NGOs (Class 2)
(6 April 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Using Dance and Movement Therapy for Caring Professionals (Class 1)
(7 and 21 April 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


Certificate in Understanding Body Language and Facial Expressions for Caring Professionals (Class 1)
(8 April 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Managing Workplace Violence through Positive Behavior Support
(Class 4)
(10 April 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Life and Death for Caring Professionals (Class 2)
(20 April 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of “Licensed Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic ProgrammingTM” for Caring Professionals (Cycle 20)
(22 & 29 April, 20 & 27 May, 17 & 24 June and 8 & 15 July 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate in Effective Performance Appraisal for Social Services (Class 2)
(27 April 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Diabetes Preventing the Preventables (DPP) Forum 2017
(7 May 2017)

Asia Diabetes Foundation

3 CPD credit points


UCLA PEERS® Certified Training for Educators
(26 to 28 May 2017)

Two Nominees Limited, Heep Hong Society and St. James’ Settlement

9 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


The 14th Hong Kong International Orthopaedic Forum – Recreational & Sports Related Injuries
(8 and 9 April 2017)

Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, The University of Hong Kong

5 CPD credit points
(8 April 2017:
3 CPD credit points;

9 April 2017:
2 CPD credit points)


Certificate Course on Development and Disorders of Speech and Language in Children 2017 (C296)
(30 March, 6, 13, 20 & 27 April and 4 May 2017)

The Federation of Medical Societies of Hong Kong jointly organised with The Hong Kong Association of Speech Therapists

6 CPD credit points
(1 CPD credit point per day)


CUHK-UU-UoT Joint Symposium & Workshop on Big Data Challenges Linked to Environmental Exposures
(21 March 2017)

JC School of Public Health and Primary Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Sensory Integration Training for Caring Professionals (Class 5)
(2 and 3 May 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training and 扶康會 牽蝶中心

6 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


Certificate in Presentation Excellence & Power-point Design (Class 2)
(6 and 13 May 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


Certificate in End-of-life Care for Caring Professionals
(12 May 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Experiential Workshop in “LEGO® Serious Play®” Application for Youth Work
(17 and 24 May 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


Certificate in Talent Development Training for New Age Supervisors
(19 & 26 May and 2 & 10 June 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate in Hong Kong Law and Social Work for Caring Professionals (Class 4)
(31 May 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of Enneagram for Counseling (Foundation)
(27 May and 3 June 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


FAMILY Symposium 2017: Family + Well-being = Health + Happiness + Harmony
(12 May 2017)

The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust & School of Public Health of The University of Hong Kong

2.5 CPD credit points


FAMILY Training Workshop 1: Strategies to enhance family physical activity for health and well-being
(11 May 2017)

The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust & School of Public Health of The University of Hong Kong

1 CPD credit point


FAMILY Training Workshop 2: How to measure and increase happiness using positive activity interventions
(11 May 2017)

The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charities Trust & School of Public Health of The University of Hong Kong

1.5 CPD credit points


22nd Hong Kong Medical Forum
(13 and 14 May 2017)

Department of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong and Queen Mary Hospital

5 CPD credit points
(13 May 2017:
2 CPD credit points;

14 May 2017:
3 CPD credit points)


The 14th Hong Kong International Orthopaedic Forum – Satellite Programme
(10 April 2017)

Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, The University of Hong Kong

2.5 CPD credit points


2-day Introductory Workshop on Motivational Interviewing
(13 and 20 May 2017)

United Centre of Emotional Health and Positive Living

6 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


Certificate in Classification of Mental Disorders (DSM5) & Mental State Examination for Caring Professionals (Class 4)
(7 June 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Problem Solving & Decision Making (For Caring Professionals)
(14 June 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Workshop on Managing Difficult Personalities/Customers (Class 46)
(16 June 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of Effective Skills on Projective Drawing for Counseling (Class 7)
(17 and 24 June 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


Certificate Course of NFPS UK Approved Physical Restraint & Breakaway Techniques (for Children & Adolescent)
(20 June 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Managing Anxiety Disorders (Class 2)
(30 June 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Seminar: Dealing with Anxiety: Practical Methods for Dealing with Life
(24 April 2017)

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

1 CPD credit point


Living Dance ~ Living MusicTM: The Dance of Meaningful Communication
(27 and 28 April 2017)

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit point


沉 默 的 哀 傷 – 如 何 支 援 自 殺 者 家 屬 走 過 哀 傷
(12 May 2017)

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course on Difficult Communications in Healthcare (C298)
(5, 12, 19 & 26 May and 2 & 9 June 2017)

The Federation of Medical Societies of Hong Kong jointly organised with Hong Kong Society for Healthcare Mediation

6 CPD credit points
(1 CPD point per day)


Certificate Course on Mental Health 2017 (C299)
(8, 15, 22 & 29 May and 5 & 12 June 2017)

The Federation of Medical Societies of Hong Kong jointly organised with The Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists

6 CPD credit points
(1 CPD point per day)


Active Imagination: Facilitating Creative Processes for health and Well Being
(24 and 25 May 2017)

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


Asia Mental Health Conference
(2 and 3 December 2016)

Hong Kong Baptist University

6 CPD credit points
(3 CPD points per day)


Dialectical Behavior Therapy Skills Training

(21 to 24 March 2017)

The Society of Rehabilitation & Crime Prevention, Hong Kong

9 CPD credit points


Workshop Series on Music Therapy

(5, 7, 8 and 9 June 2017)

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

9 CPD credit points


「 在 安 老 院 舍 推 行 臨 終 照 顧 服 務 的 實 踐 」 分 享 會

(23 June 2017)

Hong Kong Association of Gerontology

1.5 CPD credit points

2017/18 cycle
Broad Professional Relevant
Programme Code Programme Organizer Maximum CPD
Credit Points


East Meets West Symposium 2017
(30 September and 1 October 2017)

Hong Kong Institute of Diabetes and Obesity, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

5 CPD credit points
(30 September 2017:
2 CPD credit points;

1 October 2017:
3 CPD credit points)


Certificate Course of Enneagram for Counseling (Advance Class 1)
(1 and 8 July 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


Certificate Course of Enneagram for Counseling (Advance Class 2)
(15 and 16 July 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


2-day Advanced Workshop on Motivational Interviewing
(15 and 22 July 2017)

United Centre of Emotional Health and Positive Living

6 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


Certificate Course on Best Practice in Quality of Life Evaluation & Assessments (C297)
(5, 12, 19 & 26 July and 2 & 9 August 2017)

The Federation of Medical Societies of Hong Kong jointly organised with World Association for Chinese Quality of Life

6 CPD credit points
(1 CPD point per day)


Certificate in Marketing and Internet Marketing Strategies (for Social Services)
(5 July 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Basic Concepts and Skill of Bowen Family Systems Therapy
(6, 13 and 20 July 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points
(3 CPD points per day)


Certificate in Solution-focused Therapy for Social Services (Class 3)
(19 and 26 July 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points
(3 CPD points per day)


Certificate in Integrative Mindfulness for Caring Professionals (Class 3)
(22 July 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Instrumental Coaching with Drawing Cards Workshop
(29 July 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


“Restraint & Breakaway Instructor Refresher and Accreditation Course” by NFPS-UK (Class 9)

(23 August 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Licensed Master NLP Practitioner Certificate

(26 August, 2, 23 & 30 September, 14 October, 18, 25 November and 9 & 16 December 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate in Using Expressive Arts Programme in Social Services for Caring Professionals (Class 6)

(30 and 31 August 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certified Basic Training in Emotion-Focused Therapy (Individual) (2017-2018): Module I – Understanding and Attuning Emotions (2 days)

(24 and 31 August 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Hong Kong Law for Handling Medical Malpractice

(4 August 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Wholistic Wellness and Life Planning in Workplace

(5 August 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Applied Positive Psychology for Caring Professionals

(11 August 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety – Pain Management

(18 August 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of Effective Skills on Managing Complaint (Class 5)

(19 August 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course in Youth Mental Health First Aid

(11 and 18 September 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate Training of Working with People with Personality Disorders

(13 September 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


NOVA Basic Course: National Community Crisis Response Team Training

(15 to 17 September 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of Foundation Coaching for Caring Professionals (Class 14)

(20 & 27 September and 4 October 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate in Resilience and Adversity Quotient for Happy Workplace for Caring Professionals

(29 September 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Western pacific Regional Conference 2017 of Medical Women's International Association

(26 August 2017)

Hong Kong Women Doctors Association

3 CPD credit points


生 死 之 道 – 生 死 教 育 的 策 劃 與 執 行

(28 July 2017)

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course on Common Geriatric Problems 2017 (C302)

(4, 11, 18 & 25 August and 1 & 8 September 2017)

The Federation of Medical Societies of Hong Kong and The Hong Kong Geriatrics Society

6 CPD credit points


Hong Kong Pain Society Annual Scientific Meeting 2017

(30 September and 1 October 2017)

Hong Kong Pain Society

5 CPD credit points


共 融 研 討 會 2017 – 後 天 傷 殘 人 士 的 心 理 褔 祉

(16 September 2017)

香 港 傷 健 協 會 香 港 中 文 大 學 社 會 工 作 系 家 庭 及 小 組 實 務 研 究 中 心

3 CPD credit points


Summit on Immuno-surveillance against Childhood Infections in the Chinese Speaking Communities

(5 and 6 August 2017)

Hong Kong Paediatric Foundation

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Using Drama Therapy for Caring Professionals (Class 2)

(11 and 18 October 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Managing Clients with Borderline Personality Disorder

(12 and 19 October 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Managing Inappropriate Staff Behavior for Social Service (Class 5)

(13 October 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate in Managing Challenging Behaviors in People with Intellectual Disabilities (Class 2)

(31 October 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Two-day Advanced Training in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT): Deepening in Experiential Work and Growth in Flexible Implementation

(16 and 17 October 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Novel Approaches in Medicine – Where Are We in the 21st Century?

(18 and 19 November 2017)

Hong Kong Women Doctors Association

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course on Respiratory Medicine 2017 (C303)

(6, 20 & 27 September and 11, 18 & 25 October 2017)

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


4-Day Training on Bereavement Counseling

(13, 20 & 27 October and 3 November 2017)

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

9 CPD credit points


「 一 起 走 過 哀 傷 」 如 何 應 用 善 別 輔 導 小 組 支 援 喪 親 家 屬

(22 September 2017)

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


Scientific Symposium on Emergency Medicine – Geriatric Embracing: Emergency Care The Challenges

(20 October 2017)

Hong Kong College of Emergency Medicine

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Advanced Motivational Interviewing

(8 and 13 December 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Managing Work Injury Cases Effectively for Social Services (Class 4)

(3 November 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of “Licensed Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic ProgrammingTM” for Caring Professionals (Cycle 21)

(4 & 11 November, 9 December 2017, 6 & 13 January and 10 February 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate in One Day Experiential Course of Mindfulness-Based practice (Class 3)

(8 November 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Foundation Motivational Interviewing (Class 2)

(10 and 24 November 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Effective Skills on Mediation and Conflict Management (Class 3)

(15 and 22 November 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Introductory Course in Narrative Therapy: Basic Concepts and Skills

(16 and 23 November 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Writing an Outstanding Fund-Bidding Proposal for Social Services

(17 November 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Effective Supervisory Skills for NGOs

(29 November 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Annual Scientific Meeting in Anaesthesiology 2017 in conjunction with 12th ASCA Scientific Meeting, Masterclass & Workshops

(17 to 19 November 2017)

The Hong Kong College of Anasthesiologists and The Society of Anaesthetists of Hong Kong

9 CPD credit points


OSHK A to Z symposia series: ‘J’-Symposium – Joint Effort in Osteoporosis Management

(19 October 2017)

The Osteoporosis Society of Hong Kong (OSHK)

1 CPD credit point


Hong Kong Institute of Allergy Annual Scientific Meeting 2017

(26 November 2017)

Hong Kong Institute of Allergy

3 CPD credit points


Scientific Symposium on Emergency Medicine – Geriatric Embracing: Emergency Care The Challenges

(20 October 2017)

Hong Kong College of Emergency Medicine

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course on Applications of Mindfulness – Theory, Evidence and Practice

(14, 21 & 28 November and 5, 12 & 19 December 2017)

The Federation of Medical Societies of Hong Kong jointly organises with Hong Kong Clinical Psychologists Association

6 CPD credit points


Certificate Course on Sports Emergency

(9, 16, 23 & 30 October and 6 & 13 November 2017)

The Federation of Medical Societies of Hong Kong jointly organises with Hong Kong Society for Emergency Medicine and Surgery

6 CPD credit points


Certificate Course on Palliative Medicine for Health Care Workers 2017

(3, 10, 17, 24 & 31 October and 7 November 2017)

The Federation of Medical Societies of Hong Kong jointly organises with Hong Kong Society of Palliative Medicine

6 CPD credit points


Hong Kong Parkinson's Disease Foundation 15th Anniversary Celebration Symposium

(25 and 26 November 2017)

Hong Kong Parkinson's Disease Foundation

4.5 CPD credit points


Annual Scientific Meeting 2017 – “Paediatric Autoimmune CNS Disorders”
(4 to 6 November 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Child Neurology and Development Paediatrics

4.5 CPD credit points
(4 November 2017:
1.5 CPD credit points;

5 November 2017:
2.5 CPD credit points;

6 November 2017:
0.5 CPD credit point)


Hong Kong Association of Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting 2017 – Respiratory Secretion Management Workshop
(18 November 2017)

Hong Kong Association of Rehabilitation Medicine

1.5 CPD credit points


Hong Kong Association of Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting 2017 – Pulmonary Rehabilitation Art & Science
(18 November 2017)

Hong Kong Association of Rehabilitation Medicine

2 CPD credit points


二 「 人 」 三 「 囑 」 - 生 命 教 育 一 天 工 作 坊
(14 December 2017)

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


Workshop Series on Creative Arts Therapy – Psychodrama and Drama Therapy Workshop
(29 January 2018)

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


Workshop Series on Creative Arts Therapy – Authentic Movement as a Meditative Practice in Dance-Movement Therapy
(30 January 2018)

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Coaching Genius and Accessing Personal Genius (APG) for Caring Professionals
(5, 12 and 19 December 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


Certificate in Managing Deliberate Self-harm for Caring Professionals
(7 December 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Workshop on Managing Difficult Personalities/Customers (Class 47)
(13 December 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Effective Interviewing Skills in Recruiting for Social Services
(15 December 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


“Restraint & Breakaway Instructor Refresher and Accreditation Course” by NFPS-UK (Class 10)
(20 December 2017)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Thanatology for Caring Professionals
(12 & 26 January, 9 February and 9 & 22 March 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate in Bereavement Counseling for Caring Professionals (Class 4)
(12 and 26 January 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


Certificate in Life and Death Education for Caring Professionals (Class 3)
(12 January and 9 February 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


Certificate in End-of-life Care for Caring Professionals (Class 2)
(12 January and 9 March 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


Certificate in Applied Thanatology Professional Practice for Caring Professionals
(12 January and 22 March 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points
(3 CPD credit points per day)


Certificate in Laughter Yoga Leaders Training Course (Class 2)
(17 & 24 January and 28 February 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6.5 CPD credit points
(17 January 2018:
2 CPD credit points;

24 January 2018:
3 CPD credit points;

28 February 2018:
1.5 CPD credit points)


Certificate in Career Planning for Caring Professionals
(19 & 27 January or 3 February 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3.5 CPD credit points
(19 January 2018:
3 CPD credit points;

27 January or 3 February 2018:
0.5 CPD credit point)


Certificate Course of NFDS UK Approved Physical Restraint & Breakaway Techniques
(27 January 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Positive and Safer Handling for School Violence with Care & Control Techniques
(27 January 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training and 努 力 試 中 心

3 CPD credit points


1-day Workshop on Positive Psychology
(2 December 2017)

United Centre of Emotional Health and Positive Living

3 CPD credit points


The 15th Hong Kong International Orthopaedic Forum – Geriatric Bone & Joint Disorders
(21 and 22 April 2018)

Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, The University of Hong Kong

5 CPD credit points


Basic Course in General Endocrinology and Metabolism
(14 & 28 April, 5 & 26 May, 9 & 23 June and 8 September 2018)

Hong Kong Institute of Diabetes and Obesity

9 CPD credit points


Certificate Course in Obesity and Weight Management
(12 & 26 January, 23 February and 9 March 2018)

