认 可 及 评 审 小 组 的 成 员 名 单
主 席 |
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梁 志 华 先 生 |
成 员 |
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陈 刚 先 生 郑 慧 慈 女 士 方 少 丽 女 士 黎 婉 仪 博 士 罗 兰 芳 博 士 邓 健 聪 先 生 黄 婉 贞 女 士
认 可 及 评 审 小 组 的 职 责 范 围 (只 备 有 英 文 版)
- To draw up the criteria for accrediting the local programme(s) whose graduates will be exempted from sitting the universal registration examination.
- To develop a framework for accrediting the local programme(s) and review the accreditation status, and make recommendation on matters relating to approval and re-accreditation of local programme(s).
- To advise and inform the independent accreditation and review panel in relation to the Board's standards and procedures for accreditation through the Board.
- To make recommendations on any matters related to approval and re-accreditation of local programme(s).