Hong Kong Institute of Diabetes and Obesity

8 CPD credit points


Certificate in Solution-focused Therapy for Social Services (Class 4)
(2 and 9 February 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training 

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Creativity for Social Services (Class 3)
(3 February 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of Enneagram for Counseling (Class 6)
(24 and 25 February 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certified Training in HYPNOTHERAPY
(3, 10 & 24 March and 7, 21 & 28 April 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of Foundation Coaching for Caring Professionals (Class 15)
(7, 14 and 21 March 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of Foundation Child Psychology (Class 3)
(13 and 20 March 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Hong Kong Law and Social Work for Caring Professionals (Class 5)
(16 March 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Practical Skills of Community Outreaching & Psychiatric Emergency
(23 March 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Seminar on Viral Hepatitis for Nurses and Allied Health Professionals
(10 April 2018)

Viral Hepatitis Preventive Service, Special Preventive Programme, Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health

1.5 CPD credit points


Quantum Touch – Level 1
(3 and 10 February 2018)

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


10-day Advanced Training on Bereavement Counseling
(21 & 28 March, 4, 10, 17 & 24 April, 8, 15 & 29 May and 5 June 2018)

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

9 CPD credit points


2nd International Conference on Bowen Family Systems Theory Systems Thinking in Daily Life: Bowen Theory in Families, Organisations and Communities
(17 to 19 May 2018)

ISS Family Institute – International Social Service Hong Kong Branch, International Social Service Hong Kong Branch, Hong Kong Polytechnic University and Department of Applied Social Sciences – Hong Kong Polytechnic University

8.5 CPD credit points


Management of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) “a focus on adult ADHD and transition service organization”

(2 and 3 March 2018)

Hospital Authority and The Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety – Pain Management (Class 2)

(10 April 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training  

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Using Music Therapy in Social Services for Caring Professionals

(17 April 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Using Games and Debriefing for Caring Professionals (Class 4)

(20 April 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Public Relations

(25 April 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Crisis in Action: Certificate in Managing Depression and Suicidal Behavior (Class 7)

(26 April 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Effective Performance Appraisal for Social Services (Class 3)

(27 April 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of “Licensed Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic ProgrammingTM” for Caring Professionals (Cycle 22)

(28 April, 5, 19 & 26 May, 16 & 23 June and 7 & 14 July 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate in Sensory Integration Training for Caring Professionals (Class 7)

(30 April and 1 May 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training and 扶 康 會 牽 蝶 中 心

6 CPD credit points


23rd Hong Kong Medical Forum

(5 and 6 May 2018)

Department of Medicine, The University of Hong Kong, Queen Mary Hospital 

5 CPD credit points


“Mental Health and Ageing: the way forward” Symposium and Workshop

(8 and 9 June 2018)

New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association

4.5 CPD credit points


Training on Structural Family Therapy (Level I) – Theoretical Understanding of Structural Family Therapy

(12 March 2018)

United Centre of Emotional Health and Positive Living

3 CPD credit points


Training on Structural Family Therapy (Level II) – Structural Family Therapy: Skills and Practice

(19 March 2018)

United Centre of Emotional Health and Positive Living

3 CPD credit points


Training on Structural Family Therapy (Special Topic) – Domestic Violence – From Individual to Family Perspective

(16 April 2018)

United Centre of Emotional Health and Positive Living

3 CPD credit points


2-day Introductory Workshop on Motivational Interviewing

(19 and 26 May 2018)

United Centre of Emotional Health and Positive Living

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Using Drama Therapy for Caring Professionals (Class 3)

(9 and 16 May 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Using Drama Therapy for Caring Professionals (Class 3)

(6 and 13 June 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Understanding Sex Therapy for Caring Professionals

(10 and 17 May 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Professional Counseling on Problem, Cause, Solution Interviewing Model (Class 3)

(11 and 12 May 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Using Body Language Effectively for Caring Professionals

(19 May 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Using Expressive Arts Programme in Social Services for Caring Professionals (Class 7)

(23 and 24 May 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Managing Crisis of Domestic Violence

(28 September 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Foundation Certificate in Using Cognitive Therapy for Caring Professionals

(18 and 25 May 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training and Caritas Jockey Club Heartspring Development Centre

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Coaching Genius and Accessing Personal Genius (APG) for Caring Professionals (Class 5)

(25 to 27 May 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training and Asia Professional Training Institute

9 CPD credit points


Seminar on “Neurogenic communication and swallowing disorders – the classification and rehabilitation”

(26 March 2018)

Rehabaid Society

2 CPD credit points


19th Regional Osteoporosis Conference

(28 April 2018)

The Osteoporosis Society of Hong Kong (OSHK)

3 CPD credit points


Diabetes Preventing the Preventables (DPP) Forum 2018

(6 May 2018)

Asia Diabetes Foundation Limited

3 CPD credit points


2-day workshop on BodyMind Integrity, LivingDance ~ LivingMusicTM and ther Treatment of Eating Disorders

(21 and 22 April 2018)

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


1-day Workshop on LivingMusicTM Bridging to the Now – Letting our Music Flow from Connection

(24 April 2018)

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


沉 默 的 哀 傷 – 如 何 支 援 自 殺 者 家 屬 走 過 哀 傷

(27 April 2018)

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


Seminar & Workshop on Drama Therapy

(27 and 28 March 2018)

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

4.5 CPD credit points


Musculoskeletal Grand Round and Cases Discussion

(20 April 2018)

Hong Kong Pain Society; 
The Society of Anesthetists of Hong Kong; and
Hong Kong Society of Musculoskeletal Pain

1 CPD credit point


Certificate Course of Effective Skills on Projective Drawing for Counseling (Class 8)

(2 and 9 June 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Workshop on Managing Difficult Personalities / Customers (Class 48)

(14 June 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Hong Kong Law and Social Services – Mentally Incapacitated Persons (MIPs) & Sexual Offences / Sexual Harassment

(15 June 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Foundation Certificate in Enneagram for Counseling

(16 and 23 June 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in One Day Experimental Course of Mindfulness-Based Practice (Class 4)

(27 June 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Managing People with Special Educational Needs for Caring Professionals

(28 June 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Clinical Supervision Group in Marriage & Family Work

(29 June 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Summit on Attainment of the Sustainable Development Goals in Chinese Speaking Communities

(9 and 10 June 2018)

Hong Kong Paediatric Foundation

6 CPD credit points


Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment Programme (IE-1)

(14 to 18 June 2018)

Amaze Learning Solutions Ltd.

9 CPD credit points


「 我 會 好 好 長 大 」- 如 何 支 援 喪 親 兒 童 及 青 少 年 走 過 哀 傷

(25 May 2018)

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course on Best Practices in Quality of Life Evaluation and Assessments (C313)

(3, 10, 17, 24 & 31 May and 7 June 2018)

The Federation of Medical Societies of Hong Kong jointly organised with World Association for Chinese Quality of Life

6 CPD credit points


Healing from the Core: Full Body Presence: Grounding and Healthy Boundaries

(7 to 10 June 2018)

The Upledger Institute, Inc. and Elite Resource and Consultation Services

9 CPD credit points


安 老 院 舍 護 理 優 質 照 顧 研 討 會 2018

(9 June 2018)

Hong Kong Association of Gerontology

1 CPD credit point


Jockey Club TourHeart Project Inaugural Symposium: Stepped Care Services & Workplace Mental Health

(29 June 2018)

New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


「 一 起 走 過 哀 傷 」- 如 何 應 用 善 別 輔 導 小 組 支 援 喪 親 家 屬

(28 June 2018)

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


2-day Workshop on Boxes for Facilitating Expressive Arts: Containers for Reflection, Contemplation, and Imagination

(30 and 31 May 2018)

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


Certificate Course on Communication and Swallowing Problems in the Elderly Population (C316)

(5, 12, 19 & 26 June and 3 & 10 July 2018)

The Federation of Medical Societies of Hong Kong jointly organised with The Hong Kong Association of Speech Therapists

6 CPD credit points


Symposium on Wound Management

(8 June 2018)

Department of Orthopaedic and Traumatology, Pamela Youde Nethersole Eastern Hospital

1.5 CPD credit points


Kinesio Taping Assessments, Fundamental and Techniques

(30 June and 1 July 2018)

Oraia Physiotherapy Centre 

6 CPD credit points

2018/19 cycle
Broad Professional Relevant
Programme Code Programme Organizer Maximum CPD
Credit Points


2-day Advanced Workshop on Motivational Interviewing

(7 and 14 July 2018)

United Centre of Emotional Health and Positive Living

6 CPD credit points


Advanced Certificate in Enneagram for Counseling

(7 and 14 July 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment Programme (IE Tactile)

(19 to 23 December 2018)

Amaze Learning Solutions Ltd.

9 CPD credit points


Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment Programme (IE-2)

(13 to 17 October 2018)

Amaze Learning Solutions Ltd.

9 CPD credit points


Feuerstein Instrumental Enrichment Programme (IE Basic 2)

(21 to 25 September 2018)

Amaze Learning Solutions Ltd.

9 CPD credit points


CranialSacral Therapy I (CS 1) & CranialSacral Therapy II (CS 2)

(CS 1: 1 to 4 September 2018
CS 2: 6 to 9 September 2018)

The Upledger Institute, Inc. and Elite Resource and Consultation Services

9 CPD credit points


Visceral Manipulation: Abdomen 1 (VM 1) & Visceral Manipulation: Abdomen 2 (VM 2)
(jointly organised with Barral Institute, US)

(VM 1: 2 to 5 November 2018
VM 2: 7 to 10 November 2018)

The Upledger Institute, Inc. and Elite Resource and Consultation Services

9 CPD credit points


Neural Manipulation: Central and Peripheral Connections (NM5)
Visceral Vascular Manipulation (VVMU)
(jointly organised with Barral Institute, US)

(NM5: 19 to 21 November 2018
VVMU: 23 to 25 November 2018)

The Upledger Institute, Inc. and Elite Resource and Consultation Services

9 CPD credit points


Visceral Manipulation: The Pelvis (VM 3)
Visceral Manipulation: The Thorax (VM 4)
(jointly organised with Barral Institute, US)

(VM 3: 19 to 22 January 2019
VM 4: 24 to 27 January 2019)

The Upledger Institute, Inc. and Elite Resource and Consultation Services

9 CPD credit points


Certificate in Obsessive Compulsive Spectrum Disorders (New DSM 5) & Behavioural Therapy for Psychiatric Conditions for Caring Professionals (Class 2)

(11 July 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Introductory Course in Narrative Therapy (Class 2) – Mod. 1

(12 and 19 July 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Introductory Course in Narrative Therapy (Class 2) – Mod. 2

(26 July 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Talent Development Training for New Age Supervisors (Class 2) – 單 元 一

(13 July 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Talent Development Training for New Age Supervisors (Class 2) - 單 元 二

(20 July 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Talent Development Training for New Age Supervisors (Class 2) - 單 元 三

(27 July 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Writing an Outstanding Fund-Bidding Proposal for Social Services (Class 2)

(18 July 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Presentation Excellence & Power-point Design (Class 3)

(21 and 28 July 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Foundation Certificate in Shadow Psychology & Self-Healing

(24 and 31 July 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Effective Interviewing Skills in Recruiting for Social Services (Class 3)

(10 August 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of Dream Analyst for Counselling (Class 6)

(11 and 18 August 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of NFDS UK Approved Physical Restraint & Breakaway Techniques

(11 August 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Solution-focused Therapy for Social Services (Class 4)

(17 and 24 August 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Managing Challenging Behaviours in People with Intellectual Disabilities (Class 3)

(23 August 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


“Restraint & Breakaway Instructor Refresher and Accreditation Course” by NFPS-UK (Class 11)

(29 August 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Positive and Safer Handling for School Violence with Care & Control Techniques

(11 August 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


The First Hong Kong International Interdisciplinary Clinical 3D Printing Forum 2018

(28 July 2018)

Hong Kong 3D Printing Association

3 CPD credit points


Fascial Therapy with FAZER (Instrument assisted myofascial mobilisation) Co-organised with ARTZT Institute

(1 and 2 July 2018)

Hong Kong Fascial Therapy Association

6 CPD credit points


Foundation in Myofascial Release Seminar for Neck, Voice and Swallowing Disorders

(30 and 31 August 2018)

ENT Laser Hearing and Speech Therapy Centre Ltd

6 CPD credit points


East Meets West Symposium 2018

(29 and 30 September 2018)

Hong Kong Institute of Diabetes and Obesity, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

5 CPD credit points


“Emotion-Focused Therapy (EFT) in Working with Anger, Shame, Fear & Sadness”

(Module 1: 11, 18, 25 July and 1 August 2018
Module 2: 15 and 29 August 2018)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

9 CPD credit points


探 索 「 藝 術 治 療 」 基 礎 概 念 與 應 用 課 程

(20 & 27 July and 3, 10, 17 & 24 August 2018)

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

9 CPD credit points


「 生 死 之 道 – 生 死 教 育 的 策 劃 與 執 行 」 一 天 專 業 培 訓 工 作 坊

(27 July 2018)

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of Foundation Coaching for Caring Professionals (Class 15)

(6 & 13 September and 5 October 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Hong Kong Law for Handling Medical Malpractice (Class 2)

(7 September 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Applied Positive Psychology for Caring Professionals (Class 3)

(12 September 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Social Media Marketing in Social Service: Online Promotion and Content Marketing Strategy

(21 September 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of Effective Skills on Managing Complaint (Class 6)

(27 September 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Symposium in Cancer Challenge in Hong Kong

(6 October 2018)

The Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society 

3 CPD credit points


1-day Train-the-Trainers Workshop on Life & Death Education

(21 September 2018)

Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU

3 CPD credit points


The 10th Hong Kong Allergy Convention

(29-30 September 2018)

Hong Kong Institute of Allergy (HKIA)

6 CPD credit points


Two-day Workshop on Cognitive Processing Therapy for PTSD

(28-29 November 2018)

Asian Society for Traumatic Stress Studies

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Managing Inappropriate Staff Behavior for Social Service (Class 6)

(9 October 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Sensory Integration Training for Caring Professionals (Class 8)

(10 and 17 October 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of “Licensed Practitioner of Neuro- Linguistic Programming TM” for Caring Professionals (Cycle 23)

(20 and 27 October 2018; 24 November 2018; 1 and 8 December 2018; 5 and 12 January 2019)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate Course in Youth Mental Health First Aid (Class 2)

(23 and 30 October 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Resilience and Adversity Quotient for Happy Workplace for caring Professionals (Class 4)

(26 October 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Using Instrumental Cards in Counselling

(27 October 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course on Renal Medicine 2018 (C320)

(5,12,19 and 26 September 2018; 3 and 10 October 2018)

The Federation of Medical Societies of HK jointly organised with Hong Kong Society of Nephrology

6 CPD credit points


Engagements for a Dementia Friendly Community

(17 September 2018)

Hong Kong Alzheimer’s Disease Association

1.5 CPD credit points


The Hong Kong Pain Society Annual Scientific Meeting 2018

(7,13 and 14 October 2018)

The Hong Kong Pain Society

8 CPD credit points


Three-Day Workshop on Self-Compassion in Psychotherapy : Mindfulness-based Practices for Healing and Transformation

(6-8 December 2018)

United Centre of Emotional Health and Positive Living 

9 CPD credit points


Occupational Health Practice

(3, 8, 17 and 22 November 2018; 1, 6 and 15 December 2018; 5 January 2019)

JC School of Public Health and Primary Care, CUHK

9 CPD credit points


4-day Training on Bereavement Counseling

(5,12,19 and 26 October 2018)

Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU

9 CPD credit points


Certificate in Effective Performance Appraisal for Social Services (Class 4)

(9 November 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of Effective Skills on Projective Drawing for Counseling (Class 9)

(10 and 17 November 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Managing Work Injury Cases Effectively for Social Services (Class 5)

(12 November 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Understanding Elderly Mental Health, DSM 5 for Caring Professionals (Class 3)

(23 November 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Applying Art Activities for Caring Professionals

(26 November and 3 December 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


HA Central Commissioned Training Programme (CCTP) in 2018/2019 Current Trends on Minimally Invasive Trauma Surgery

(4 and 5 October 2018)

Hospital Authority

12 CPD credit points


Heep Hong Society – 55th Anniversary Conference

(1 December 2018)

Heep Hong Society

3 CPD credit points


Certification Workshop 1: Transitioning to Employment and Postsecondary Education for Individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder

(29-30 November 2018)

Heep Hong Society

6 CPD credit points


Certification Workshop II : Social Emotional Engagement – Knowledge and Skills (SEE-KS) – Supporting Children with SEN in Kindergarten and Mainstream Schools

(3-4 December 2018)

Heep Hong Society

6 CPD credit points


Autumn Respiratory Seminar 2018

(17-18 November 2018)

Hong Kong Thoracic Society and CHEST Delegation Hong Kong and Macau

6 CPD credit points


Autumn Respiratory Seminar 2018 – Day 1 morning

(17 November 2018)

Hong Kong Thoracic Society and CHEST Delegation Hong Kong and Macau

1.5 CPD credit points


Autumn Respiratory Seminar 2018 – Day 1 afternoon

(17 November 2018)

Hong Kong Thoracic Society and CHEST Delegation Hong Kong and Macau

2 CPD credit points


Autumn Respiratory Seminar 2018 – Day 2

(18 November 2018)

Hong Kong Thoracic Society and CHEST Delegation Hong Kong and Macau

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course on Respiratory Medicine 2018 (C319)

(6,13, 20 and 27 September 2018; 4 and 11 October 2018)

The Federation of Medical Societies of HK jointly organised with CHEST Delegation Hong Kong and Macau Limited

4.5 CPD credit points


量 子 共 振 ( 又 稱 量 子 觸 療 ) 初 階 國 際 證 明 書 課 程

(21 and 28 November 2018)

Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU 

6 CPD credit points


The 7th Asian Preventive Cardiology and Cardiac Rehabilitation Conference cum 11th Certificate Course in Cardiac Rehabilitation (APCCRC 2018)

(8-11 November 2018)

Hong Kong College of Cardiology (HKCC)

9 CPD credit points


The Hong Kong pain Society Annual Scientific Meeting 2018

(7 and 14 October 2018)

The Hong Kong Pain Society

5.5 CPD credit points


The Hong Kong pain Society Annual Scientific Meeting 2018

(13 October 2018)

The Hong Kong Pain Society

3 CPD credit points


The Hong Kong pain Society Annual Scientific Meeting 2018

(14 October 2018 pm)

The Hong Kong Pain Society

2 CPD credit points


The Hong Kong pain Society Annual Scientific Meeting 2018

(14 October 2018 am)

The Hong Kong Pain Society

1.5 CPD credit points


Psycho-socila-spiritual Support for Older Persons at End of Life

(6 November 2018 – 11 December 2018)

Hong Kong Association of Gerontology

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Hong Kong Law and Social Services -<< Apology Legislation>> and Mediation

(7 December 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Managing Anxiety Disorders (Class 3)

(10 December 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Bereavement Counseling for Children & Relatives of Sudden Death Cases

(14 December 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Using Music Therapy in Social Services for Caring Professionals (Class 2)

(17 December 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


“Restraint & Breakaway Instructor Refresher and Accreditation Course” by NFP-UK (Class 12)

(19 December 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Workshop on Managing Difficult Personalities/ Customers (Class 49)

(20 December 2018)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Annual Scientific Meeting in Anaesthesiology 2018

(17-18 November 2018)

The Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists and The Society of Anaesthetists of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


The 2018 HkCPsych International Mental Health Congress – Pre-congress WS

(13 December 2018)

The Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists

3 CPD credit points


The 2018 HkCPsych International Mental Health Congress

(14-15 December 2018)

The Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists

6 CPD credit points


The 2018HkCPsych International Mental Health Congress – Post –congress WS

(16 December 2018)

The Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists

3 CPD credit points


Shoulder Biomechanics Research Summit 2018

(17-18 November 2018)

Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


Scientific Symposium on Emergency Medicine 2018

(26 October 2018)

Hong Kong College of Emergency Medicine

3 CPD credit points


OSHK A to Z symposia series: ‘K’ – Symposium – Key to Osteoporosis Management in the Elderly

(17 November 2018)

The Osteoporosis Society of Hong Kong (OSHK)

1 CPD credit point


第 11 屆 龐 鼎 元 國 際 中 醫 藥 研 討 會 暨 中 醫 藥 學 院 20 周 年 慶 悉 古 創 新 中 西 合 壁

(25 November 2018)

School of Chinese Medicine, The University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


Hong Kong Association of Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting 2018 - Workshop of Swallowing and Feeding in Rehabilitation (am session)

(24 November 2018)

Hong Kong Association of Rehabilitation Medicine

1.5 CPD credit points


Hong Kong Association of Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting 2018 - Workshop of Swallowing and Feeding in Rehabilitation (pm session)

(24 November 2018)

Hong Kong Association of Rehabilitation Medicine

1.5 CPD credit points


Seminar on Treating Obesity – A Multidisciplinary Perspective

(1 December 2018)

Kowloon Hospital Alumni Society (KHAS)

1 CPD credit points


Certificate Course in Cardiology 2018 (C321)

(15,22,29 October 2018 and 5,12,19 November 2018)

The Federation of Medical Societies of HK jointly organised with Hong Kong College of Cardiology

4.5 CPD credit points


Introductory Course on Motivational Interviewing (Class 3)

(4 and 18 January 2019)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Career Planning for Caring Professionals (Class 2)

(11 January 2019)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Managing Challenging Clients with Severe Interpersonal Boundary Issues & Self-harm – Module 1

(17 and 24 January 2019)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Managing Challenging Clients with Severe Interpersonal Boundary Issues & Self-harm – Module 2

(21 February 2019)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of NFPS UK Approved Physical Restraint & Breakaway Techniques

(19 January 2019)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Workshop on Positive and Safer Handling for School Violence with Care & Control Techniques (Class 4)

(19 January 2019)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Supervisory Skills in Social Service Settings

(23 January 2019)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Practical Skills of Community Outreaching & Psychiatric Emergency

(25 January 2019)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Foundation Certificate in Enneagram for Counseling (Class 8)

(26 and 27 January 2019)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


「 意 義 人 生 」-- 「 人 生 回 顧 」 和 「 人 生 意 義 」 在 生 死 教 育 的 實 踐

(11 December 2018)

Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Psychotropic Medications and Substance Abuse for Caring Professionals
(1 March 2019)

Hong Kong Society for Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certified Training in Hypnotherapy (Class 2)
(2 and 16 March 2019; 6 and 13 April 2019; 4 and 11May 2019; 8 and 15 June 2019)

Hong Kong Society for Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


One Day Workshop in Self-hypnosis & Stress Relief
(2 March 2019)

Hong Kong Society for Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Inner Child Reconnecting and Healing
(15 and 22 March 2019)

Hong Kong Society for Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of Foundation Coaching for Caring Professionals (Class 17)
(15 and 22 March 2019; 4 April 2019)

Hong Kong Society for Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of Recovery Coaching for Mental Health Practitioners
(Class 4)
(15 and 22 March 2019; 12 April 2019)

Hong Kong Society for Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of Life Coaching with Young Old for Caring Professionals
(15 and 22 March 2019; 12 April 2019)

Hong Kong Society for Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate in Mindful Parenting with Practical Techniques
(16 March 2019)

Hong Kong Society for Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Using Expressive Arts Programme in Social Services for Caring Professionals (Class 8)
(20 – 21 March 2019)

Hong Kong Society for Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Training in Emotion – Focused Therapy (Individual) Class 2
(18 and 25 February 2019)

Hong Kong Society for Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Creative Thinking for Social Services (Class 4)
(23 February 2019)

Hong Kong Society for Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Assessment & Evidence-based Intervention for Caregiver of Person with Dementia
(26 February 2019)

Hong Kong Society for Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


1-Day Training on Suicide Bereavement
(25 January 2019)

Centre on Behavioural Health, HKU

3 CPD credit points


24th Hong Kong Medical Forum
(18-19 May 2019)

Department of Medicine The University of Hong Kong Queen Mary Hospital

6 CPD credit points


Advanced Course on Sleep and Breathing
(22-23 March 2019)

Hong Kong Thoracic Society and CHEST Delegation of Hong Kong and Macau

6 CPD credit points


Shoulder Biomechanics Research Summit 2018
(17 November 2018)

Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

16 CPD credit points


Shoulder Biomechanics Research Summit 2018
(18 November 2018)

Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Faculty of Medicine, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


10-day Advanced Training on Bereavement Counseling
(27 February 2019; 6,13,19 and 26 March 2019; 2,9,16,23 and 30 April 2019)

Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU

9 CPD credit points


Central Commissioned Training in Psychiatry 2018-19 Dialectical Behavior Therapy
(1-2 March 2019)

Hospital Authority, Hong Kong & the Hong Kong College of Psychiatrics

5.5 CPD credit points


Certificate Course on Management of Upper Limb Pain Conditions (C322)
(20 and 27 November 2018)

The Federation of Medical Societies of HK jointly organised with the Hong Kong Pain Society

2 CPD credit points


Challenges in Dementia Care: how about the family members
(1 February 2019)

School of Medical and Health Sciences, Tung Wah College

1 CPD credit points


Which Clinical Tools should I use in Dementia? Understanding Dementia Subtypes and Detecting Disease Staging
(2 February 2019)

School of Medical and Health Sciences, Tung Wah College

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Thanatology for Caring Professionals (Class 2)
(10, 24 May 2019; 14, 28 June 2019; 12 July 2019)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate in Managing Work Place Verbal Violence & NFPS UK Approved Breakaway Techniques
(15 May 2019)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Workshop on Application of Drama Therapy for Caring Professionals (Class 4)
(15 and 22 May 2019)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Web Design and Marketing for Social Services
(18 and 25 May 2019)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Workshop on Strategic Planning for Non-Government Organizations (NGOs)
(31 May 2019)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


量 子 共 振 ( 又 稱 量 子 觸 療 ) 初 階 國 際 證 書 課 程
(27 March 2019 and 3 April 2019)

Centre of Behavioral Health, HKU

6 CPD credit points


Working with Children, Youth and Families with Complex Needs: A 2-day Training Workshop on Practical Skills and Exercise to Build Resilience
(21 and 22 June 2019)

Centre for Psychosocial Health, The Education University of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


2-Day Introductory Workshop on Motivational Interviewing
(16 and 30 March 2019)

United Centre of Emotional Health and Positive Living (sub-organization of United Christian Nethersole Community Health Service)

6 CPD credit points


Basic Course in Diabetes Management and Education 2019-20
(7 and 21 September 2019; 12 October 2019; 16 and 30 November 2019 and 18 January 2020)

Hong Kong Institute of Diabetes and Obesity, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

9 CPD credit points


Certificate in Using Instrumental Cards in Counselling (Class 3)
(6 and 13 April 2019)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Talent Development Training for New Age Supervisors (Class 3) – Module 1
(25 April 2019 and 2 May 2019)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Talent Development Training for New Age Supervisors (Class 3) – Module 2
(9 May 2019 and 16 May 2019)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of “Licensed Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming” for Caring Professionals (Class 24)
(27 April 2019; 4 and 25 May 2019; 1,8 and 15 June 2019; 6 and 13 July 2019)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate Course in Cardiology 2019 (C331)
(7, 14, 21 and 28 March 2019; 4 and 11 April 2019)

The Federation of Medical Societies of HK jointly organised with Hong Kong College of Cardiology

6 CPD credit points


Preschool Education Professional Seminar on “Dynamic Assessment (DA) and Mediated Learning (ML); Effectiveness of Think Bright Group Training”
(29 April 2019)

Heep Hong Society

3 CPD credit points


Certification Workshop: Seven Dynamic Assessment Tests to Gauge Young Children’s Learning Potential and Use for Cognitive Intervention
(30 April 2019 – 1 May 2019)

Heep Hong Society

6 CPD credit points


Certification Workshop Seven Dynamic Assessment Tests to Gauge Young Children’s Learning Potential and Use for Cognitive Intervention
(2 May 2019 – 3 May 2019)

Heep Hong Society

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Professional Counseling on Problem, Cause, Solution Interviewing Model (Class 4)
(30 April 2019 and 7 May 2019)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


The 16th Hong Kong International Orthopaedic Forum- Repair, Replace & Recovery
(13 and 14 April 2019)

Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, The University of Hong Kong

5 CPD credit points


「 我 會 好 好 長 大 」- 如 何 支 援 喪 親 兒 童 走 過 哀 傷
(16 May 2019)

Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU

3 CPD credit points


1-day Workshop on Dance Movement Psychotherapy by Dr. Jill Bunce
(10 May 2019)

Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU

3 CPD credit points


Diabetes Preventing the Preventables (DPP) Forum 2019
(5 May 2019)

Asian Diabetes Foundation Limited

3 CPD credit points


[World Continence Week 2019] Symposium on Recent advances in assessment and management of female incontinence
(12 June 2019)

Hong Kong Association of Gerontology

1 CPD credit point


20th Regional Osteoporosis Conference
(10 -12 May 2019)

The Osteoporosis Society of Hong Kong (OSHK)

9 CPD credit points


Seminar on Viral Hepatitis for Nurses and Allied Health Professionals
(4 June 2019)

Special Preventive Programme, Centre for Health Protection, Department of Health

2 CPD credit points


Certificate in Hong Kong Law and Social Work for Caring Professionals (Class 6)
(5 June 2019)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Sensory Integration Training for Caring Professionals (Class 9)
(6 and 7 June 2019)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Workshop on Managing Difficult Personalities/ Customers (Class 50)
(12 June 2019)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Foundation Certificate in Shadow Psychology & Self-Healing (Class 2)
(19 and 26 June 2019)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Training in Educational Workers for Child in Special Educational Needs (SEN)
(20,21 and 22 June 2019)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Positive Handling System TM Breakaway & Restraint Techniques (HK)
(22 June 2019)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Workshop on Positive and Safer Handling for School Violence with Care & Control Techniques (Class 5)
(22 June 2019)

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Multidisciplinary Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Congress on Pain Management (MSK US PM)
2018 – Main Congress
1 and 2 December 2018

Hong Kong Society of Musculoskeletal Pain and Multidisciplinary International Association of Musculoskeletal Pain

4.5 CPD credit points


Multidisciplinary Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Congress on Pain Management (MSK US PM) 2018 – Master Class
2 December 2018

Hong Kong Society of Musculoskeletal Pain and Multidisciplinary International Association of Musculoskeletal Pain

1.5 CPD credit points


Multidisciplinary Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Congress on Pain Management (MSK US PM) 2018 – Pre-Congress Course A: Refresher Course in RA PM MSK
30 November 2018

Hong Kong Society of Musculoskeletal Pain and Multidisciplinary International Association of Musculoskeletal Pain

3 CPD credit points


Multidisciplinary Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Congress on Pain Management (MSK US PM) 2018 – Pre-Congress Course B: Cadaveric Sonoanatomy Workshop
30 November 2018

Hong Kong Society of Musculoskeletal Pain and Multidisciplinary International Association of Musculoskeletal Pain

2.5 CPD credit points


一 起 走 過 哀 傷 - 如 何 應 用 善 別 輔 導 小 組 支 援 喪 親 家 屬 一 天 工 作 坊
27 June 2019

Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU

3 CPD credit points


2-day Workshop on Relational Social Justice Creative and Arts-Based Approaches to Civic Dialogue by Dr. Jordan Potash
28 and 29 May 2019

Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU

6 CPD credit points


Certificate Course on Essential Healthcare Mediation 2019 (C332)
14, 21 and 28 June 2019; 5,12 and 19 July 2019

The Federation of Medical Societies of HK jointly organised with Hong Kong Clinical Psychologists Association

6 CPD credit points


Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) for Health Care Professionals 靜 觀 減 壓 課 程 (C333)
25 May 2019; 1,8,15,22 and 29 June 2019; 6, 13 and 20 July 2019

The Federation of Medical Societies of HK jointly organised with Hong Kong Clinical Psychologists Association

9 CPD credit points


Introduction to the ADOS-2 (Modules 1-4) and ADOS-2 Toddler Module Clinical Workshop
11-13 June 2019

Heep Hong Society

9 CPD credit points

2019/20 cycle
Broad Professional Relevant
Programme Code Programme Organizer Maximum CPD
Credit Points


Certificate in Effective Skills on Mediation and Conflict Management for Social Services (Class 4)
4 and 11 July 2019

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Writing an Outstanding Fund-Bidding Proposal for Social Services (Class 3)
5 July 2019

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Effective Interviewing Skills in Recruiting for Social Services (Class 4)
9 July 2019

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points






Certificate Dream Analyst for Counselling Course (Class 7)
13 and 20 July 2019; 24 and 31 August 2019

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Introductory Course in Narrative Therapy (Class 3)
18 and 25 July 2019
8 August 2019

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate in Solution-focused Therapy for Social Services (Class 6)
24 and 31 July 2019

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Foundation Certificate in Enneagram for Counselling (Class 9)
3 and 10 August 2019

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Enneagram for Counselling (Foundation & Advance)
3 and 10 August 2019; 21 and 28 September 2019

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate in Coaching Genius & Accessing Personal Genius (Class 6)
16, 17 and 18 August 2019

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Licensed Certificate in Restraint & Breakaway Instructor Accreditation by NFPS UK (Class 5)
21, 22, 23, 26 and 27 August 2019

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


“Restraint & Breakaway Instructor Refresher and Accreditation Course” by NFPS-UK (Class 13)
28 August 2019

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Family centred treatment for Mental Health Issues: Contemporary Challenges and Advanced Practices
19 July 2019

New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association

3 CPD credit points


Dance/ Movement Therapy II – Theory and Practice – The Dance of Relationship
4,5,6 and 7 July 2019

Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU

9 CPD credit points


善 別 輔 導 - 深 造 諮 詢 小 組 課 程
8 August 2019;
12 September 2019;
10 October 2019;
14 November 2019;
12 December 2019;
9 January 2020;
13 February 2020;
12 March 2020;
16 April 2020;
14 May 2020;
11 June 2020;
9 July 2020

Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU

9 CPD credit points


Introductory Workshop on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT)
30 and 31 August 2019

United Centre of Emotional Health and Positive Living

4.5 CPD credit points


East Meets West Symposium 2019
28 and 29 September 2019

Hong Kong Institute of Diabetes and Obesity, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

4.5 CPD credit points


Certificate in Understanding Sex Therapy for Caring Professionals (Class 2)
6 and 7 September 2019

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of Foundation Coaching for Caring Professionals (Class 18)
12 and 26 September 2019; 3 October 2019

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate Course Recovery Coaching for Mental Health Practitioner (Class 5)
12 and 26 September 2019; 10 October 2019

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate in Marketing and Internet Marketing Strategies for  Social Services  (Class 3)
20 and 27 September 2019

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Hong Kong Law for Handling Medical Malpractice  (Class 3)
27 September 2019

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Sensory Integration Training for Caring Professionals (Class 10)
30 September and 1 October 2019

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Using Games and Debriefing for  Caring Professionals (Class 5)
15 January 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Nova Basic Course: National Community Crisis Response Team Training (Class 3)
11, 12 and 13 October 2019

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate in Managing Inappropriate Staff Behavior for Social Services (Class 7)
14 October 2019

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Resilience and Adversity Quotient for Happy Workplace for Caring Professionals (Class 5)
18 October 2019

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of "Licensed Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming" for Caring Professionals (Class 26)
19 and 26 October 2019; 16 and 23 November 2019; 7 and 14 December 2019; 11 and 18 January 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of Effective Skills on Managing Complaint (Class 7)
22 October 2019

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Supervisory Skills in Social Services Setting (Class 2)
24 October 2019

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Crisis Intervention and Mediation Technique
29 October 2019

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Foundation Certificate in Projective Drawing Analyst for Counseling (Class 10)
16 and 23 November 2019

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certified Projective Drawing Analyst for Counseling (Class 10) (Group A)
16 and 23 November 2019; 4 and 11 January 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certified Projective Drawing Analyst for Counseling (Class 10) (Group B)
16 and 23 November 2019; 4 and 11 January 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate in Inner Child Reconnecting and Healing (Class 2)
8 and 15 November 2019

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Using Music Therapy in Social Services for Caring Professionals (Class 3)
11 November 2019

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Effective Performance Appraisal for Social Services (Class 5)
27 March 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Managing Work Injury Cases Effectively for Social Services  (Class 6)
25 November 2019

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Talent Development Training for New Age Supervisors  (Class 4) - Module 1 & 2
29 November and 6,13 and 20 December 2019

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate in Talent Development Training for New Age Supervisors  (Class 4) - Module 1
29 November and 6 December 2019

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Talent Development Training for New Age Supervisors  (Class 4) - Module 2
13 and 20 December 2019

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


「 生 死 之 道 - 生 死 教 育 的 策 劃 與 執 行 」 一 天 專 業 培 訓 工 作 坊
9 August 2019

Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU

3 CPD credit points


Mindful Self-Compassion 2-day Core Skills Workshop
12-13 September 2019

Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU

6 CPD credit points


量 子 共 振 ( 又 稱 量 子 觸 療 ) 初 階 國 際 證 書 課 程
18 and 25 September 2019

Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU

6 CPD credit points


Professional Certificate Progamme in Promoting Well-being in Informal Cargivers of Dementia
3 July 2019 – 21 December 2019

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

9 CPD credit points


專 業 研 討 會 - 晚 期 認 知 障 礙 症 紓 緩 臨 終 照 顧
23 August 2019

Hong Kong Association of Gerontology

1.5 CPD credit points


Advanced Certificate in Enneagram for Counseling (Class 4)
21 and 28 September 2019

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Sensory Integration Training for Caring Professionals
(Class 11)
30 September 2019 and 7 October 2019

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


園 藝 治 療 - 減 壓 放 鬆 之 路
20 September 2019

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


The Good Lives Modal and the Application in Local Context
27-30 November 2019

The Society of Rehabilitation and Crime Prevention Hong Kong

9 CPD credit points


Certificate Course on Care for Advanced Diseases (C341)
15, 22 and 29 July 2019; 5 and 12 August 2019

The Federation of Medical Societies of HK Jointly Organised with the British Medical Association (Hong Kong Branch)

5 CPD credit points


2019 Bowen Theory Conference – Defining Self in Your Family of Origin
24-25 October 2019

ISS Family Institute – International Social Service Hong Kong Branch

6 CPD credit points


CranialSacral Therapy I (CS1); CranialScaral Therapy II (CS2)
21-24 September 2019;
26-29 September 2019

The Upledger Institute and Elite Resource and Consultation Services

9 CPD credit points


Visceral Manipulation: Abdomen 1 (VM1)
7-10 December 2019

The Upledger Institute and Elite Resource and Consultation Services

9 CPD credit points


Visceral Manipulation: Abdomen 2 (VM2)
12-15 December 2019

The Upledger Institute and Elite Resource and Consultation Services

9 CPD credit points


New Manual Articular Approach: Spine and Pelvis (MASP)
18-20 November 2019

The Upledger Institute and Elite Resource and Consultation Services

9 CPD credit points


Neural Manipulation: Neuromeningeal Manipulation: An Integrative Approach to Trauma (NM1)
14-16 November 2019

The Upledger Institute and Elite Resource and Consultation Services

9 CPD credit points


Visceral Manipulation: Abdomen 3 (VM3)
8-11 February 2020

The Upledger Institute and Elite Resource and Consultation Services

9 CPD credit points


Visceral Manipulation: Listening Techniques 2: An Integrative Approach to Evaluation (LT2)
13-15 February 2020

The Upledger Institute and Elite Resource and Consultation Services

9 CPD credit points


Workshop on Managing Difficult Personalities / Customers (Class 51)
5 December 2019

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Managing Clients with Borderline Personality Disorder – Module 1
7 and 14 May 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


“Restraint & Breakaway Instructor Refresher and Accreditation Course” by NFPS-UK (Class 14)
12 December 2019

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Using Expressive Arts Programme in Social Services for Caring Professionals (Class 9)
18 and 19 December 2019

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Creating a Spirit Doll with a story in Expressive Arts Therapy
21 December 2019

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Assessment & Evidence-based Intervention for Caregiver of Person with Dementia (Class 2)
8 January 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Psychology of Trauma and Body-mind healing
9 and 16 January 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Introductory Course on Motivational Interviewing (Class 4)
10 and 17 January 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Mindlikewater 5th Generation Time Management System
21 January 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Integrative Case Management : From Assessment to Intervention based on the Multi-axial Interactive Model (M-AiM)
26 September 2019

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3CPD credit points


身 心 健 康 行 動 計 劃 WRAP® (Wellness Recovery Action Plan) 證 書 帶 領 員 課 程
24,25,28-30 October 2019

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


Mental Health Ordinance & Psychiatric Diagnosis and Medications
16 October 2019

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


「 由 身 入 心 的 情 緒 調 節 」 工 作 坊
11 and 18 August 2020

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

6 CPD credit points


Introduction Workshop to The Feldenkrais Method: Awareness Through Movement (ATM) 動 中 覺 察
8 and 15 November 2019

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

6 CPD credit points


Tackling mild to moderate depression and anxiety: low intensity CBT
18-19 November 2019

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

6 CPD credit points


Delivery of Effective Clinical Supervision
3 and 4 September 2020

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

6 CPD credit points


Treatment that Changes Lives: Evolution of ABA
10 November 2019

Autism Partnership Limited

3 CPD credit points


ABA Workshop + APF Tour: Workshop - Teaching Core Skills to Young Children with ASD with ABA
12 November 2019

Autism Partnership Limited

2.5 CPD credit points


ABA Workshop + APS Tour: Workshop – Creating and Supporting School Curriculum and Environment with Application of ABA
15 November 2019

Autism Partnership Limited

2.5 CPD credit points


「 臨 床 分 析 」 工 作 坊
30 November 2019

Autism Partnership Limited

1.5 CPD credit points


安 老 院 舍 晚 晴 照 顧 高 階 課 程 ( 專 業 員 工 ) - 在 安 老 院 舍 提 供 晚 晴 照 顧 的 實 行
3 September 2019 and 1 November 2019

香 港 老 年 學 會

3 CPD credit points


安 老 院 舍 晚 晴 照 顧 高 階 課 程 ( 專 業 員 工 ) - 制 定 院 友 的 晚 晴 照 顧 計 劃
10 September 2019 and 8 November 2019

香 港 老 年 學 會

3 CPD credit points


安 老 院 舍 晚 晴 照 顧 高 階 課 程 ( 專 業 員 工 ) - 辨 別 及 照 顧 在 院 舍 瀕 死 的 院 友
16 September 2019 and 15 November 2019

香 港 老 年 學 會

3 CPD credit points


安 老 院 舍 晚 晴 照 顧 高 階 課 程 ( 專 業 員 工 ) - 開 展 討 論 預 設 照 顧 計 劃 及 晚 晴 照 顧 安 排
24 September 2019 and 21 November 2019

香 港 老 年 學 會

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course on Renal Medicine 2019 (C340)
5,12,19,26 September 2019; 3 and 10 October 2019

The Federation of Medical Societies of HK jointly organised with Hong Kong Society of Nephrology

6 CPD credit points


Certificate Course on Respiratory Medicine 2019 (C337)
4,11,18,25 September 2019; 9 October 2019

The Federation of Medical Societies of HK jointly organised with Hong Kong Society of Nephrology

5 CPD credit points


「 當 青 春 遇 上 死 神 」- 如 何 支 援 青 少 年 面 對 死 亡   一 天 專 業 培 訓 工 作 坊
20 September 2019

Central of Behavioral Health, HKU

3 CPD credit points


「 靜 觀 自 我 關 懷 」 課 程
4,11,18,25 October 2019; 1,9,15,22,29 November 2019

Central of Behavioral Health, HKU

9 CPD credit points


Certificate in Managing Clients with Borderline Personality Disorder – Module 2
28 May 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Annual Scientific Meeting 2019
15 September 2019

Hong Kong Institute of Allergy (HKIA)

3 CPD credit points


Annual Scientific Meeting in Anaesthesiology 2019
16-17 November 2019

The Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists and The Society of Anaesthetists of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


Annual Scientific Meeting in Anaesthesiology 2019 –16 November 2019
16 November 2019

The Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists and The Society of Anaesthetists of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


Annual Scientific Meeting in Anaesthesiology 2019 –17 November 2019
17 November 2019

The Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists and The Society of Anaesthetists of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


安 老 院 舍 晚 晴 照 顧 高 階 課 程 ( 專 業 員 工 ) - 在 安 老 院 舍 提 供 晚 晴 照 顧 的 實 行
13 February and 8 April 2020

HK Association of Gerontology

3 CPD credit points


安 老 院 舍 晚 晴 照 顧 高 階 課 程 ( 專 業 員 工 ) - 制 定 院 友 的 晚 晴 照 顧 計 劃
20 February 2020 and 15 April 2020

HK Association of Gerontology

3 CPD credit points


安 老 院 舍 晚 晴 照 顧 高 階 課 程 ( 專 業 員 工 ) - 辨 別 及 照 顧 在 院 舍 瀕 死 的 院 友
27 February 2020 and 22 April 2020

HK Association of Gerontology

3 CPD credit points


安 老 院 舍 晚 晴 照 顧 高 階 課 程 ( 專 業 員 工 ) - 開 展 討 論 預 設 照 顧 計 劃 及 晚 晴 照 顧 安 排
5 March 2020 and 29 April 2020

HK Association of Gerontology

3 CPD credit points


2-day Advanced Workshop on “Motivational Interviewing” (Nov 2019)
23 and 30 November 2019

United Centre of Emotional Health and Positive Living (sub-organisation of United Christian Nethersole Community Health Service)

6 CPD credit points


OSHK A to Z Symposium  - Lifestyle, Longevity and Longterm Management of Osteoporosis
4 November 2019

The Osteoporosis Society of Hong Kong (OSHK)

0.5 CPD credit points


Introduction to Mental Health Recovery & Well-being
25 November 2019

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


Ericksonian Hypnosis Fundamental Training Course (5 days)
6-10 January 2020

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

9 CPD credit points


2-day Introductory Workshop on “Motivational Interviewing” (Sept 2019)
7 and 21 September 2019

United Centre of Emotional Health and Positive Living (sub Organisation of United Christian Nethersole Community Health Service)

6 CPD credit points


「 複 雜 創 傷 理 論 與 治 療 初 階 」 工 作 坊
22 and 23 October 2019

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Using Body Language Effectively for Caring Professionals (Class 3)
7 March 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Hong Kong Law and Social Services - Mentally Incapacitated Persons (MIPs) & Sexual Offences/ Sexual Harassment (Class 2)
24 March 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Using Instrumental Cards in Counselling (Class 4)
8 and 15 February 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Foundation Certificate in Shadow Psychology & Self-healing (Class 3)
19 and 26 February 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Career Planning for Caring Professionals (Class 3)
21 February 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Training in Educational Workers for Child in Special Educational Needs (Class 2)
27 and 28 February 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Training in Educational Workers for Child in Special Educational Needs (Class 2) (Module 2)
29 February 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Workshop on Positive Handing System TM for School Violence with Breakaway & Restraint Techniques (Class 6)
29 February 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of Positive Handing System TM Physical Restrint & Breakaway Techniques (HK) - (Class 213)
29 February 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certified Training in Hypnotherapy (Class 3)
29 February; 14 and 21 March; 18 and 25 April; 16 and 23 May; 13 June 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of Foundation Coaching for Caring Professionals (Class 19)
11, 18 and 25 March 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of Recovery Coaching for Mental Health Practitioner (Class 6)
11, 18 and 25 March 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Training Course leading to Gottman Certified Therapists Certificate in Gottman Method Couples Therapy (Level 1)
16 and 17 May 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Training Course leading to Gottman Certified Therapists Certificate in Gottman Method Couples Therapy (Level 2)
19 to 22 June 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Foundation Certificate of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Caring Professionals
12 and 19 March 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Mental Health First Aid for the Older Persons
28 March and 4 April 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Supervisory Skills in Social Service Settings (Class 3)
4 September 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Applied Arts Activities for Caring Professionals (Class 2)
6 and 7 October 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Understanding Elderly Mental Health, DSM 5 (Class 4)
21 April 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Solution-focused Therapy for Social Services (Class 7)
16 and 23 April 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Sensory Integration Training for Caring Professionals (Class 12)
23 and 30 April 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of “Licensed Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming TM” for Caring Professionals (Class 27)
25 April, 2, 16 and 23 May, 13 and 20 June, 4 and 11 July 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


二 「 人 」 三 「 囑 」 - 生 死 教 育 一 天 工 作 坊
18 October 2019

Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU

3 CPD credit points


二 「 人 」 三 「 囑 」 進 階 課 程
19 December 2019

Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU

3 CPD credit points


Focusing-Oriented Psychotherapy: A Gentle, Yet Power Tool for Facilitating Loving Connections
5 and 6 December 2019

Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU

6 CPD credit points


「 善 別 輔 導 」 基 礎 ( 四 天 ) 課 程
1,8,15 and 22 November 2019

Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU

9 CPD credit points


「 善 別 輔 導 」 進 階 ( 十 天 ) 課 程
19, 26 February 2020
4,10,17,24 and 31 March 2020
7,14,21 April 2020

Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU

9 CPD credit points


1-day Workshop on Working with Children and Families with Expressive Arts Therapy
15 January 2020

Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course on Best Practices in Quality of Life Evaluation & Assessments (C338)
14,21 and 28 October 2019; 4,11,18 November 2019

The Federation of Medical Societies of HK jointly organised with World Association for Chinese Quality of Life

6 CPD credit points


Certificate Course on Palliative Medicine for Health Care Workers 2019 (C343)
18, 25 October and 1,8,15, 22 November 2019

The Federation of Medical Societies of HK jointly organised with World Association for Chinese Quality of Life

6 CPD credit points


Professional Certificate Programme in Promoting Well-being in Informal Caregivers of Dementia
7 January 2020 to 27 June 2020

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

 CPD credit points


Certificate Course on Pain Management in Geriatric Patients 2019 (C345)
4 and 11 December 2019

The Federation of Medical Societies of Hong Kong co-organised with the Hong Kong Pain Society

2 CPD credit points


Seminar on Vaccination
14 December 2019

Hong Kong Society of Musculoskeletal Pain

3 CPD credit points


Three-day Workshop on Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC)

United Centre of Emotional Health and Positive Living

9 CPD credit points


Hong Kong Association of Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting 2019 – Art & Science : Cognitive Rehabilitation
23 November 2019

Hong Kong Association of Rehabilitation Medicine

1.5 CPD credit points


8th Across-strait 4-region Symposium 2019
14 December 2019

Hong Kong Thoracic Society and CHEST Delegation Hong Kong and Macau



3D Printing Workshop Basic Technique in Orthopaedic Digital Planning and 3D Modelling
24 November 2019

Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, the University of Hong Kong

1.5 CPD credit points


《 知 情 解 意 : SCERTS 綜 合 教 育 模 式 》 活 動 指 南 - 新 書 發 佈 會
7 December 2019

Heep Hong Society

1.5 CPD credit points


The 8th Cross-Border Elderly Care Seminar
19 December 2109

Hong Kong Association of Gerontology

1.5 CPD credit points


An Introduction to Ego State Therapy : Safety and Stabilization: The Activation of and work with resourceful ego states (3 days) Re-run programme in Hong Kong
12-14 January 2020

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

9 CPD credit points


Capacity Building Programmes for Health, Social & Allied Health Professionals on Cancer Rehabilitation and Survivorship – Capacity Building Workshop : Mental Health First Aid
3 and 10 January 2020

The Hong Kong Anti-cancer Society

6 CPD credit points


Capacity Building Programmes for Health, Social & Allied Health Professionals on Cancer Rehabilitation and Survivorship –Guided Visits – Community Resources for Cancer Patients and Caregivers
7 February 2020

The Hong Kong Anti-cancer Society

2 CPD credit points


Capacity Building Programmes for Health, Social & Allied Health Professionals on Cancer Rehabilitation and Survivorship –Capacity Building Workshop: Application of Integrative –body-mind spirit (I-BMS) Approach on Promoting Holistic Well-being of Cancer Patients
17 and 18 February 2020

The Hong Kong Anti-cancer Society

6 CPD credit points


Certificate Course in Cardiology 2020 (C347)
13, 20, 27 February and 5, 12, 19 March 2020

The Federation of Medical Societies of HK jointly organised with Hong Kong College of Cardiology

4.5 CPD credit points


Basic Certificate Course in Family Therapy (Spring 2020)
17, 24 April; 8, 15, 22, 29 May and 11, 18 July 2020

Asian Academy of Family Therapy

9 CPD credit points


Intermediate Couse in Family Therapy (Spring 2020)
20, 27 April; 4, 11, 18, 25 May and 18 July 2020

Asian Academy of Family Therapy

9 CPD credit points


量 子 共 振 ( 又 稱 量 子 觸 療 ) 初 階 國 際 證 書 課 程
25 February and 3 March 2020

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

9 CPD credit points


Workshop on Focusing-Oriented Expressive Arts (FOAT) Training (Level III & IV)
10,11,13 and 14 February 2020

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

9 CPD credit points


Introductory Motivational Interviewing Workshop for Mental Health Practitioners ( 動 機 式 訪 談 法 )
14 and 21 March 2020

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

6 CPD credit points


Professional Diploma in General Endocrinology and Metabolism 2020-21
18 and 25 April 2020; 9 and 23 May 2020; 6 and 27 June 2020; 5 and

Hong Kong Institute of Diabetes and Obesity, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

9 CPD credit points


Certificate in Sensory Integration Training for Caring Professionals (Class 13)
23 April and 1 May 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Foundation Certificate in Enneagram for Counselling (Class 10)
1 and 2 May 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Coaching Genius & Accessing Personal Genius
8,9 and 10 May 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Inner Child Reconnecting and Healing (Class 3)
15 and 22 May 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Workshop on Application of Using Drama Therapy for Caring Professionals (Class 5)
27 May 2020 and 3 June 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Points of You x Hello Points L.1 Explorer
15 August 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Crisis Intervention and Mediation Technique (Class 2)
5 June 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Mindful Parenting with Practical Techniques (Class 2)
6 June 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Using Music Therapy in Social Services for Caring Professionals (Class 4)
12 June 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Personality Dimensions Facilitator (Level 1) Certification Programme (PDT)
18, 19, 20 June 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


安 老 院 舍 晚 晴 照 顧 高 階 課 程 ( 專 業 員 工 ) - 在 安 老 院 舍 提 供 晚 晴 照 顧 的 實 行
11 May 2020 and 19 June 2020

香 港 老 年 學 會

3 CPD credit points


安 老 院 舍 晚 晴 照 顧 高 階 課 程 ( 專 業 員 工 ) - 制 定 院 友 的 晚 晴 照 顧 計 劃
18 May 2020 and 26 June 2020

香 港 老 年 學 會

3 CPD credit points


安 老 院 舍 晚 晴 照 顧 高 階 課 程 ( 專 業 員 工 ) - 辨 別 及 照 顧 在 院 舍 瀕 死 的 院 友
25 May 2020 and 3 July 2020

香 港 老 年 學 會

3 CPD credit points


安 老 院 舍 晚 晴 照 顧 高 階 課 程 ( 專 業 員 工 ) - 開 展 討 論 預 設 照 顧 計 劃 及 晚 晴 照 顧 安 排
1 June 2020 and 10 July 2020

香 港 老 年 學 會

3 CPD credit points


Tackling mild to moderate depression and anxiety : Low Intensity CBT
18-20 and 22 May 2020

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

4.5 CPD credit points


身 心 健 康 行 動 計 劃 WRAP ® (Wellness Reovery Action Plan) 基 礎 工 作 坊
29 and 30 June 2020

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

5.5 CPD credit points


Certificate Course on Communication and Swallowing Problems in the Elderly Population (Video Lectures) – C348
1,8,15,22,29 June and 6 July 2020

The Federation of Medical Societies of Hong Kong jointly Organised with The Hong Kong Association of Speech Therapists

6 CPD credit points


JCECC Basic Module of Community Psychosocial End-of-Life Care

「賽馬會安寧頌」社區全人照顧課程 基礎單元

Jockey Club End-of-Life Community Care Project (JCECC)


3.5 CPD credit points

2020/21 cycle
Broad Professional Relevant
Programme Code Programme Organizer Maximum CPD
Credit Points


Workshop on Strategic Planning For Non-government Organizations (NGOs) (class 2)
24 September 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Basic Course in General Endocrinology and Metabolism 2020
18 and 25 April 2020; 9 and 23 May 2020; 6 and 27 June 2020; 5 September 2020

Hong Kong Institute of Diabetes and Obesity, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

9 CPD credit points


法 定 最 低 工 資 制 度 殘 疾 僱 員 生 產 能 力 評 估 - 認 可 評 估 員 培 訓
( 全 日 課 程 )

勞 工 處

3 CPD credit points


法 定 最 低 工 資 制 度 殘 疾 僱 員 生 產 能 力 評 估 - 認 可 評 估 員 培 訓
( 半 日 課 程 )

勞 工 處

1.5 CPD credit points


法 定 最 低 工 資 制 度 殘 疾 僱 員 生 產 能 力 評 估 - 認 可 評 估 員 培 訓
( 網 上 培 訓 課 程 )
9 - 16 April 2020

勞 工 處

1.5 CPD credit points


Professional Certificate in Case Management for People with Severe Mental Illness (Module 1)
2 and 3 July 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Professional Certificate in Case Management for People with Severe Mental Illness (Module 2)
9 and 10 July 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Foundation Certificate in Projective Drawing Analyst for Counselling (Class 11)
4 and 11 July 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certified in Projective Drawing Analyst for Counselling Course (Class 11)
1 and 2 August 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Workshop on Presentation Excellence of Highly Effective People (Class 6)
8 July 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in “Applied Positive Psychology” in Flouring Skills Group
19 and 20 August 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Restraint & Breakaway Instructor Refresher and Accreditation Course by NFPS-UK (Class 15)
21 August 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Using Expressing Arts Programme in Social Services for Caring Professionals (Class 10)
25 and 26 August 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Mindlikewater – Mindfulness Based Time Management System (Class 2)
27 August 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Using “Spirit Doll with Story” in Expressive Arts Therapy for Counselling (Class 2)
29 August 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


2-day Advanced Workshop on “Motivational Interviewing” (July 2020)
11 and 18 July 2020

Emotional Health and Counselling Centre

6 CPD credit points


Certificate Course in Obesity and Weight Management 2021
9 and 23 January 2021, 27 February 2021, 13 March 2021

Hong Kong Institute of Diabetes and Obesity, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

8 CPD credit points


國 際 大 笑 瑜 伽 領 袖 認 証 課 程
7 and 14 August 2020

香 港 公 教 婚 姻 輔 導 會

6 CPD credit points


量 子 共 振 ( 又 稱 量 子 觸 療 ) 初 階 國 際 證 書 課 程
22 and 27 July 2020

Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU

6 CPD credit points


Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP ®)
身 心 健 康 行 動 計 劃 證 書 帶 領 員 課 程
19, 20, 21, 27 and 28 October 2020

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

9 CPD credit points


Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP ®)
身 心 健 康 行 動 計 劃 基 礎 證 書 課 程
6 and 7 August 2020

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

6 CPD credit points


Systemic Assessment: The Key to Working Effectively with Children
13 November 2020

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


An Introduction to Ego State Therapy: Safety and Stabilization: The activation of and work with resourceful ego states
Re-run programme in Hong Kong
13,14,15, 21,22 August 2020

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

9 CPD credit points


Foundation Certificate in Enneagram for Counseling (Class 11)
5 and 6 September 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Advanced Certificate in Enneagram for Counseling
10 and 11 October 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in End-of-life Care for Caring Professionals (Class 4)
11 and 25 September 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Bereavement Counseling for Caring Professionals (Class 6)
11 September and 16 October 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Life and Death Education for Caring Professionals (Class 5)
11 September and 30 October 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Applied Thanatology Professional Practice for Caring Professionals (Class 3)
11 September and 20 November 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certified Dream Analyst for Counselling Course (Class 7)
12 and 19 September 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Effective Skills on Managing Complaint (Class 8)
22 September 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Sensory Integration Training for Caring Professionals (Class 14)
25 September and 2 October 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Sensory Integration Training for Caring Professionals (Class 15)
25 September and 1 October 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of Foundation Coaching for Caring Professionals (Class 20)
16, 23 and 30 September 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of Recovery Coaching for Mental Health Practitioner (Class 7)
16, 23 and 30 September 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Associate Certified Meta-Coach Coaching Mastery Training 2020
大 成 教 練 - 認 證 教 練 證 書 課 程 (ACMC)
20 to 27 September 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate in Psychology of Trauma and Body-mind Healing (Class 2)
14 and 21 October 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of "Licensed Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming TM" for Caing Professional (Class 28)
24,31 October ; 21,28 November; 5,12 December 2020; 9 and 16 January 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Professional Certificate in Executive Leadership & Management for NGOs
22, 29 October; 5 and 12 November 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


安 老 院 舍 晚 晴 照 顧 高 階 課 程 ( 專 業 員 工 ) - 在 安 老 院 舍 提 供 晚 晴 照 顧 的 實 行
17 July 2020 or 22 September 2020

香 港 老 年 學 會

1.5 CPD credit points


安 老 院 舍 晚 晴 照 顧 高 階 課 程 ( 專 業 員 工 ) - 制 定 院 友 的 晚 晴 照 顧 計 劃
24 July 2020 or 29 September 2020

香 港 老 年 學 會

1.5 CPD credit points


安 老 院 舍 晚 晴 照 顧 高 階 課 程 ( 專 業 員 工 ) - 辨 別 及 照 顧 在 院 舍 瀕 死 的 院 友
31 July 2020 or 6 October 2020

香 港 老 年 學 會

1.5 CPD credit points


安 老 院 舍 晚 晴 照 顧 高 階 課 程 ( 專 業 員 工 ) - 開 展 討 論 預 設 照 顧 計 劃 及 晚 晴 照 顧 安 排
7 August 2020 or 13 October 2020

香 港 老 年 學 會

1.5 CPD credit points


East Meets West Symposium 2020
3 and 4 October 2020

Hong Kong Institute of Diabetes and Obesity, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

5 CPD credit points


Diabetes Preventing the Preventables (DPP) Forum 2020
2 August 2020

Asia Diabetes Foundation Limited

3 CPD credit points


「 我 會 好 好 長 大 」- 如 何 支 援 喪 親 兒 童 走 過 哀 傷
23 July 2020

Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU

3 CPD credit points


2-day Introductory Workshop on “Motivational Interviewing” (October 2020)
10 ,17 and 24 October 2020

Emotional Health and Counselling Centre

6 CPD credit points


Certificate Course on Renal Medicine 2020 (C355)
3,10,17,24 September and 8,15 October 2020

The Federation of Medical Societies of Hong Kong  jointly organised with Hong Kong Society of Nephrology

6 CPD credit points


Training on “Substances Abuse Issue in Per-natal Population” (via Zoom)
15 October 2020

Comprehensive Child Development Service Psychiatric Subcommittee, Hospital Authority

1.5 CPD credit points


Certificate in Trauma Reduction for Caring Professionals
6 and 13 November 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Inner Child Reconnecting and Healing (Class 4)
18 and 25 November 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Accredited Enneagram Trainer Training Programme (Class 2)
21, 28 and 29 November 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate in Using Music Therapy in Social Services for Caring Professionals (Class 5)
1 December 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Using Instrumental Cards in Counselling (Class 5)
5 and 12 December 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Crisis Intervention and Mediation Technique (Class 3)
11 December 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Hypnosis Trainer’s Training Certification Course
11 to 14 December 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Training in Educational Workers for Child in Special Educational Needs (SEN) (Class 3)
17 to 19 December 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Workshop on Positive Handling Systems for School Violence with Breakaway & Restraint Techniques (Class 7)
19 December 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of Positive Handling System – Physical Restraint & Breakaway Techniques (HK) – Class 214
19 December 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Workshop on Online Training and Market Management (Online Course)
26 and 28 August 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

2.5 CPD credit points


Workshop on Online Training and Market Management (Online Course) (Class 2)
28 and 29 September 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

2.5 CPD credit points


Certificate in Sensory Integration Training for Caring Professionals (Class 16)
25 September 2020 and 4 October 2020

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP)
12 and 13 November 2020

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

6 CPD credit points


「 善 別 輔 導 」 基 礎 ( 四 天 ) 課 程
23 and 30 October 2020; 6 and 13 November 2020

Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU

9 CPD credit points


「 善 別 輔 導 」 進 階 ( 十 天 ) 課 程
25 February; 4,11,29,26 March; 9,16,23,30 April; and 7 May 2021

Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU

9 CPD credit points


Professional Certificate Programme in Promoting Well-being in Informal Caregivers of Dementia
4 January 2021 to 26 June 2021

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

9 CPD credit points


24th Annual Scientific Meeting
13 March 2021

The Hong Kong Society for Infectious Diseases

1.5 CPD credit points


5th Asian Pacific Problem Gambling and Addiction Conference 2020 “Challenges and Interventions in the Era of Innovation and Technology”
27 and 28 November 2020

Tung Wah Group of Hospitals

5.5 CPD credit points


Certificate Course in Cardiology 2020 (Video Lectures) – C358
10,17,24 November and 1,8,15 December 2020

The Federation of Medical Societies of HK jointly organised with Hong Kong College of Cardiology

6 CPD credit points


「 賽 馬 會 喜 伴 同 行 計 劃 」 網 上 學 習 平 台 , 單 元 一 : 認 識 自 閉 特 色
Starts from December 2020

香 港 大 學 「 賽 馬 會 喜 伴 同 行 計 劃 ( 學 校 支 援 )」

1.5 CPD credit points


Evidence Based Perioperative Medicine - Asia in conjunction with Annual Scientific Meeting in Anaesthesiology
14 November 2020

Hong Kong College of Anasthesiologists, The Society of Anaesthetists of Hong Kong, Evidence Based Perioperative Medicine

3 CPD credit points


Evidence Based Perioperative Medicine - Asia in conjunction with Annual Scientific Meeting in Anaesthesiology
15 November 2020

Hong Kong College of Anasthesiologists, The Society of Anaesthetists of Hong Kong, Evidence Based Perioperative Medicine

3 CPD credit points


Virtual Conference 2020: Fighting COVID – 19, 20 into 21
14 November 2020

Management Society for Healthcare Management

1.5 CPD credit points


Basic Certificate Course in Family Therapy (Spring 2021)
26 February; 5,12,19,26 March;9,16,23 April 2021

Asian Academy of Family Therapy

9 CPD credit points


Intermediate Course in Family Therapy (Spring 2021)
1,8,15,22,29 March; 12 and 19 April 2021

Asian Academy of Family Therapy

9 CPD credit points


The 9th Cross-Border Elderly Care Seminar
22 January 2021

Hong Kong Association of Gerontology

1.5 CPD credit points


專 業 研 討 會 - 院 舍 離 世 實 踐 的 挑 戰 與 展 望
25 November 2020

Hong Kong Association of Gerontology

1 CPD credit point


安 寧 在 院 舍 計 劃 服 務 的 回 顧 與 展 望
2 December 2020

Hong Kong Association of Gerontology

1 CPD credit point


Certificate Course on End of Life Care in Long Term Care
30 April – 16 July 2021

Hong Kong Association of Gerontology

9 CPD credit points


Three-half-day Workshop on Emotional Focused Therapy Into Practice
29 May 2021; 5 and 12 June 2021

Emotional Health & Counselling Centre

6 CPD credit points


Introductory Course in Narrative Therapy (Class 4)
7 and 14 January 2021; 28 January 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate in Understanding Sex Therapy for Caring Professionals (Class 3)
8 and 9 January 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Workshop on Online Interactive Teaching and Group Work (Online Course)
13 and 14 January 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Foundation Certificate in Shadow Psychology & Self-healing (Class 4)
15 and 22 January 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Using “Spirit Doll with Story” in Expressive Arts Therapy for Counselling (Class 5)
16 January 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Using “Spirit Doll with Story” in Expressive Arts Therapy for Counselling (Class 6)
17 January 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Writing an Outstanding Fund – Bidding Proposal for Social Services (Class 4)
20 January 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


“Restraint & Breakaway Instructor Refresher and Accreditation Course” by NFPS – UK (Class 16)
22 January 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certified Training in Hypnotherapy (Class 4)
23, 30 January; 27, 28 February; 20, 21 March; 17, 18 April 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Introductory Course on Motivational Interviewing (Class 5)
27 January and 3 February 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Supervisory Skills in Social Service Settings (Class 4)
2 February 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Facilitating “Spirit Doll with Story” for Creative Expressive Programme (Class 7)
6 February 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Facilitating “Spirit Doll with Story” for Creative Expressive Programme (Class 8)
7 February 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Workshop on Practical Skills in Nonviolent Communication
23 February 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Creativity Thinking for Caring Professionals (Class 5)
24 February 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Workshop on Application of Using Drama Therapy for Caring Professionals (Class 6)
10 and 17 May 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Supervisory Skills in Social Service Settings (Class 6)
14 May 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Design Thinking    Facilitator Certification
21 and 28 May 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Foundation Certificate in Enneagram for Counseling (Class 12)
22 and 29 May 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Enneagram for Counseling (Foundation - Class 12 & Advanced - Class 6)
22 and 29 May 2021; 11 and 18 September 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Advanced Certificate in Enneagram for Counseling (Class 6)
11 and 18 September 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Effective Performance Appraisal for Social Services (Class 6)
24 September 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Psychology of Trauma and Body-mind Healing (Class 3)
27 May and 3 June 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Workshop on Online Interactive Teaching and Group Work (Online Course)(Class 2)
12 and 13 April 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of Foundation Child Psychology (Class 4)
14 and 21 April 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of "Licensed Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming™" for Caring Professionals (Class 29)
17 and 24 April, 15 and 22 May,
12 and 19 June,
3 and 10 July 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate in Solution-focused Therapy for Social Services (Class 8)
20 and 27 April 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Family-Of-Origin Trauma and Body-Mind Healing
22 and 29 April 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in "Points of You x Hello Points L.1 Explorer" (Class 2)
24 April 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Sensory Integration Training for Caring Professionals (Class 17)
30 April and 1 May 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Sensory Integration Training for Caring Professionals (Class 18)
30 April and 2 May 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Supervisory Skills in Social Service Settings (Class 5)
11 March 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Mind Mapping for Caring Professionals
17 March 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certified Visual Practitioner Training
17 and 31 March 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Work Injury Management (Class 7)
18 March 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Therapeutic Technique of Gestalt Therapy
23 and 30 March 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Workshop on Strategic Planning for Non-Government Organizations (Class 3)
24 March 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Using Body Language Effectively for Caring Professionals (Class 4)
27 March 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Effective Execution for Caring Professionals
29 March 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate of Visual Thinking in Creativity & Problem Solving for Caring Professionals
31 March 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


安 老 院 舍 晚 晴 照 顧 高 階 課 程 ( 專 業 員 工 ) 在 安 老 院 舍 提 供 晚 晴 照 顧 的 實 行
22 April 2021 OR 9 June 2021 OR 22 July 2021 OR 9 September 2021 OR 4 November 2021

香 港 老 年 學 會

1.5 CPD credit points


安 老 院 舍 晚 晴 照 顧 高 階 課 程 ( 專 業 員 工 ) 制 定 院 友 的 晚 晴 照 顧 計 劃
29 April 2021 OR 16 June 2021 OR 29 July 2021 OR 16 September 2021 OR 11 November 2021

香 港 老 年 學 會

1.5 CPD credit points


安 老 院 舍 晚 晴 照 顧 高 階 課 程 ( 專 業 員 工 ) 辨 別 及 照 顧 在 院 舍 瀕 死 的 院 友
5 June 2021, 23 June 2021, 5 August 2021, 23 September 2021, 18 November 2021

香 港 老 年 學 會

1.5 CPD credit points


安 老 院 舍 晚 晴 照 顧 高 階 課 程 ( 專 業 員 工 ) 開 展 討 論 預 設 照 顧 計 劃 及 晚 晴 照 顧 安 排
13 May 2021, 30 June 2021, 12 August 2021, 30 September 2021, 25 November 2021

香 港 老 年 學 會

1.5 CPD credit points


香 港 老 年 學 會 三 十 五 週 年 研 討 會 - COVID19 對 安 老 院 舍 晚 晴 照 顧 的 挑 戰 與 機 遇
26 March 2021

香 港 老 年 學 會

1 CPD credit points


正 念 同 行 處 理 青 少 年 精 神 健 康 及 犯 罪 違 規 輔 導 策 略 網 上 研 討 會
23 October 2020

香 港 青 年 協 會 青 年 違 法 防 治 中 心

1.5 CPD credit points


探 討 基 層 醫 療 的 未 來 - 研 討 會 暨 論 壇
31 January 2021

葵 青 地 區 康 健 中 心

1.5 CPD credit points


Recovery Chapter 2021 Co-production in action in recovery-oriented practice
2 February 2021

KCH OT Department, KCH

3 CPD credit points


Working with Wounded Person in Trauma Informed Care Principles
4 July 2020


3 CPD credit points


我會好好長大 – 如何支援喪親兒童走過哀傷
28 May 2021

Centre on Behavioral Health HKU

3 CPD credit points


量子共振(又稱量子觸療) 初階國際證書課程
30 June and 7 July 2021

Centre on Behavioral Health HKU

6 CPD credit points


一起走過哀傷 – 如何應用善別輔導小組支援喪親家屬
25 June 2021

Centre on Behavioral Health HKU

3 CPD credit points


Quarterly Interhospital Neuromuscular Academic Meeting
16 June 2021

The Hong Kong Society of Neuromuscular Diseases

0.5 CPD credit points


21st Regional Osteoporosis Conference (ROC 2021)
27 June 2021

The Osteoporosis Society of Hong Kong

2.5 CPD credit points


Certificate Course on Metal Health 2021 (Video Lectures) - C363
21, 28 May; 4, 11,18,25 June 2021

The Federation of Medical Societies of HK jointly organised with the Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists

4.5 CPD credit points


Intermediate Course in Family Therapy (Summer 2021)
28 June; 3,5,12,17,18,26,31 July; 2,9, 28 August 2021

Asian Academy of Family Therapy

9 CPD credit points


Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP ®)
身心健康行動計劃 基礎證書課程
24 -25 June 2021

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

6 CPD credit points


Professional Certificate in Executive Leadership & Management for NGOs (Class2)
6,13,20 and 27 September 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Workshop on Optimization of Voice Projection & Protection
9 June 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Using Dance & Movement Therapy for Caring Professionals (Class 2)
10 and 11 June 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Crisis Intervention and Mediation Technique (Class 4)
16 June 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Using Games and Debriefing for Caring Professionals (Class 6)
18 June 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Professional Counseling on Problem, Cause, Solution Interviewing Model (Class 5)
23 and 30 June 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Training in Educational Workers for Child in Special Educational Needs (SEN)
24-26 June 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate in Positive Handling System® with NFPS Breakway & Restraint Techniques (HK) <Class 215>
26 June 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Positive Handling System® for School Violence with NFPS Breakway & Restraint Techniques (Class 8)
26 June 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points

2021/22 cycle
Broad Professional Relevant
Programme Code Programme Organizer Maximum CPD
Credit Points


Pastel Nagomi Art Associate Instructor Certificate Course
1-3 July 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Pastel Nagomi Art Associate Instructor Certificate Course
10 July 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Risk & Crisis Management for Social Service Organizations
6 and 13 July 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety - Pain Management (Class 3)
7 July 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Associate Certified Coach Certification (Level 1) (Class 21)
8,15 and 22 July 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate in Inner Child Reconnecting and Healing (Class 5)
9 and 16 July 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Foundation Esports and Basic Application for Youth Group
11 February 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certified Dream Analyst for Counselling Course (Class 8)
17 and 24 July 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of Effective Skills on Managing Complaints (Class 9)
23 July 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Financial Wellness Practitioner™ for Social Work
31 July and 1 August 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Financial Wellness Practitioner™ for Social Work
7 August 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


善別輔導 深造諮詢小組
9 July, 13 August, 10 September, 8 October, 10 December 2021, 14 January, 11 February, 11 March, 8 April, 13 May, 10 June, 8 July 2022

Centre on Behavioral Health HKU

9 CPD credit points


靜觀自我關懷 課程
30 July; 6, 13, 20, 27 August; 5, 10, 17, 24 September 2021

Centre on Behavioral Health HKU

9 CPD credit points


當青春遇上死神 – 如何支援青少年面對死亡
30 July 2021

Centre on Behavioral Health HKU

3 CPD credit points


賽馬會喜伴同行計劃 網上學習平台, 單元二: 情緒理解調控訓練
From July 2021

香港大學 賽馬會喜伴同行計劃(學校支援)

2 CPD credit points


Professional Certificate Programme in Promoting Well-being in Informal Caregivers of Dementia
6 July – 18 December 2021

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, the Chinese University of Hong Kong

9 CPD credit points


賽馬會安寧頌 - 安寧在院舍計劃 香港老年學會三十五週年研討會 長者預設照顧計劃的發展與展望
23 July 2021


1 CPD credit point


Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP ®)
身心健康行動計劃 基礎證書課程
12-13 August 2021

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Mindlikewater - Mindfulness Based Time Management System (MBTM) (Class 3)
4 August 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Foundation Certificate in Shadow Psychology & Self-Healing (Class 5)
5 and 12 August 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Talent Development Training for New Age Supervisors (Class 5) (Module 1 - 4)
6 and 13 August 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Talent Development Training for New Age Supervisors (Class 5) (Module 5 - 8)
20 and 27 August 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Supervisory Skills in Social Service Settings (Class 7)
10 August 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certified Personality Dimensions® Facilitator (Level 1) Qualifying Programme
14-16 August 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Licensed Certificate in Restraint & Breakaway Instructor Accreditation by NFPS UK (Class 6)
18-20, 23-24 August 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Foundation Certificate in Enneagram for Counseling (Class 13)
21 and 28 August 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


"Restraint & Breakaway Instructor Refresher and Accreditation Course" by NFPS-UK (Class 17)
26 August 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certified Training in Hypnotherapy (Class 5)
4, 25 September; 9,10 October; 6,7 November; 4, 5 December 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Workshop on Practical Skills in Nonviolent Communication (Class 2)
7 September 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Thanatology for Caring Professionals (Class 4)
8,29 September; 6,13 October; 3,10 and 17 November 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate in End-of-life Care for Caring Professionals (Class 5)
8 and 29 September 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Bereavement Counseling for Caring Professionals (Class 7)
8 September and 6 October 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Life and Death Education for Caring Professionals (Class 6)
8 September and 3 November 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Applied Thanatology Professional Practice for Caring Professionals (Class 4)
8 September and 17 November 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate Course in Detecting Child Abuse and Protecting Child from Maltreatment
9 September 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

1 CPD credit point


The Matrix of Needs: Reframing Human Needs
11 September 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

1 CPD credit point


Certificate in Sensory Integration Training for Caring Professionals (Class 20)
30 September and 1 October 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Pastel Nagomi Art Associate Instructor Certification Course (Class 2) (Date: 1 - 3 October 2021)
1 - 3 October 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Pastel Nagomi Art Associate Instructor Certification Course (Class 2) (Date: 4 October 2021)
4 October 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Caring Professionals
5 and 12 October 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Coaching Genius & Accessing Personal Genius (Class 8)
8 - 10 October 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Decentered Interview: Step up Training Course on Narrative Therapy for Caring Professionals (Module 1)
21 and 28 October 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Decentered Interview: Step up Training Course on Narrative Therapy for Caring Professionals (Module 2)
11 November 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of " Licensed Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming™" for Caring Professionals (Class 30)
23, 30 October; 13, 20 November, 4, 11 December 2021; 8, 15 January 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Pastel Nagomi Art® Associate Instructor Certification Course (Class 3) (Date: 29 – 31 October 2021)
29 – 31 October 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Pastel Nagomi Art® Instructor Certification Course (Class 3) (Date: 1 November 2021)
1 November 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Workshop on Using Therapeutic Metaphor for Caring Professionals
2 November 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Therapeutic Technique of Gestalt Therapy (Class 2) (Date: 12 and 19 November 2021)
12 and 19 November 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Therapeutic Technique of Gestalt Therapy (Class 2) (Date: 3 December 2021)
3 December 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Accredited Enneagram Trainer Training Programme (Class 3)
20, 21, 27 November 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Crisis in Action Certificate in Practical Skills of Community Outreaching & Psychiatric Emergency (Class 6)
26 November 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Design Thinking Facilitation (Class 2)
1, 8 December 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certified Visual Practitioner Training (Class 2)
2, 9, 16 December 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate in Mind Mapping for Caring Professionals (Class 2)
2 December 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Foundation Certificate on Effective Parenting
7, 14 December 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Sketching for Caring Professionals
9 December 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Using Instrumental Cards in Counselling (Class 6)
11 – 12 December 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in High Performance Habits for Caring Professionals
13, 20 December 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Effective Execution for Caring Professionals (Class 2)
13 December 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Visual Storytelling for Caring Professionals
16 December 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Advancing      Concentration for Caring Professionals
20 December 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


賽馬會安寧頌 - 安寧在院舍 計劃 香港老年學會三十五週年研討會安老院舍晚晴照顧的總結與前瞻
22 October 2021


1 CPD credit point


靜觀自我關懷 八星期課程
30 September – 9 December 2021

Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU

9 CPD credit points


5, 12, 19, 26 November 2021

Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU

9 CPD credit points


意義人生 - 人生回顧和人生意義在生死教育的實踐
24 September 2021

Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU

3 CPD credit points


15, 22 October 202

Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU

6 CPD credit points


生死之道 - 生死教育的策劃與執行一天培訓工作坊
27 August 2021

Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU

3 CPD credit points


賽馬會喜伴同行計劃 網上學習平台 單元三:社交思維訓練
September 2021

香港大學 賽馬會喜伴同行計劃(學校支援)

1.5 CPD credit points


Basic Course in Diabetes Management and Education 2021
11, 18 September; 9 October; 6, 13, 20 November 2021

Hong Kong Institute of Diabetes and Obesity, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

9 CPD credit points


Professional Diploma in Diabetes Management and Education 2021-22
11 September 2021 to 5 March 2022

Hong Kong Institute of Diabetes and Obesity, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

9 CPD credit points


East Meets West Symposium 2021
25 – 26 September 2021

Hong Kong Institute of Diabetes and Obesity, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

For Lay Programme
4.5 CPD credit points

For Scientific Workshop
5 CPD credit points


11th Hong Kong Allergy Convention (HKAC 2021) (Date: 25 September 2021)
25 September 2021

Hong Kong Institute of Allergy

3 CPD credit points


11th Hong Kong Allergy Convention (HKAC 2021) (Date: 26 September 2021)
26 September 2021

Hong Kong Institute of Allergy

3 CPD credit points


(9th round) 3-half-day Introductory Workshop on Motivational Interviewing by Mr Paul Kong - Nov 2021 (Date: 6, 13, 20 November 2021)
6, 13, 20 November 2021

Emotional Health & Counselling Service (sub-organization of United Christian Nethersole Community Health Service

6 CPD credit points


(9th round) 3-half-day Introductory Workshop on Motivational Interviewing by Mr Paul Kong - Nov 2021 (Date: 4, 11, 18 December 2021)
4, 11, 18 December 2021

Emotional Health & Counselling Service (sub-organization of United Christian Nethersole Community Health Service

6 CPD credit points


Quarterly Interhospital Neuromuscular Academic Meeting
13 August 2021

The Hong Kong Society of Neuromuscular Diseases

1 CPD credit point


Quarterly Interhospital Neuromuscular Academic Meeting
15 September 2021

The Hong Kong Society of Neuromuscular Diseases

credit point


FAMILY Symposium 2021 “Looking Beyond the Pandemic: Creativity and Innovation in Promoting Resilience in Families and Children”
5 to 8 October 2021

School of Public Health, The University of Hong Kong

credit points


CranialSacral Therapy I (CS1)
13, 14, 20, 21 November 2021

The Upledger Institute and Elite Resource and Consultation Services

credit points


Certificate Course in Cardiology 2021 (C371)
28 September to 2 November 2021

The Federation of Medical Societies of HK jointly organised with Hong Kong College of Cardiology

4.5 CPD
credit points


Professional Certificate Programme in Promoting Well-being in Informal Caregivers of Dementia
5 January to 15 October 2022

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

credit points


Three-Half-Day Workshop on Self-Compassion in Psychotherapy: Mindfulness-based Practices for Healing and Transformation
8, 15, 22 January 2022

Emotional Health & Counselling Service

credit points


Symposium on Early Childhood Intervention
3 December 2021

The Boys' & Girls' Clubs Association of Hong Kong

credit points


Annual Scientific Meeting in Anaesthesiology
20 November 2021

The Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists & The Society of Anaesthetists of Hong Kong

credit points


Annual Scientific Meeting in Anaesthesiology
21 November 2021

The Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists & The Society of Anaesthetists of Hong Kong

credit points


Combined 60th Anniversary Scientific Meeting and 17th Hong Kong International Orthopaedic Forum
26 November 2021

Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, The University of Hong Kong

credit points


Combined 60th Anniversary Scientific Meeting and 17th Hong Kong International Orthopaedic Forum
27 November 2021

Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, The University of Hong Kong

credit points


Combined 60th Anniversary Scientific Meeting and 17th Hong Kong International Orthopaedic Forum
28 November 2021

Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, The University of Hong Kong

credit points


Enhancement Modular Oncology Course (I) for Nurses & Allied Health
6 to 20 January 2022

The Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society (HKACS)

credit points


10th Multidisciplinary Musculoskeletal Ultrasound Congress on Pain
4 December 2021

Hong Kong Society of Musculoskeletal Pain

credit points


Quarterly Interhospital Neuromuscular Academic Meeting
15 September 2021

The Hong Kong Society of Neuromuscular Diseases

credit point


"Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP ®)
身心健康行動計劃 證書帶領員課程
12, 13, 15, 16, 17 November 2021

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

credit points


Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP ®)
26 to 27 May 2022

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

5.5 CPD
credit points


Certificate in Family-of-Origin Trauma and Body-Mind Healing (Class 2)
7, 14 January 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

credit points


Certificate of Bounce Back Better® (B3) System Programme
8, 9, 15, 16 January 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

credit points


Certificate of Bounce Back Better® (B3) System Programme - Level 1 (Scholar Skills)
8 January 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

credit points


Certificate of Bounce Back Better® (B3) System Programme - Level 2 (Ninja Skills)
9 January 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

credit points


Certificate of Bounce Back Better® (B3) System Programme - Level 3 (Maven Skills)
15 January 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

credit points


Certificate of Bounce Back Better® (B3) System Programme - Level 4 (Jedi Skills)
16 January 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

credit points


Certificate in Supervisory Skills in Social Service Settings (Class 8)
11 January 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

credit points


Certificate in Hong Kong Law and Social Services - Mentally Incapacitated Persons (MIPs) & Sexual Offences/ Sexual Harassment (Class 3)
18 January 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

credit points


Introductory Course on Motivational Interviewing (Class 6)
19, 26 January 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

credit points


Workshop on Motivational Interviewing - (Foundation Class 6 & Advanced Class 3)
19, 26 January, 22 February, 1 March 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

credit points


Workshop on Motivational Interviewing - (Advanced Class 3)
22 February, 1 March 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

credit points


Certificate in Writing an Outstanding Fund-Bidding Proposal for Social Services (Class 5)
21 January 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

credit points


Training in Educational Workers for Child in Special Educational Needs (SEN) (Class 5)
27 to 29 January 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

credit points


Certificate in Facilitating "Spirit Doll with Story" for Creative Expressive Programme (Class 9)
23 January 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

credit points


Certificate in Positive Handling System for School Violence with NFPS Breakaway & Restraint Techniques (Class 9)
29 January 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

credit points


Certificate in Positive Handling System® with NFPS Breakaway & Restraint Techniques (HK) <Class 216>
29 January 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

credit points


Embracing Change - Wisdom in Rehabilitation Service 45th Anniversary Symposium of Fu Hong Society
26 August 2022

Fu Hong Society

credit points


HKSCCM Annual Scientific Meeting 2021
12 December 2021


credit points


Basic Certificate Course in Family Therapy (Spring 2022)
11 February to 23 April 2022


credit points


「沉默的哀傷」 - 如何支援自殺者家屬走過哀傷
21 January 2022

Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU

credit points


Intermediate Course in Family Therapy (Spring 2022)
8 February to 23 April 2022


credit points


Enhancement Modular Oncology Course (II) for Nurses & Allied Health Palliative Care in Action
10, 17, 24 March 2022

The Hong Kong Anti-Cancer Society (HKACS)

credit points


A Two Days Training Workshop on Integrative Approach to Couple Work
8, 15 October 2021

Caritas Family Service, Human Empowerment & Achievement Training

credit points


"Resistant & Breakaway Instructor Refresher and Accreditation Course" by NFPS-UK (Class 18)
17 December 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Pastel Nagomi Art® Associate Instructor Certificate Course (Class 4)
17, 18 and 19 December 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Pastel Nagomi Art® Instructor Certification Course (Class 4)
26 December 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Using Expressive Arts Programme in Social Services for Caring Professionals (Class 11)
29 and 30 December 2021

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Associate Certified Coach Certification (Level 1)
Foundation Coaching for Caring Professional (Class 22)
8, 15 and 22 March 2022                                                                                                                   

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate in Understanding Sex Therapy for Caring Professionals (Class 4)
9 and 16 March 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Foundation Training in Application of Chinese and Western Integrated Therapy for Special Educational Needs (SEN)
10 March 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Introductory Course in Narrative Therapy (Class 5) - Mod.1
17 and 24 March 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Introductory Course in Narrative Therapy (Class 5) - Mod.2
8 April 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Psychology of Trauma and Body-mind Healing (Class 4)
18 and 25 March 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Supervisory Skills in Social Service Settings (Class 9)
23 March 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Workshop on Online Interactive Teaching and Group Work (Online Course) (Class 3)
24 March 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Emotion Management and Gamification of EQ Application
30 March 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Pastel Nagomi Art® Associate Instructor Certificate Course (Class 5)
4, 5 and 6 February 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Pastel Nagomi Art® Instructor Certification Course (Class 5)
20 February 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Foundation Esports and Basic Application for Youth Group
11 February 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Dream Builder Facilitator Certificate Course
12 and 13 February 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Dream Builder Workshop
12 February 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Crisis Intervention and Mediation Technique (Class 5)
15 February 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Foundation Certificate in Projective Drawing Analyst for Counselling (Class 12)
19 and 26 February 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certified Projective Drawing Analyst for Counselling Course (Class 12)
19 and 26 March 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Disc Flow Certified Trainer Certification
2 April 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course in Detecting Child Abuse and Protecting Child from Maltreatment (Class 2)
6 April 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

1.5 CPD credit points


Workshop on Managing Difficult Personalities / Customers (Class 53)
7 April 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Foundation Certificate in Enneagram for Counselling (Class 14)
9 and 16 April 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Enneagram for Counselling (Foundation & Advanced)

9 and 16 April 2022

13 and 14 August 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Mindlikewater - Mindfulness Based Time Management System (MBTM) (Class 4)
12 April 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Therapeutic Technique of Gestalt Therapy (Class 2)
13 and 20 April 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Adaptive Leadership Skills in Social Services Settings
21 April 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of "Licensed Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic ProgrammingTM" for Caring Professionals (Class 29)
23 April to 10 July 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Workshop on Brain Gym | Acupressure | Tuina | Diet for people with Special Educational Needs (SEN) (Module 1)
26 April 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

2 CPD credit points


Workshop on Brain Gym | Acupressure | Tuina | Diet for people with Special Educational Needs (SEN) (Module 2)
26 April 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

2 CPD credit points


Certificate in Solution-focused Therapy for Social Services (Class 9)
27 April 2022 and 4 May 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Sensory Integration Training for Caring Professionals (Class 23)
29 April 2022 and 1 May 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Sensory Integration Training for Caring Professionals (Class 24)
29 April 2022 and 2 May 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Using Body Language Effectively for Caring Professionals (Class 5)
30 April 202

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Bereavement Counselling for Children & Relatives of Sudden Death Cases (Class 2)
3 May 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Using Dance & Movement Therapy for Caring Professionals (Class 3)
5 and 6 May 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Using Dance & Movement Therapy for Caring Professionals (Class 3)
30 and 31 May 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Work Injury Management (Class 8)
11 May 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certified Training in Six Bricks (Level 1 & 2)
12 May 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Foundation Certificate in Shadow Psychology & Self-Healing (Class 5)
15 and 20 May 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Workshop on Application of Using Drama Therapy for Caring Professionals (Class 7)
18 and 25 May 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Design Thinking for Social Innovation (3-day) (Class 3)
19, 26 May 2022 and 2 June 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate in Financial Wellness PractitionerTM for Social Work (Class 2)
21 and 22 May 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Financial Wellness PractitionerTM for Social Work (Class 2)
28 May 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


量子共振 (又稱量子觸療) 初階國際證書課程
23 and 30 March 2022

Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU

6 CPD credit points


「生死之道 - 生死教育的策劃與執行」
20 May 2022

Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU

3 CPD credit points


17 June 2022

Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU

3 CPD credit points


「我會好好長大」- 如何支援喪親兒童走過哀傷
25 February 2022

Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU

3 CPD credit points


Professional Talk: Practical approach to managing non-motor complications of Parkinson's Disease for the non-neurologists
19 March 2022

Hong Kong Parkinson's Disease Foundation

1 CPD credit point


Three-Half-Day Advanced Workshop on Motivational Interviewing
22, 29 April 2022 and 6 May 2022

Emotional Health & Counselling Service

6 CPD credit points


Three-Half-Day Virtual Workshop for Clinicians on Emotion Focused Skills Training for Parents
14, 21 and 28 May 2022

Emotional Health & Counselling Service

6 CPD credit points


2022 Academic Meeting: Covid-19 Vaccination: Why need to get it soon? In the setting for neuromuscular, neurological, neurodevelopmental diseases
3 March 2022

The Hong Kong Society of Neuromuscular Diseases

1 CPD credit point


Advances in Geriatric Medicine in the Era of COVID-19
18 June 2022

Hong Kong Geriatrics Society

3 CPD credit points


20th Anniversary Celebration Symposium Webinar
25 June 2022

Hong Kong Parkinson's Disease Foundation

3 CPD credit points


Quarterly Interhospital Neuromuscular Academic Meeting
22 June 2022

The Hong Kong Society of Neuromuscular Diseases

1 CPD credit point


Quarterly Interhospital Neuromuscular Academic Meeting
30 September 2022

The Hong Kong Society of Neuromuscular Diseases

1 CPD credit point


Pastel Nagomi Art® Associate Instructor Certification Course (Class 6)
3 to 5 June 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Pastel Nagomi Art® Associate Instructor Certification Course (Class 6)
18 June 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Workshop on Practical Skills in Nonviolent Communication (Class 3)
7 June 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Effective Performance Appraisal for Social Services (Class 7)
8 June 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Risk & Crisis Management for Social Service Organizations (Class 2)
9 and 16 June 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Using Games and Debriefing for Caring Professionals (Class 7)
10 June 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Presentation Excellence & Power-point Design  (Class 4)
14 June 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate Course of Effective Skills on Managing Complaint (Class10)
15 June 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Preventing Abuse and Bullying Incidents in NGOs
17 June 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Mastering Problem Solving Skills
21 June 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Mindful Parenting with Practical Techniques (Class 3)
22 June 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Training in Educational Workers for Child in Special Educational Needs (SEN) (Class 6)
Module 1 : 23 and 24 June 2022
Module 2: 25 June 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate in Positive Handling System for School Violence with NFPS Breakaway & Restraint Techniques
25 June 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Positive Handling System® with NFPS Breakaway & Restraint Techniques (HK) (Class 217)
25 June 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Supervisory Skills in Social Service Settings (Class 10)
29 June 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Foundation Applied Behavior Analysis (2-day)
30 June 2022 and
7 July 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points

2022/23 cycle
Broad Professional Relevant
Programme Code Programme Organizer Maximum CPD
Credit Points


Advanced Certificate in Enneagram for Counselling (Class 8)
13 and 14 August 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


量子共振 (又稱量子觸療) 初階國際證書課程
19 and 26 July 2022

Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU

6 CPD credit points


8 July 2022 to 10 September 2022

Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU

9 CPD credit points


8 July 2022 to 26 August 2022

Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU

9 CPD credit points


Professional Certificate Programme in Promoting Well-being in Informal Caregivers of Dementia
7 July 2022 to 17 December 2022

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

9 CPD credit points


Certified Cognitive Stimulation Therapy Hong Kong (CST-HK) Practitioner Course (Summer 2022) (Class 1)
24 and 31 August 2022

Department of Social Work and Social Administration, University of Hong Kong

4 CPD credit points


Certified Cognitive Stimulation Therapy Hong Kong (CST-HK) Practitioner Course (Summer 2022) (Class 2)
24 and 31 August 2022

Department of Social Work and Social Administration, University of Hong Kong

4 CPD credit points


HA Central Commissioned Training programme (CCTP) in 2022/2023: New Technologies in Spinal Surgery
10 February 2023

Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, School of Clinical Medicine, The University of Hong Kong

2 CPD credit points


HA Central Commissioned Training programme (CCTP) in 2022/2023: New Technologies in Spinal Surgery
11 February 2023

Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, School of Clinical Medicine, The University of Hong Kong

4 CPD credit points


HA Central Commissioned Training programme (CCTP) in 2022/2023: New Technologies in Spinal Surgery
12 February 2023

Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, School of Clinical Medicine, The University of Hong Kong

2 CPD credit points


HKU Webinar Series on Orthopaedics Controversies
18 November 2022

Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, School of Clinical Medicine, The University of Hong Kong

1 CPD credit point


HKU Webinar Series on Orthopaedics Controversies
24 November 2022

Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, School of Clinical Medicine, The University of Hong Kong

1 CPD credit point


HKU Webinar Series on Orthopaedics Controversies
1 December 2022

Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, School of Clinical Medicine, The University of Hong Kong

1 CPD credit point


HKU Webinar Series on Orthopaedics Controversies
3 December 2022

Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, School of Clinical Medicine, The University of Hong Kong

1 CPD credit point


HKU Webinar Series on Orthopaedics Controversies
8 December 2022

Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, School of Clinical Medicine, The University of Hong Kong

1 CPD credit point


HKU Webinar Series on Orthopaedics Controversies
15 December 2022

Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, School of Clinical Medicine, The University of Hong Kong

1 CPD credit point


「善別輔導」進階 (十天) 課程
11, 18 and 25 November 2022
9, 16, 23 and 30 December 2022
6, 12 and 20 January 2023

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

9 CPD credit points


「善別輔導」基礎 (四天) 課程
5, 12, 19 and 26 August 2022

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

9 CPD credit points


「一起走過哀傷」 - 如何應用善別輔導小組支援喪親家屬
30 September 2022

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


  二「人」三「囑」進階課程:「意義人生」 - 「人生回顧」和「人生意義」在生死教育的實踐
28 October 2022

Centre on Behavioral Health, The University of Hong Kong

3 CPD credit points


22 and 23 August 2022

Heep Hong Society

6 CPD credit points


4, 6 and 10 January 2023

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

9 CPD credit points


Effective Clinical Supervision
11 and 13 October 2022

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

6 CPD credit points


Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP®) 身心健康行動計劃基礎證書課程
14 and 15 July 2022

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

5.5 CPD credit points


Training Workshop on Risk Management & Preparedness of Social Service
10 November 2022

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation  3 CPD credit points

3 CPD credit points


好書分享系列:尋找苦難中的人生意義 《Man's Search for Meaning》
29 November 2022

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP®) 身心健康行動計劃基礎證書課程
13 and 14 October 2022

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

5.5 CPD credit points


Basic Certificate Course in Family Therapy (Fall 2022)
7, 14, 21 and 28 October 2022
4, 11, 18 and 25 November 2022
15 and 22 October 2022
12 and 26 November 2022
3 and 17 December 2022

Asian Academy of Family Therapy

9 CPD credit points


Intermediate Course in Family Therapy (Fall 2022)
11, 15, 18, 22 and 25 October 2022
1, 8, 12, 15, 22, 26 and 29 November 2022
3, 6, 13, 17 and 20 December 2022
3, 10 and 17 January 2023

Asian Academy of Family Therapy

9 CPD credit points


A One-year Advanced Certificate Course in Family Therapy (2022-2023)
8, 13, 20 and 27 October 2022
3, 10, 17 and 24 November 2022
1, 8, 15, 22 and 29 December 2022
5, 12, 19 and 26 January 2023
2, 9, 16 and 23 February 2023
2, 9, 16, 23 and 30 March 2023
6, 13, 20, 27 and 29 April 2023

Asian Academy of Family Therapy

9 CPD credit points


Family Therapy with Psychiatric Patients (Fall 2022)
15, 18, 22 and 25 October 2022
1, 8, 12, 15, 22, 26 and 29 November 2022
3, 6 and 17 December 2022

Asian Academy of Family Therapy

9 CPD credit points


Annual Scientific Meeting 2022
15 October 2022

Hong Kong Movement Disorder Society

2.5 CPD credit points


Annual Scientific Meeting 2022
11 to 14 November 2022

Hong Kong Neurological Society

9 CPD credit points


Annual Scientific Meeting 2022
15 October 2022

Hong Kong Multiple Sclerosis Society

2 CPD credit points


COVID-19 Disease and Aromatherapy
13 August 2022

Cares' Sential

0.5 CPD credit point


Immunity Enhancement using Essential Oils
6 August 2022

Cares' Sential

0.5 CPD credit point


Aromatherapy for Stroke Patients
3, 10, 17 and 24 September 2022

Cares' Sential

4 CPD credit points


Sleep Science and Aromatherapy for Insomnia
8 October 2022

Cares' Sential

1 CPD credit point


第十屆安老院舍優質照護研討會2022 - 疫情後安老院舍的應對和關懷
8 July 2022

Hong Kong Association of Gerontology

1.5 CPD credit points


The Family Systems Approach to Working with Addiction
6, 13, 20 and 27 September 2022

ISS Family Institute - International Social Service in Hong Kong Branch

6 CPD credit points


Clinical Applications of Bowen Family Systems Theory
5, 12, 19 and 26 July 2022
2 and 9 August 2022

ISS Family Institute - International Social Service in Hong Kong Branch

9 CPD credit points


Couple Counselling - the Family Systems Approach
13, 20 and 27 July 2022
3, 10 and 17 August 2022

ISS Family Institute - International Social Service in Hong Kong Branch

9 CPD credit points


Certificate Course in Cardiology 2022 (C86)
13, 20 and 27 October 2022
3, 10 and 17 November 2022

The Federation of Medical Societies of HK & Hong Kong College of Cardiology

4.5 CPD credit points


Certificate Course on Renal Medicine (C384)
1, 8, 15, 22 and 29 September 2022
6 October 2022

The Federation of Medical Societies of HK & Hong Kong Society of Nephrology

4.5 CPD credit points


Certificate Course on Respiratory Medicine 2022 (C383)
7, 14, 21 and 28 September 2022
5 October 2022

The Federation of Medical Societies of HK & Hong Kong Thoracic Society, and CHEST Delegation Hong Kong & Macau

5 CPD credit points


22nd Regional Osteoporosis Conference (ROC 2022)
18 September 2022

The Osteoporosis Society of Hong Kong (OSHK)

3 CPD credit points


Learning ACT: Use of psychological flexibility in therapy and training for mental wellness
11 and 12 November 2022

Emotional Health & Counselling Service (EHCS), United Christian Nethersole Community Health Service

6 CPD credit points


Three-Half- Day Introductory Workshop on Motivational Interviewing
17 and 24 September 2022,
8 October 2022

Emotional Health & Counselling Service (EHCS), United Christian Nethersole Community Health Service

6 CPD credit points


Evrysdi (Risdiplam) Webinar (HK)
6 September 2022

The Hong Kong Society of Neuromuscular Diseases

1 CPD credit point


Hong Kong Institute of Allergy Annual Scientific Meeting 2022 (HKIA ASM 2022)
25 September 2022

Hong Kong Institute of Allergy

3 CPD credit points


25th HKSPRA Annual Scientific Meeting
8 and 9 October 2022

Hong Kong Society of Paediatric Respirology and Allergy

5 CPD credit points


Quarterly Interhospital Neuromuscular Academic Meeting
30 September 2022

The Hong Kong Society of Neuromuscular Diseases

1 CPD credit point


Hong Kong Association of Rehabilitation Medicine Annual Scientific Meeting 2022 - Art & Science: Prehabilitation
15 October 2022

Hong Kong Association of Rehabilitation Medicine

1.5 CPD credit points


Hong Kong Allergy Alliance Educational Symposium
26 February 2023

Hong Kong Institute of Allergy

3 CPD credit points


Autumn Respiratory Seminar 2022
6 November 2022

Hong Kong Thoracic Society & CHEST Delegation Hong Kong and Macau

3 CPD credit points


Primary Healthcare Blueprint Symposium
15 January 2023

Primary Healthcare Office, Health Bureau

1.5 CPD credit points


Pastel Nagomi Art® Associate Instructor Certification Course (Class 7)
1, 2 and 3 July 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Pastel Nagomi Art® Instructor Certification Course (Class 7)
4 July 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Creativity Thinking for Caring Professionals (Class 6)
5 July 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety - Pain Management (Class 4)
6 July 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Talent Development Training for New Age Supervisors (Class 6) - M1 to M4
7 and 14 July 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Talent Development Training for New Age Supervisors (Class 6) - M5 to M8
21 and 28 July 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Talent Development Training for New Age Supervisors (Class 6) - (Full Course)
7, 14, 21 and 28 July 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate in Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for Caring Professionals (Class 2)
8 and 15 July 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Professional Counseling on Problem, Cause, Solution Interviewing Model  (Class 6)
13 and 20 July 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Foundation Certificate in Enneagram for Counseling (Class 15)
16 and 17 July 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Introductory Course on Motivational Interviewing (Class 7)
19 and 26 July 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Hypnosis Trainer’s Training Certification Course (Class 3)
22 to 25 July 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certified Training in Hypnotherapy (Class 6)
23 and 24 July 2022,
20 and 21 August 2022, 3, 4, 24 and 25 September 2022,
15 October 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Fulfilling Life Workshop (Class 2)
30 July 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Fulfilling Life Facilitator Certificate Programme (Class 2)
30 and 31 July 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Workshop on Strategic Planning for Non-Government Organizations (Class 4)
2 August 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Crisis Intervention and Mediation Technique (Class 6)
3 August 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Using Body Language Effectively for Caring Professionals (Class 5)
6 August 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Inner Child Reconnecting and Healing (Class 6)
9 and 16 August 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Hong Kong Law for Social and Medical Services (Class 7)
10 August 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Complex Trauma and Addiction Treatment
11 and 12 August 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Associate Certified Coach Certification (Level 1)
Foundation Coaching for Caring Professional (Class 23)
17, 24 and 31 August 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate in Using Dance & Movement Therapy for Caring Professionals (Class 4) (2 days)
19 and 20 August 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Understanding Internet Gaming Disorder
23 August 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


“Restraint & Breakaway Instructor Refresher and Accreditation Course” by NFPS-UK (Class 19)
25 August 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Workshop on Application of Using SoulCollage® for Caring Professionals
26 and 27 August 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Foundation Esports and Basic Application for Youth Group (Class 2)
30 August 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Practical Skills of Community Outreaching & Psychiatric Emergency (Class 7)
13 September 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Certificate in Sensory Integration Training for Caring Professionals (Class 25)
28 September 2022,
1 October 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Sensory Integration Training for Caring Professionals (Class 27)
28 September 2022,
2 October 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Understanding Sex Therapy for Caring Professionals (Class 5)
7 and 14 October 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Effective Crisis Intervention and Working with Suicide Crises for Caring Professionals (Class 2)
15 November 2022

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Introductory Course on Motivational Interviewing (Class 8)
11 and 18 January 2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Advanced Course on Motivational Interviewing (Class 4)
22 February 2023,
1 March 2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Certificate in Positive Behavior Support for Children with Emotional & Behavioural Problems (Class 1)
7 February 2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

3 CPD credit points


Associate Certified Coach Certification (Level 1)
Foundation Coaching for Caring Professionals (Class 24)
8, 15 and 22 March 2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

9 CPD credit points


Certificate in Sensory Integration Training for Caring Professionals (Class 30)
28 April 2023,
1 May 2023

Hong Kong Society of Professional Training

6 CPD credit points


Professional Certificate Programme in Promoting Well-being in Informal Caregivers of Dementia
3 January to 24 June 2023

Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

9 CPD credit points


Paediatric Neurology Association of Hong Kong Annual Scientific Meeting 2022
3 December 2022

Paediatric Neurology Association of Hong Kong, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

1.5 CPD credit points


Professional Certificate in Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy Teacher Training
2 to 9 April 2023,
21 to 25 October 2023, 28 April to 4 May 2024

The Chinese University of Hong Kong and The University of Oxford Mindfulness Foundation

9 CPD credit points


賽馬會安寧頌 - 「安寧在院舍計劃」
專業研討會 - 照顧晚期認知障礙症患者吞咽困難的新趨勢
16 December 2022


1 CPD credit point


Certificate Course on End of Life Care in Long Term Care 2022
16 December 2022 to 17 February 2023

Hong Kong Association of Gerontology

9 CPD credit points


Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) Skills Training
Present to 12 September 2024

Hong Kong Association of Gerontology

0.5 CPD credit point


Insomnia and Sleep Hygiene Education
Present to 12 September 2024

Hong Kong Association of Gerontology

0.5 CPD credit point


Mindfulness Relaxation Training
Present to 12 September 2024

Hong Kong Association of Gerontology

0.5 CPD credit point


法定最低工資制度殘疾僱員生產能力評估 - 認可評估員培訓 (全日培訓)
March to April 2023


3 CPD credit points


法定最低工資制度殘疾僱員生產能力評估 - 認可評估員培訓 (半日培訓)
March to April 2023


1.5 CPD credit points


法定最低工資制度殘疾僱員生產能力評估 - 認可評估員培訓 (網上培訓課程)
March to April 2023


1.5 CPD credit points0


「沉默的哀傷」- 如何支援自殺者家屬走過哀傷
17 February 2023

Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU

3 CPD credit points


「我會好好長大」- 如何支援喪親兒童走過哀傷
24 March 2023

Centre on Behavioral Health, HKU

3 CPD credit points


Basic Electrodiagnosis for Orthopaedic Patients
28 February 2023

Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, School of Clinical Medicine, The University of Hong Kong

1 CPD credit point


Basic Electrodiagnosis for Orthopaedic Patients
14 March 2023

Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, School of Clinical Medicine, The University of Hong Kong

1 CPD credit point


Basic Electrodiagnosis for Orthopaedic Patients
7 March 2023

Department of Orthopaedics & Traumatology, School of Clinical Medicine, The University of Hong Kong

1 CPD credit point


4, 6 and 10 January 2023

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

9 CPD credit points


Training Workshop on Risk Management & Preparedness of Social Service
10 November 2022

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


好書分享系列:尋找苦難中的人生意義 《Man's Search for Meaning》
29 November 2022

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

3 CPD credit points


Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP® )身心健康行動計劃基礎證書課程
19 and 20 December 2022

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

5 CPD credit points


Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP® )身心健康行動計劃基礎證書課程
9 and 10 March 2023

Jockey Club New Life Institute of Psychiatric Rehabilitation

5 CPD credit points


OSHK A to Z Symposia Series: "L" – Symposium
27 April 2023

The Osteoporosis Society of Hong Kong (OSHK)

1 CPD credit point


Mental Health Symposium
Change and Challenge: From Recovery to Holistic Well-being
15 to 17 March 2023

New Life Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association

8.5 CPD credit points


First Quarterly Scientific Meeting of Hong Kong Stroke Society 2023: Stroke Care - New Horizons
4 March 2023

Hong Kong Stroke Society

1.5 CPD credit points


Hong Kong Allergy Alliance Educational Symposium
26 February 2023

Hong Kong Institute of Allergy

3 CPD credit points


Intermediate Course in Family Therapy (Spring 2023)
28 March to 20 May 2023

Asian Academy of Family Therapy

9 CPD credit points


Three-Half-Day Workshop on Emotion Focused Therapy for Eating Disorders
4, 11 and 18 March 2023

Emotional Health & Counselling Service (sub-organisation of United Christian Nethersole Community Health Service)

6 CPD credit points


12th Asia Pacific Congenital and Structural Heart Intervention Symposium (APCASH 2022) [Hybrid]
3 and 4 December 2022

Hong Kong Society of Congenital & Structural Heart Disease (HKCASH)

6 CPD credit points


Certificate Course on Mental Health 2022 (C388)
22 and 29 November 2022, 6, 13 and 20 December 2022, 3 January 2023

The Federation of Medical Societies of the Hong Kong, The Hong Kong College of Psychiatrists

4.5 CPD credit points


Annual Scientific Meeting in Anaesthesiology
19 and 20 November 2022

The Hong Kong College of Anaesthesiologists & The Society of Anaesthetists of Hong Kong

6 CPD credit points


Basic Certificate Course in Family Therapy (Spring 2023)
3, 10, 11, 17, 24 and 25 February 2023,
3, 10, 11, 17, 24 and 25 March 2023,
1 and 15 April 2023

Asian Academy of Family Therapy

9 CPD credit points


Quarterly Interhospital Neuromuscular Academic Meeting
19 January 2023

The Hong Kong Society of Neuromuscular Diseases

1 CPD credit point

* Note:   Maximum CPD credit points may be claimed for full attendance at the accredited programmes. Further details on credit point allocation are in section 2.2.2 of the "CPD Scheme for Registered Occupational Therapists" 
Documentary evidence as specified in section 2.4.2 of the above manual such as certificates of attendance should be produced upon request.
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